Since the seven nights of the fight against S.H.I.E.L.D., those at the top of the United States have been quite nervous.

They don’t think about tea, don’t drink food, and they can’t wait to sit in the office all the time, thinking of a solution.

But time and time again, they had to succumb to reality.

During this time, they did not think of a solution that would satisfy them.

Under such circumstances, their emotions will become extremely irritable and irritable.

“Hurry up and take Nick. Fury and Phil. Coulson called him from the hospital, after all, there are many people and great power. ”

This high-ranking person from the United States who spoke.

It wasn’t Nick that he was thinking about. Fury and Phil. Coulson’s ingenuity.

It’s the one S.H.I.E.L.D. behind them.

In his opinion, this S.H.I.E.L.D. can not only investigate the affairs of the planet, but also communicate with aliens.

“Are you really going to do that? You know, bringing in alien civilizations to help us may be deeply harmed. ”

Although they have not been in contact with alien civilizations, in their impression, this alien civilization is not an easy force to control.

If they are not careful, they will become slaves of alien civilizations, and by then they may be much worse off than they are now.

“If the appearance is civilized, it may really be exactly what you think, but we have to do it.”

Compared with these, he was still extremely afraid that the Seven Nights Meeting would fall out.

After all, with Seven Nights’ current ability, it is not something that two capable people can deal with.

The guy who is currently capable in their eyes has now become a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh.

“We must catch them all this time.”

When one of the high-ranking American figures had this idea, he began to persuade his companions.

After all, he was about to do this, but he didn’t decide alone.

But his companions refused to agree, because it seemed completely unnecessary to them.

Because, Seven Nights also said just now, as long as Tony is not moved, this matter will be negotiable.

“Can you bear to be trampled under your feet by these seven nights? Are you willing to live that kind of fearful life? Also, do you like to do what others want? ”

His question from the depths of his soul made everyone present frightened.

These words, they didn’t intend to say it, but now, they were suddenly said by this guy.

“I know you don’t want to do it in your hearts, so let’s follow my method, let’s do a big job this time.”

For this advice, the big guys have different opinions.

“Next, it’s time to think, you only have five minutes, after which we will vote.”

In the space of five minutes, he suddenly disappeared from front of the big guy, and no one knew where he went.

“What he said also has some truth, we can’t let others lead by the neck.”

“It is that once an alien civilization is introduced, if it is not handled well, we will become slaves of the alien civilization…”

Even if he doesn’t say the next words, the big guys know what to do.

For a moment, these two views collided in this small room.

“Five minutes have passed, I don’t know how the big guy is thinking, if you agree, please raise your hand, if you disagree, stand aside.”

As soon as the words fell, some people directly raised their hands, while others were hovering.

“Are there only those people? If that’s really the case, then…”

In the short time he paused, someone raised his hand one after another.

Those who raise their hands like this quickly surpass those who do not.

“I have come to announce the final result to you, and according to the results of the vote, you agree with this view.”

After his own views were agreed by the big guys, this person was particularly happy.

“So in that case, we’ll leave this to Nick. Fury and Phil. Coulson went to operate, after all, this thing is the most suitable for them to do. ”

The big guys have agreed to this point of view, so they don’t care who will carry out this mission next.

“We will be relieved that we will leave this matter to you.”

These high-ranking people in the United States passed by him one after another, and after gently patting him on the shoulder, they left one after another.

At the same time, Seven Nights had already returned to his apartment, and lying in bed he really didn’t want to do anything anymore.

But at this moment, Tony suddenly called him and invited him to go to the bar for a drink in the evening.

Originally, Qiye planned to refuse, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly swallowed them back.

Since the Seven Nights of Trouble S.H.I.E.L.D., the attention paid by high-ranking people in the United States to Tony has declined, and the measures taken against him have naturally decreased.

In this environment, Tony can study its Mark Mech IV in a new way.

However, the problem he faces is ultimately a problem of motivation. There is no way to solve such a problem, and this Maxiga IV is just a flower rack.

He invited Qiye out for a drink this time, firstly, to thank him, and secondly, to ask Qiye if there was any solution.

Since Tony came into contact with Seven Nights, he found that Seven Nights was much more powerful than he thought.

Although he only holds the mentality of a blind cat touching a dead rat, he would rather touch it.

“I heard that you are going to invite Seven Nights to drink tonight, or take me with you!”

Pepper suddenly stood up, and after throwing such a sentence, hugged him tightly.

In fact, he wanted to take this opportunity to deepen his understanding of the seven nights.

But then, what he didn’t expect finally happened, and Tony’s vinegar jar turned over.

“What are you doing with a woman’s family, not to mention that I discussed things with Seven Nights this time, and I don’t know how busy it will be!”

When he threw out this sentence, Tony snatched the door out.

Pepper saw him walking forward without looking back, and he understood that his plan to contact Seven Nights this time was so ruined.

“Don’t take me, I don’t know where I go, when you get drunk, I’ll slowly find Seven Nights to chat.”

In this matter, Pepper was a little angry.

After doing these angry words, he went back to his room.

The lab that Tony set up in his home was left empty.

“Shall I go or not this time?”

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