What the?

Tsunade Shitan’s face changed slightly, and his heart was even more shocked.

How would he know these things?

“Second Young Master, what are you talking about? I didn’t understand at all. ”

Tsunade Shitan smiled, he naturally wouldn’t admit it for the first time.


Qiye smiled softly, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

“Don’t admit it? It’s okay, I’ll let you admit it. ”

While speaking, Qiye’s right hand waved, and the seven kills of the slashing knife appeared instantly.

The Seven Nights’ Slashing Knife exists in two forms, the first form is the Seven Kills, and the second is also true nature, which is the posture of the Seven Nights King.

It has been a year since his slashing knife devoured the shallow fight.

Then the seven nights can naturally reach the state of initial solution.

In fact, his slashing knife, if he uses seven kills, is only the incomplete state of the Seven Night King.

The form of the initial solution is also considered to be an incomplete initial solution.

But what level of slashing knife is the Seven Nights’ Chopping Knife?

Not to mention the Seven Nights King in its complete form, even if it is only seven kills, it is definitely the number one powerful slashing knife in the entire corpse soul realm.

The moment he saw Nanaya take out the slashing knife, Tsunayayo Shitan’s face changed drastically, and he also touched his slashing knife for the first time.

Although he was very clear in his heart, the seven nights in front of him did not have any strong strength at all.

But at this moment, he had to guard against it.

But from the time he grew up watching the Seven Nights…


It should be said that from the idea of coming to find Seven Nights in his heart, then his end is already predetermined.

“King’s Landing! Seven kills! ”

In a whisper, the slashing knife in Qiye’s hand instantly released a brilliant brilliance.

The form changed from an ordinary tai sword to an extremely gorgeous sword with a corresponding intersection of red and white.

Not good!

Tsunade Shitan secretly said in his heart, because at this moment, he felt that the slashing knife in Nanaya’s hand brought him extreme danger.

Without hesitation, at this moment, Tsunade Shitan intended to burst out his strongest power.

Even if it would expose the hidden power of Tsunayayo Shitan, it would not matter.

Because if he doesn’t break out again, he will be completely bad.

But at this moment, Tsunade Shitan’s face changed again, and the action of about to draw the slashing knife suddenly stopped.

It wasn’t that he himself paused, but he couldn’t move.

The chill is biting!

The temperature of the entire room dropped suddenly.

Tsunade Shitan exhaled a breath, and he could see his own breath, which was instantly frozen into fine ice slag.

As for himself, at the moment when the seven kills were solved in the seven nights, a cold ice spread to his body and he was completely frozen.

From foot to neck, it’s just a matter of moments.

And as soon as he was frozen, he couldn’t move.

The head was not frozen, it was only deliberately done by Seven Nights.

“You… Would you have such power? ”

Tsunayamo, who was not frozen in his head, looked at Nanaya with a look of horror.

Although he is the last member of the Tsunayayo family, he is actually very powerful.

The most obvious once is that he solves.

This is a captain-level combat power.

But in front of Seven Nights, it was served in an instant.

The beginning of the seven nights, even if it is only the beginning of the seven kills, is extremely powerful.

Unlike the one a year ago, the Seven Nights’ Slashing Knife is not just a fire-based attack.

The seven kills that are solved can use the four abilities of Flash Fruit, Flame Fruit, Thunder Fruit and Frozen Fruit.

What is now frozen in Tsunade is the ability of the frozen fruit.

And just the beginning of the solution, he already has the freezing ability that the green pheasant was at the level of a general.

To put it simply, just to solve the seven kills, Seven Nights simply with his own slashing knife, he has four abilities to reach the level of a general.

Maybe Tsunayaro Shitan had some strength, but he underestimated Seven Nights at the beginning.

Seven Nights suddenly burst out, far beyond his expectations, causing his own strength, which was not released at all, and was directly subdued by Seven Nights.

“Huh, what kind of illusion is it that makes you think I don’t have such power?”

Seven Nights chuckled.

Tsunade Shitan’s face sank, the second young master of the Tsunayadai family’s generation is a waste material figure, which is always known.

But now it seems that everyone has been deceived by him.

Although it was an unprepared sneak attack, such a freezing ability, Tsunade Shitan was very clear in his heart.

I’m afraid that even if I fight head-on with the other party, I am afraid that I will not have the upper hand.

Such strength is too strong.

“It seems that everyone has been deceived by you, Second Young Master Tsunade Yayo Seven Nights!”

Tsunade smiled softly, his tone unusually relaxed.

It doesn’t seem like he was caught.

“However, Second Young Master, do you really think that I just came to you alone?”

A sharp light flashed in Tsunade’s eyes, and his tone became extremely confident.

“Although it was only because of the measures arranged for the prevention of exposure, I didn’t expect Second Young Master to bring me such a big surprise. That’s okay, though. ”

Tsunade Shiki’s eyes turned cold, and he drank low.

“Give me a shot, and kill Tsunayayo Nanashiro on the spot!”


At the moment when Tsunade’s words fell, several figures appeared instantly.

These are the killers hired by Tsunayayo Tokitan at great expense.

It was these people who assassinated the previous generation of the Tsunayayo family.

Originally, he brought these killers, but in order to prevent exposure, Tsunade Shitan caused other masters of the Tsunayayo family.

But now it seems that it is because Seven Nights has used such power.

Although unexpected, Tsunade Shitan was glad that he had foresight.

But the next moment, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.


Thunder flash!

Several rays of thunder suddenly appeared, turning into several lightning swords, instantly penetrating several killers who suddenly appeared.

As soon as it was penetrated through the body, a scorched black wound appeared on the body of those killers, but the dead could not die anymore.

What the?

Seeing this scene, Tsunaya Shitan was completely dumbfounded.

Freezing ability is also counted.

Why is the power of thunder and lightning now here?

And still so tough?

With just one blow, he killed his killers who had spent a lot of money.

With such strength…

Simply incredible.

This is much stronger than the previous generation of Tsunayadai’s masters.

Is this still the tsunade second young master of the Tsunade family?

“What kind of person are you, with such strength, you can’t be Tsunaya Shichiye!”

Tsunade’s gaze sank.

“I am Seven Nights!”

Qiye smiled slightly, but there was still a word in his heart that he hadn’t spoken.

I’m just not Tsunaya Shichiya!

“Impossible, that waste can’t have such strength.”

Tsunaya Shitan did not believe it.

But Nanaya didn’t care so much, and said directly to Tsunayayo Shitan: “Don’t care who I am, now give you a chance, whether you surrender to me or be killed by me here.” ”


Faced with the choice given by Nanaya, Tsunade Shitan’s face changed, and his heart was extremely entangled and unwilling.


Fifth more!

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