At the same time, the boss of the Zitari civilization was quite angry after seeing what was happening on the front line.

The planets he has fought on are too numerous to count, and he has never suffered such a big loss on a planet.

Previously, he had only sent his commander over to direct this battle.

Now, he won’t do that, he will go and command his subjects himself.

“You all hurry up and get ready, we will go to the planet shown on the screen now, and remember to bring everything you can.”

In order to ensure that this plan was foolproof, he also brought the highest weapons of the Qitari civilization with him.

On the other hand, high-level people in the United States and people in the military of the United States have begun to think about using nuclear weapons to eliminate these alien civilizations.

“This S.H.I.E.L.D. is now controlled by them, or we must destroy this place as well!”

For them, this S.H.I.E.L.D. is a treasure when it is not in use, and it is just a burden when it is not in use.

What’s more, this S.H.I.E.L.D. has become a den of alien civilizations, and it is naturally good to destroy it.

“If everyone is in favor of me doing this, then quickly raise your hand, if not, I will listen to everyone’s opinion.”

Now, the time has come to vote by show of hands, and it is also the most exciting time.

As for the result, there was a one-sided trend, and everyone present basically voted in favor except for a few who abstained.

Obviously, everyone is in favor of using nuclear weapons to destroy the Zetauri civilization.

“Report to my dear master, high-level people in the United States and the military of the United States, have begun to send fighters to us.”

At first, this matter did not get Loki’s attention, because in his opinion, fighter jets can easily deal with it.

So he planned to deal with Phil. Coulson waved his hand and told him to go down and get busy with other things.

But right in Phil. The moment Coulson turned his head, he suddenly said the words nuclear weapons.

Although this thing is not the most powerful on their planet, it is also a terminal weapon.

If you really let those people in the US military drop such a thing in this S.H.I.E.L.D., its base may be destroyed.

“You give me a way to lead those fighters to other places, I know you have a way!”

After saying this, Loki said to Phil. Coulson waved his hand.

And Phil . Coulson at this moment, then directly to Obadia. Stan called.

Now this Obadia . Steiner is Chairman of Stark Industries.

And all the weapons in Stark Industries and the Mark mech in production are also it.

“I hope you can reply to me as soon as possible, and if it can be completed, I think your arms business will continue to flow.”

At the time of receiving this call, this Obadia . Stan was wondering if it really followed Phil. What Coulson said, this is indeed a good opportunity.

But he still had some scruples.

Although this S.H.I.E.L.D. is under the control of the US military, if the US military does not give him an order, he will do so rashly, and he does not know what will happen.

This matter has been delayed indefinitely because of this, which is very important for Phil. That’s not good news for Coulson.

At this moment, Loki began to urge again.

There is no way, he can only give Obadia again. Stan called.

The last words still echoed in his ears, Obadia . Stan refused to say yes at this moment.

In the absence of a possibility, Phil. Coulson could only keep his eyes on the spare ammunition depot.

The weapons placed in this place are only used when forced to.

“You said there are still missiles there, well, you quickly move him out for me, this time I still don’t believe it, these things can’t deal with them for seven nights.”

At the same time as he said these words, he had already gone to Jean Phil. Coulson removed the missiles from the ammunition depot.

Now, everything is ready.

And at this moment, the bosses of the other Rui civilization suddenly contacted him.

“Brother, you hold on a little longer, it won’t be long before I will kill with my army, and by that time, we will dominate this planet.”

This is what Loki has been looking forward to.

“Don’t worry, before you come here, I will definitely solve some people for you.”

After that, he set his eyes on Qiye’s body, to be honest, he couldn’t wait to open his blood basin and swallow Qiye now.

“Leave these guys to us!”

Those sent by the American military entered the field of vision of the seven nights at this time, and after dropping this sentence, they began to take over the affairs here.

For these people sent by the US military, Seven Nights is a little distrustful.

Compared with these guys, the weapons in their hands are not just a generation or two behind.

But Tony was convinced of them, and since they said that, he gave way.

“Leave these guys to me!”

As Qi Ye finished saying this, he put the beautiful Heavenly Hou rod in his hand sideways, and then knocked down those other civilized elements.

Next, Seven Nights used the same trick to knock the remaining Swedish civilization elements to the ground.

These people from the US military were all stunned when they saw the move that Qi Ye had just made.

“You two can’t leave now, you have to go back with us, if you don’t cooperate, wait for you…”

Nanaya didn’t like it when people talked to him in this way.

Therefore, before these guys finished speaking, he clenched Nami’s weather stick in his hand and glared at them viciously.

“You’d better not come close, or you’ll know the consequences.”

Seven Nights had already made it clear, as long as these guys didn’t get close, they would be fine.

But these guys don’t believe in evil, and at this moment they actually crossed the security line drawn by the seven nights.

“You have done so much in this place, it’s time to go back with us and accept the punishment of the law!”

These words spoken by these guys directly made Seven Nights’ hearts cool by half.

They are helping the people of the American military, but they have been busy for a long time, and in the end, they have become the aggressors in the eyes of the American military.

“Please find out if the situation is good, if you can’t figure it out, this weather stick with Nami in my hand will teach you…”

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