It’s just that the first solution actually has that power.

“Black flash state? Triple speed increase? ”

Lan Ran’s eyes flashed, although Yoruichi did not conduct the drill.

But according to his estimates, I am afraid that Yoruichi’s black flash state, even her current limit speed, can directly increase by three times.

Moreover, this kind of slashing knife that is difficult to awaken, the state that is promoted, is absolutely real-time effective.

What do you mean?

That is, no matter what realm Yoruichi’s speed increases to in the future, once he is promoted to the Black Flash state, he can still increase to three times.

Unless Yoruichi can cultivate his speed to the limit of death, this kind of bonus increase definitely still exists.

Because Yoruichi’s slashing knife is a very special slashing knife.

With Yoruichi’s identity, and the talent she possesses, Lan Ran naturally investigates it.

Even when Yoruichi was still in the Zhenyang Spiritual Art Academy, Lan Ran used his identity as a teacher to pair up with Yoruichi several times.

The existence of the Zhenyang Spiritual Academy is to teach students in a practical way by teachers.

This is actually the biggest reason why Lan Ran is the teacher of the Zhenyang Spiritual Art Institute.

Then, Lan Ran also analyzed Yoruichi’s chopping knife.

Direct contact with Yoruichi’s chopping knife has allowed Lan Ran to analyze a lot of information.

The chopping knife actually has a special nature, then the chopping knife has extremely strong power, so when the slashing knife is not awakened, a special energy will appear.

This point is also based on his own mirror flowers, which was researched.

It’s like a boost.

With an extremely powerful slashing knife, the help exists.

I thought that the blue-dyed mirror flowers and moons at the beginning, it took a lot of effort to awaken up.

But after awakening, his mirror flower water moon is the strongest illusion slashing knife.

And on Yoruichi’s slashing knife, he felt that the help seemed to be more powerful.

Once awakened, it is definitely the strongest slashing knife in a series.

Now this has been confirmed.

Yoruichi’s slashing knife black flash, I am afraid that it is the strongest slashing knife in the speed system.

This is another reason why Lan Dye doesn’t care much about Seven Nights.

Because of the contact with the Seven Nights Slashing Knife, he did not feel that special kind of booster energy.

In fact, now indigo dye feels the same.

The slashing knife of the three series of forces seems to be very powerful.

However, because he had more abilities, he could not focus on cultivation, and cultivated the power of the slashing knife to the extreme.

Nor can it reach the extreme.

This is also why the threat of blue dye is definitely Yoichi, which is even greater than that of Qi Ye.

Because no matter how strong the seven nights are, they are also limited.

In Lan Ran’s view, although the three series of slashing knives are powerful, there is an upper limit.

And the upper limit of seven nights is not a threat to him.

But Yoruichi is different.

First of all, according to the information that Lan Dye currently has, Yoruichi’s instantaneous steps have not reached the extreme.

In other words, Yoruichi’s speed still needs to be improved.

Now Yoruichi’s speed is already very

If it is improved again, the speed after entering the black flash state that night. It’s going to be even more amazing.

According to Lan Ran’s prediction, with Yoriichi originally, without relying on the slashing knife, he could reach the realm of being stronger than the average captain.

Yoruichi, who has now begun to unravel the sword, is different.

“Fortunately, the mirror has been laid out, and all these unknowns have become a foregone conclusion.”

Lan Ran’s eyes flashed, and his heart settled down.

Even Yoruichi’s somewhat variable situation surprised him.

But now it’s under his control.

As for whether the night slashing knife will enter the swastika solution.

Lan Ran felt that this was simply impossible.

You must know that his mirror is still in a state of initial solution!

What was shown in front of the captains before was just an illusion presented by the mirror!

Swastika ?

Hehe, that’s a miss.

No, I don’t even need to miss it.

Something that is simply impossible.

Really when Lan Ran didn’t study his mirror flower water moon swastika swastika

He has been studying for hundreds of years.

Even now, he will more or less study and study, and he will mirror the swastika of the moon.

But he didn’t have anything in mind.

Because he has used countless methods, countless means, and countless mental efforts, he has not been able to make his mirror flowers and moons solve.

Even Lan Ran himself believes that his mirror flower water moon is too powerful, and there is no state of swastika in the world.

Think about it, it’s just the state of enlightenment, the illusion produced, but even the strongest god of death like Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku has not seen it.

This is already powerful.


If you think of his special slashing knife, there is no so-called swastika solution.

The first solution is the solution!

Yoruichi’s kind of initial solution state that can increase his speed three times in itself, any state, that is definitely the same as him.

Black flash only has the initial solution, and the initial solution is the swastika solution!

But Lan Ran didn’t know that there was still an anomaly of seven nights in the slashing knife.

Perhaps Lan Ran has seen through the seven killings of the seven nights.

But the seven kills are just the slashing knife on the surface of the seven nights, and his real slashing knife is the king of the seven nights!

One of the abilities of the Seven Nights King is a special ability that has evolved from the mutation of the Soul Fruit.

You can see through the real name of other people’s slashing knives, as well as the ability to solve and understand…

Even liberation language.

Lan Ran felt that Yoruichi could not perform the swastika now, but in fact, Yoruichi would already be able to perform the swastika if he was open now.

The reason why she didn’t really release the swastika was because she hadn’t reached that level of requirements.

None of these indigo dyes are known.

Even the seven nights, which he thought he knew very well, and felt that there was no longer any threat, were actually the biggest variable.

He thought he knew enough about Seven Nights.

But in fact, he didn’t know anything about Seven Nights.

However, Seven Nights knew him well.

If it weren’t for the fact that he wouldn’t have created Collapsed Jade, I’m afraid that Seven Nights would have ended up by himself.

However, for Seven Nights, he now has a headache, but there is one more.

Only then came a young man Shiroya, and now he was shoehorned by Yoruichi.

Girly version of Crushed Bee.

However, it is not the same as the young Kurumi Shiraya.

The girly version of the broken bee treats Seven Nights, but the attitude is unusually respectful.

“Lord Seven Nights, on the order of Miss Yeyi, from today onwards, I will follow you to cultivate, please advise more!”

Hey, Yoruichi is naughty too!

If he remembered correctly, the Broken Bee family was a diehard loyalist of the Four Maple Courtyard family.

Moreover, the heirs of each generation are all cultivated by the side of the next leader.

It is also the practice of faithfulness.

After all, a strong master-servant relationship is the best faithfulness.

You must know that Yoruichi’s father’s most effective assistant now is not the vice captain of the previous second team, but the father of Crush Bee.

So, shouldn’t Yoruichi personally instruct (tiao) guide (jao) crushed bee cultivation?


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