Three years!

In three years, Seven Nights completely unified the entire One Piece.

To be honest, this was something that even Seven Nights himself hadn’t thought of.

It actually took such a long time.

This really surprised him.

But in fact, it took three full years to unify the entire One Piece world, which is actually quite short.

After the fall of the world government, although most countries chose to join the Seven Nights Throne for the first time.

But accepting the support of these countries is actually a huge project.

Well, Seven Nights is a complete handshake, and there is no effort at all.

But it was Robin, the secretary, who suffered.

Isn’t that right, secretary?

That’s hehe.

In the current world, I am afraid that Robin’s orders are more effective than the words of the seven nights.

Because many people are just in awe of the king of the seven nights.

But for Robin, it was a real fear.

Quite simply, during this period of refuge, many people are more or less for reasons.

This led to being punished by Robin.

Even died completely directly because of Robin’s orders.

Ulquiorra has now become Robin’s guard.

Because of Seven Nights’ orders, Ulquiorra basically followed Robin all the way.

But anyone who disrespects Robin is slightly or seriously injured.

Yes, it’s still light.

If it is serious, there is only one situation, and that is to be directly erased.

And Robin’s strength is becoming more and more known by others.

After learning from Im’s brain that the cultivation method of the second awakening of the Devil Fruit, Seven Nights naturally informed Robin.

Of course, Nami, Hancock and other women also know.

Moreover, the domineering cultivation method was also taught.

I have to say that Robin’s fit with the flower fruit is extremely high.

After obtaining the orthodox cultivation method of the Devil Fruit, Robin actually awakened directly.

Some special places are that when the system is updated, some people who originally transformed character cards in this One Piece world cannot continue to improve their strength.

Doflamingo, for example, can’t continue to improve his strength.

But in the past three years, Doflamingo’s strength has also improved.

Obviously, this is probably because the system is being updated, or a new capability is about to appear after the update.

If it weren’t for the fact that the system couldn’t level up character cards with wealth value now, Seven Nights planned to raise Robin and the others to full level.

But even if it is not a full level, the strength of Robin and other women is extremely strong.

Most importantly, their identities are incomparably noble.

Because they can enter the highest level of the Seven Nights Palace at will.

The so-called Seven Nights Palace is the form of the Flying Fortress Xiaoqi after it has evolved again.

In fact, according to the original setting of the seven nights, as well as Barrett’s extreme ability, the little seven in the state of the flying fortress is already the limit.

But who called Im to bring an Im to the Seven Nights!

That’s right.

Xiao Qi finally devoured the Im with the help of Seven Nights with the ability of the Combined Fruit.

The Heavenly King has become Xiao Qi’s weapon.

And the new form of Xiao Qi, is no longer a flying fortress, but a huge royal city.

King City of the Seven Nights!

The Seven Nights Palace is the highest level in the core area of the Seven Nights King City.

The residence of the King of the World, the King of the Seven Nights.

And the Seven Nights Palace will not step into the Seven Nights Palace even if it is the commander of the Seven Nights Throne.

There is a huge council hall under the palace, and the original seven-night throne was located in that place.

If there is something important, the Seven Nights King will meet his subordinates in this place.

But the basic situation is that he rarely goes.

On the contrary, Robin went more.

Evolving from the Flying Fortress to the Seven Nights King City, Little Seven’s volume naturally became more magnificent.

The Seventh Night King City is circular in shape, with a diameter of more than 30,000 kilometers.

Because on the moon, the buildings built by those Im people were collected.

Since it is the entire One Piece world, it naturally includes the moon.

Seven Nights has long figured this out.

Therefore, he asked Uchiha to bring a group of people and conquer the moon.

The Im family on the moon has long forgotten their true identity.

For three thousand years, they have already considered themselves lunar people.

And those buildings are actually the main body of the special equipment that existed after the separation of those spaceships of the Im family.

The buildings on the moon are built with these separate spacecraft.

These things can naturally be devoured by Xiao Qi, strengthening her evolution.

As for how to enter the moon, this point is already very easy for Uchiha.

Before that, he couldn’t directly resist the moon.

But at the beginning, Seven Nights used its own pupil power to pull the Im in outer space, which can be regarded as the coordinates indicated to Uchiha.

With the ability of Tenno-Gochu, it was soon enough for Uchiha to reach the moon.

As long as the seven nights are in the One Piece world, Uchiha will not be lost no matter how he casts the Heavenly Emperor.

After arriving on the moon, directly open the Heavenly Imperial Middle School and let the army in it come out…

Then taking the moon is simply a very simple and clear thing.

The forces that included the moon were all subdued.

Seven Nights built a huge empire.

Empire of the Seven Nights!

The only empire in the world.

And Seven Nights didn’t have any worries, and directly released the technology of the Im family.

Let the One Piece world…

Oh, it should be the people of the Seven Nights Empire to study, to study.

Although three years is not a long time.

But there are still some people who have the potential to be scientists and have developed a lot of good things.

Cars or something, don’t say anything.

Even flying machines have been developed.

Although it’s not perfect, it’s amazing.

As for the contacts around the world, they are also concentrated in the Seven Nights King City.

In the outermost area of the Seven Nights King City.

It is an area with a ring width of 3,000 km.

This circle is not small, and there are countless gates to all parts of the world.

This is the ability that Xiao Qi has evolved and improved even with the Devil Fruit he possessed after his evolution.

It is worth mentioning that the space fruit of the long-bearded five old stars has been stripped away.

Blackbeard sobered up a year ago.

Then, the first time to choose to surrender for seven nights.

Because Seven Nights purchased a large number of character blank cards, he also converted Blackbeard’s character cards by the way.

Incredibly, it seems that after this special tribulation, Blackbeard’s dark fruit actually awakened.

This made it very easy for Seven Nights to strip others of their Devil Fruit abilities after possessing Blackbeard’s Dark Fruit.

He immediately peeled off the space fruits of the long-bearded five old stars.

Then, the ability of the spatial fruit was integrated into the Seven Nights Palace of Little Seven.


Fourth more!

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