There is no need to look at this at all, and the outcome of the battle is already preordained.

Blue dye can’t lose.

Rather, the state of the curly-haired five old stars caught his attention.

actually covered the armed color domineering all over the hair.

And this is not intentionally attached, but unconsciously.

It can even be said that his own armed color domineering is too powerful, and it is affected.

This armed color domineering makes Lan Dye feel interesting.

Well, he started experimenting again.

Lan Ran actually has a thought, that is, to use the god of death and the spiritual power of the void domineeringly.

Whether it is armed color domineering or seeing and hearing color domineering, even overlord color domineering can be released in the form of spiritual power or spiritual pressure.

After countless experiments, the blue dye actually has some brows.

But the spiritual pressure is domineering, not perfect, and some special data is needed.

And the curly-haired five old stars in front of him are afraid that they can provide a lot of extremely favorable data.

The curly-haired five old stars probably don’t know that they have become experimental products.

“Hey, it’s all like this yet?”

Looking at the flowers in the depths of the Holy Land of Mary Joa, a strange look flashed in Qiye’s eyes.

This Yim seems to be quite tolerable.

Seven nights still can’t feel the breath of Im.

It is also strange to say that the last time I went to Fishman Island for the first time, Seven Nights still felt the breath of Im with Lan Ran.

But this time they all went to the Holy Land of Mary Joya, and they didn’t feel Im’s breath.

This is somewhat unexpected.

Do you have any means of sheltering your breath?

Seven Nights can only guess like this.


“Since you don’t come out, then force it.”

Qiye smiled slightly, and said to Xiao Qidao in front of him.

“Xiao Qi, the opposite side seems to be too quiet, remind and remind the other party!”


Xiao Qi nodded, and his eyes flashed with data for a while.

The next moment…


The gun emplacement under the flying fortress opens in an instant.

One by one, hundreds of meters long, ultra-long barrels were erected.

All aimed at the Holy Land of Mary Joya.

At the same time, between the deepest flowers of the Holy Land of Mary Joana, on that special console…

Im, who was quietly watching the battle situation outside, suddenly changed his face.

“This is … Hades? ”

Feeling an unusual and somewhat familiar aura, Im seemed to understand something.


“No, this is not Hades, is it…”

Looking up at the Flying Fortress in one of the pictures, Im had an understanding.

“The Seven Nights King has mastered the means to create Hades’ weapons?”

However, Yim did not care about this.

It’s just Hades…

As for the place where the cannon was pointed, Yim didn’t care.


With a loud bang, the cannons on the Flying Fortress instantly fired shells and bombarded the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Suddenly, the entire Holy Land of Mary Joa suffered damage.

A large number of buildings were destroyed, and the army of the boundary government suffered heavy damage in an instant.

Even because the place of the boom is closer to the deep core area, there are a large number of Draco here.

Then, quite a few Draco were bombed to death.

It’s live now.

Doflamingo’s live broadcast team did not let go of this scene and broadcast it live.

Suddenly, countless pairs of eyes around the world saw this scene.

A scene where a large number of Draco were killed.

That’s all the world’s aristocracy.

So many dead at once now?

This can…

It’s really heartwarming.

Oh, it’s all like this, and you don’t plan to make a move?

Seven Nights was a little surprised.

He didn’t continue to let Xiao Qi make a move.

Because it was clear that Im didn’t care about Draco, nor did he care about the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

It seems that in the eyes of the other party, these can be abandoned, and it doesn’t matter.

Then even if it is to sink the Holy Land Mary Joa, it will have no effect.

Do not doubt the power of the Flying Fortress.

Sinking the Holy Land of Mary Joa, it is not impossible.

Although this will require a lot of power consumption in the Flying Fortress, Little Seven can really sink the Holy Land of Mary Joya.

However, this holy land of Mary Joa is somewhat a good territory.

After destroying the world government, rebuilding the world’s core city on it is already within the Seven Nights’ Plan.

Not to mention the sinking, that is, there is too much destruction, and the seven nights are a little unhappy.

It’s his stuff.


His eyes flashed, and Seven Nights said softly, “Uchiha Don’t play.” ”

The sound is low, as if it won’t be transmitted for long.

But it was such a figure that resounded throughout the battlefield.


The curly-haired five old stars and the long-bearded five old stars in the distance were a little surprised to hear the voice of the seven nights.

This was the first time I heard the voice of the Seven Nights King since the beginning of the war.


Stop playing?

What a joke, that’s the steel bone after madness.

The strength of the other party is extremely terrifying.

Do you Seven Nights King really think that Steel Bone Sora is a character that Uchiha can solve if he wants to?

But at this moment, the two were suddenly stunned.

Because after Nani Ye just spoke up, Uchiha’s aura suddenly changed sharply.

“Since His Majesty has spoken, then I won’t play anymore.”

As soon as the words fell, Uchiha’s appearance suddenly changed.

Six Channels!

“Six Dao Vientiane Heavenly Introduction!”

The surging gravity instantly attracted the crazy steel bone void.

Dragged directly in front of Uchiha.

And at the moment when the steel bone space approached Uchiha, the Dao Jade behind him turned slightly.

Four Dao-seeking jades flew out and instantly turned into four black spears.





Four shots instantly penetrated the empty body of the steel bone.

With his exaggerated armed color domineering and almost second awakened Devil Fruit ability, he actually did not resist.

In front of the spear transformed by Seeking Dao Jade, his own super defensive ability was as fragile as a piece of paper.

No obstacles!

Moreover, after being penetrated by the spear transformed by the Dao Jade, the wound on the empty body of the steel bone did not show any signs of healing at all.

Even the wound suffered, an exceptionally powerful force, wantonly destruction.


With a loud bang, the steel bone was directly smashed into the place by the impact of the spear, and a huge crater was blasted out.

The steel bone was nailed to the bottom of the hole, and the frantic struggle did not allow him to break free.

It even made the wound struggle worse.

“Hmph, completely lost his mind, unable to recover?”

Uchiha stepped out in one step and came directly to the steel bone void, looking at the steel bone empty still crazy look, he couldn’t help but snort coldly.

Originally, he thought that the madness of the steel bone void was caused by the powerful impact caused by the armed color domineering and the failure of the second awakening of the Devil Fruit.

As a result, his own sanity was temporarily blinded.

But now it seems that the other party has completely lost his mind.

It became a beast-like state.


Third more!

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