After giving birth to this, Nanye looked around him. But he didn’t see this Loki.

And at this moment, a large group of people were rushing towards him, and at first they thought they were the puppets controlled by Loki.

So, without saying a word, he used Luffy’s rubber bracelet and successfully climbed onto the street lamp.

He stood at the top of the lamp and looked down.

“Hero, sign our name quickly, if it is not you this time, we may become…”

As they spoke, tears flowed out of their eye sockets.

Their crying and crying look, if it were normal, he might be very annoying.

But at this moment, he was suddenly moved by the appearance of these ordinary people.

Without saying a word, he jumped directly from this street lamp. At this moment, he had a cordial contact with these ordinary people.

The scepter in Loki’s hand has a range of distance, and once it exceeds the predetermined distance, the magic used will naturally be useless.

It is precisely because of this that the ordinary people who were controlled by him before have become the same at this time.

“One by one, rest assured, I will definitely sign my name on the hands of each of you as you say.”

At this moment, these ordinary people rushed to Qiye, just afraid that Qiye would not sign their names on their arms.

The situation on this side is happy while on the other side the driver is receiving James. Colonel Roddy.

“I came this time to persuade you to join S.H.I.E.L.D., your head is so smart, your ability is so strong…”

“I didn’t know you came to talk to me about these things today, so I didn’t leave you much time if…”

Tony was halfway through this James. Colonel Roddy understood what he was trying to say.

“This is my business card, if you really figure it out, you can call me, this matter will be emphasized to you, become a S.H.I.E.L.D. person…”

Tony at this moment, put James. Colonel Roddy was interrupted.

He is understanding James. Colonel Roddy wanted to say something, but he didn’t want James. Colonel Roddy finished speaking.

Just smash James. Not long after Colonel Roddy left, Pepper suddenly appeared.

“Why didn’t you promise him before? You know that in that case, we will live the stable life we used to have! ”

Pepper didn’t want Tony to get into an argument, he just couldn’t figure out why Tony wouldn’t do that.

“Now, I have a lab to study my Mark IV, if you have anything, just wait until the evening!”

Pepper was also the first time he saw Tony do this to her, and he was angry.

After returning to his room, he took out his mobile phone again, and while rummaging through the address book, his eyes were on Seven Nights again.

“I don’t know if he’s busy right now, I don’t know if he has time now, and I don’t know if he’ll see me?”

Just looking at this name, Pepper had many doubts in her heart.

“Anyway, it doesn’t matter if you make a call and give it a try, it’s a big deal…”

He successfully convinced himself with these words, and then he pressed the dial key.

On the other side, after hearing his mobile phone ringing, Qiye decisively took out his phone.

However, when he saw the familiar name, he was a little overwhelmed.

“What would happen if he really pressed the answer button, and would he have made those unreasonable demands again?”

Just thinking about it, I felt that nothing good would happen next, so Seven, Night directly set the phone to silent mode, and then threw it aside.

Little Pepper didn’t know that Seven Nights turned her phone to silent mode, otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to keep fighting.

This time, he made four or five phone calls back and forth, but there was still no voice from the other end of the phone.

Before he knew what the situation was, he could only angrily throw the phone aside.

Before deciding to make this call, he didn’t think that his idol would reject him.

“It’s all a bunch of men.”

Just as he said this, his mobile phone suddenly rang, and he thought that Seven Nights saw it and called him back.

So, she picked up the mobile phone angrily, and without thinking, she was ready to curse, but a strange voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

“I guess you’re Pepper! I’m the same James who was looking for your boyfriend Tony before. Colonel Roddy…”

Next, James . Colonel Roddy told Pepper about his identity and his purpose this time.

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this, but you still have to follow Tony’s opinion, after all, he is the protagonist of this matter, not me.”

“I naturally know this, but you are his best friend, so I hope you can convince him well to join S.H.I.E.L.D.”

As soon as the voice fell, there was a beep on the other end of the phone, and he understood that James. Colonel Roddy hung up the phone.

After that, he began to think back and forth about this matter.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is a special organization founded by the US military and high-level people in the United States.

James. Colonel Roddy actually wanted to pull Tony into this organization, which means that the US military and high-ranking American people gave up the punishment of Tony.

And this means that they don’t have to worry about living their lives in the future.

When you think about it, it’s so beautiful.

So this little pepper began to build up in his heart the confidence that he must convince Tony to succeed.

However, Tony was busy in the lab right now, and if he went in and said this, he would definitely not be agreed.

“Why don’t I go to the study and list all these benefits, and when Tony comes out of the lab, I’ll show him.”

Pepper eagerly walked into the study, pulled a pen, and wrote down the benefits on paper.

On the other side, Seven Nights was directly lost by Nick. Fury and Phil. The agents sent by Coulson surrounded the group.

Because Seven Nights was reluctant to join S.H.I.E.L.D., they could only take matters into their own hands, forcing Seven Nights to nod and agree.

“We also know, you can’t stop me at all, so let’s go back where you come from, don’t force me to do it, otherwise…”

These guys won’t let Seven Nights finish talking.

They believed that the weapons in their hands would be able to subdue the Seven Nights.

“If you can’t be a friend, then be an enemy!”

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