Robin: No problem.

Another Princess Vivi…

No problem!

I don’t know why, since she took over the Kingdom of Alabastan from her father three years ago and became queen, Vivi’s temperament has changed dramatically.

To put it simply, it’s full of majesty.

Compared to the Seven Nights King, she seems to be the king of the Seven Nights Empire!

That momentum…

Just by looking at the other party, you can have a great deal of suppression.

Even the yellow ape felt a little hairy in his heart.

The yellow ape paddled once, which made Wei Wei a little dissatisfied and reprimanded twice.

Originally, the yellow ape thought that this queen was just a woman next to her crown, although her strength was.

But not very powerful.

And that’s true.

But what he didn’t expect was that Weiwei’s momentum was powerful and amazing.

Once he gets angry, even he can’t bear it in the face of that momentum.

It was as if he was facing the Seven Nights King.

But Seven Nights is strength, the momentum of the strong.

Nature is powerful and terrifying!

And Vivi…

How to say it!

She may be a natural king.

It is no wonder that as soon as she awakened the overlord-colored domineering, she directly reached the white-bearded, red-haired overlord-colored domineering.

In the past three years, her overlord domineering has become more and more powerful.

This kind of royal momentum alone made her one of the fourth commanders, and there was no problem at all.

And she is the commander-in-chief of the Seven Nights Army.

Although Robin is also the fourth commander of the Seven Nights Throne, she is not the commander of the Seven Nights Army.

She is the steward of the throne of the Seven Nights.

The butler seems to have a position with little rights.

But Robin, the butler, can easily mobilize even the royal city janissaries.

The rights are great.

However, to be honest, whether it is Robin or Vivi, as well as the skills of Karp and others, it is not very helpful to Seven Nights.

Karp is very domineering with Barrett’s armed color, and the overlord-colored domineering that Vivi has definitely belongs to the level of their armed color domineering.

Even higher.

In fact, if Seven Nights chooses Weiwei’s armed color domineering, with Karp’s overlord color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering…

With the method of overlord cultivation, he can completely fuse the three-color domineering qi in a short time.

Helplessly, the three-color domineering is three skills.

Yes, yes, if you choose to be domineering.

The tricolor domineering each occupies a skill of the world card.

If it is domineering after fusion, it only occupies one skill.

But the problem is that in the current One Piece world, no one has cultivated the three-color domineering to the realm of fusion.


Ahem, sorry, Im ascended to heaven three years ago.

Im is a hegemon, and he is also an alien, and his body structure has long evolved under the influence of science to the most perfect state that his family can achieve.

In addition to the domineering strengthening, Im’s body is better than Kaido’s.

How could such body material make Indigo miss it.

Then after some tossing, Im not only did not collapse, but broke free from the infinite moon reading.

Then, he found an opportunity to commit suicide.

It is really sad that a generation of strong people ended up committing suicide in the end.

But in fact, this is the easiest choice for Im.

For he could not surrender, much less surrender to the Seven Nights.

He’s not Blackbeard!

Blackbeard faced the absolute strong, and he finally gave in.

Otherwise, he would not have existed in the first place, and if he hadn’t found the Dark Fruit, he would have been staying in the Whitebeard Pirates’ idea.

He had not given in to the seven nights before, and that was when he always thought that he still had a chance.

Even during the period of nervous breakdown, he did not give up.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to come back from his state of nervous breakdown.

But after waking up, Blackbeard faced the strength of Seven Nights, and he could only despair.

Double-fruit ability?

Have a Dark Fruit and a powerful Shock Fruit?

But this is all fart?

It is completely impossible to be the opponent of the Seven Nights King.

Even Ulquiorra, he probably couldn’t beat it.

Not to mention that there are also blue dye, Uchiha spot, and Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, these are even more terrifying existences.

It is also a good choice to give up, choose to surrender, and become a general of the Seven Nights Army.

But Yim is different.

His despair was even more utter.

Even with his character, as well as the mission of the Im clan, and other circumstances, it is impossible to allow him to submit.

It is worth mentioning that the Draco of the previous Holy Land Mary Joa were not all Draco.

Or rather, these are just on the surface, and some of the waste characters in the Im family.

There is also a part of Draco, which is hidden by Im.

But in the end, when the Seven Nights unified the world, these Draco were also found.

Because the breath of the bloodline of the Im clan on their bodies was simply too obvious to Xiao Qi, who had evolved into the Seven Nights King City.

Moreover, Xiao Qi, who devoured the Im, also has the ability to search for the bloodline of the Im clan.

This is the search ability created by the Im clan to collect the people left by their own clan in the outside world, and those who were scattered due to the war.

Even the people who developed this ability to search for clansmen probably did not expect that it was this ability that made the Im clan completely extinct.

That part of the Draco can be said to be the real Im clan.

They know their own origins and what kind of existence the Im family is.

Because of this, this led to the fact that they did not give in to the seven nights.

Those who had the idea of giving in and fearing death were concentrated in the Draco.

It has been destroyed by seven nights.

Or rather, it was also disposed of by Im himself.

Then, the Draco who remained were the ones who would not betray the Im clan.

Naturally, there is no need to stay.

They all chose death.

These people of the Im family have such a choice.

Not to mention their leader, Im.

As soon as he found an opportunity, Im committed suicide.

If you are devastated by the indigo dyeing test, you will no longer have the idea of living.

Because he knew very well in his heart that it was impossible to escape.

Then if you stay, you will only be reduced to experimental material.

There is no way out at all.

For Im, this is completely abyss-level despair.

So, in the end he committed suicide.

Whether he committed suicide or not, for Seven Nights, it didn’t matter at all.

Even hearing the news of Im’s suicide, Seven Nights just snorted.

But now Seven Nights is extremely tangled.

Knowing such words, what he said would also make Lan Ran pay attention a little, so that Yim would not die.

After unifying the world of One Piece, the world card of One Piece was born.

Therefore, whether Im chooses to become or not, Seven Nights can extract character cards belonging to Im from the world card.

That is, the domineering skill of Im obtained.

Once the character card is extracted, even if the other party dies.

The character card in Qiye’s hand still exists.

Even Seven Nights can create each other with the collected character card.

Achieve rebirth in an alternative sense!

And in the One Piece world, this rebirth is completely no different from the previous people.

The only difference is absolute loyalty to the seven nights.

But the problem is that when Im died, the world card ‘One Piece’ still did not appear.


He doesn’t have Im’s character card now, and the hell is…

Once you have a world card for a certain world, the system mall will not refresh the card of that world character.

This means that even the level 9 system mall cannot refresh Im’s character card.

Not even specifying refresh.

Nonsense, the whole world of world cards is used.

Still need a refresh?

It is worth mentioning that the current system mall no longer needs to be automatically refreshed.

As long as Seven Nights thinks, you can freely assign character cards from any world to refresh them.

And now the refreshed character card needs to be purchased by the system point.

The difference is that the character cards purchased will be LV8 level.

Whether it is an ordinary character card or a special character card after reaching LV8, it is its strongest state.

Therefore, character cards purchased with system points can directly appear in the strongest state.

And the subsequent upgrade, that can use the power of Hongyu.

Seven Nights’ Collapse Jade has been fixed by the system with three skills.

Create, integrate, enhance!

Creation is the creation of characters with system character cards.

For example, the current indigo dye and Ulquiorra and others.

If you want to strengthen it, it is to strengthen the character card from the level of LV8 to LV9.

Reach the realm above the strongest posture in the world where the character card is located.

As for how to reach the full level, reach the ceiling of the character card itself to continue.

Then there needs to be integration.

How to fuse, that is, use the system character card to fuse with the real body of the world they are in.

This is also the fusion ability of Bangyu.

For example, the current state of the yellow ape, the green pheasant, the Karp and others.

It is with the help of the power of Hongyu that they fuse to the full level state, and their strength reaches a state that they cannot achieve no matter how hard they try.

As for how to get system points…

I’m sorry, but after the system said ‘please let the host explore by yourself’, I have been groping for seven nights now…

Still clueless.

In general, even if he has system points now, he can’t buy Im’s character cards.

Then things are a little intoxicating.

Without Yimu’s domineering, then if you want to obtain Yimu’s level of fusion domineering.

But you need to have a three-color domineering.

That’s three skills.

It’s too much to scratch.

In fact, for Seven Nights, the domineering tricolor did not improve him obviously.

Because he possessed extremely powerful spiritual pressure.

The momentum oppression brought about by the power of spiritual pressure does not belong to the overlord color domineering.

It’s even stronger to some extent.

See the domineering?

Nanaya said that he had probing nerves.

The probing nerves of Ulquiorra’s second stage of returning to the blade have already surpassed Im’s ability to perceive with domineering.

Although there is nothing to detect the future.

But in fact, this kind of even probing nerves already has a strong ability to predict and predict.

It can predict the movement of the opponent’s next move, as well as the method, etc.

As for the armed color domineering …

The spiritual pressure is powerful, covering the whole body, and it is also extremely strong.

The most ten-bladed steel sheet, absolutely terrifying.

So far, Ulquiorra, who is in the state of the second stage of the blade, the steel skin on his body has not been broken by anyone.

Not even Karp.

Even if the tricolor domineering energy is integrated into the spiritual pressure, it can increase the spiritual pressure, but it is not much improved.

However, the Yimu-level fusion domineering may be stronger.

But it costs three skills of the world card, which is not very cost-effective.

So, in the end, the seven nights decided.

The five skills of the world card all choose the Devil Fruit ability.

Sparkling fruits, flame fruits, thunder fruits, frozen fruits.

That’s already four.

As for the last devil fruit, Seven Nights hesitated for a long time.

In fact, at the beginning, he wanted to directly choose Kaido’s Divine Dragon Fruit.

Because the Divine Dragon Fruit has several natural devil fruit-like abilities.

But according to the system.

Although the Divine Dragon Fruit is indeed powerful, even Kaido has only reached the realm of awakening.

The more powerful it is, the harder it is to improve.

Since the existence of the Demon Fruit in the One Piece World, although the number of times the Dragon Fruit has appeared is not very much.

But after that long period of accumulation, there are still many times.

And every time the owner is an extremely powerful existence.

Even the current Kaido, among the many masters of the Divine Dragon Fruit, he was a little reluctant to even rank in the top three.

However, even the other owners of the Divine Dragon Fruit who were stronger than Kaido had not developed the Divine Dragon Fruit to the realm of Second Awakening.

This is all because the Divine Dragon Fruit is too difficult to develop.

Of course, if Seven Nights chooses the Divine Dragon Fruit, it is possible to awaken a second time.

But even the Second Awakening Divine Dragon Fruit, whether it is the skills of lightning or dragon breath, it is impossible to compare with the Flame Fruit and the Frozen Fruit alone.

Even the most important point is to exert the power of the Divine Dragon Fruit to the extreme.

Then you must enter the state of the divine dragon.

Seven Nights didn’t feel that there was anything bad about the state of the dragon.

But the problem is, he doesn’t want to turn into a dragon.

Even if it is a divine dragon, I don’t want to.

If you use Shenlong as a mount, it is a good choice.

And most importantly, the system doesn’t mind Seven Nights choosing the Divine Dragon Fruit.

In fact, the ability to let Seven Nights choose the Devil Fruit is still recommended by the system.

To this end, the system also listed a lot of Devil Fruits, let Seven Nights choose from them.

And these demon fruits of the seven nights are also among the demon fruits listed in the system, and they are also the top few in the auction.

[Host, the last devil fruit, this system still recommends that you choose the soul fruit! ] 】

When Seven Nights hesitated, the system suddenly spoke.

“Soul Fruit?”

Qiye was a little surprised, and asked, “Can you tell me why?” ”

[This is related to the development of the next world of the host.] 】

When the system ended the update, it was already told to Seven Nights.

As long as Seven Nights thinks, you can enter the next world.


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4,000 words big chapter!

The next chapter enters a new world!

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