Soon, the news of Seven Nights reached Tony’s ears.

He didn’t believe the news, so at first, he didn’t take it to heart.

When he saw the video that everyone browsed, he slowly realized that these seven nights may really not be ordinary people.

“If you can pull it under your wing, maybe…”

While he was thinking about these things, his men suddenly came to his side.

Without saying a word, he reported what he was going to do next to his boss.

“Don’t you see that you’re thinking about things, so you can’t wait a little longer because of this!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he began to browse the video just now.

When this subordinate saw this, he suddenly let out a sigh of praise. “I know that these seven nights are not the things of the pool…”

“Weren’t you going to be busy with things just now? How come there is time to talk in front of me now! ”

I believe that it is too much, he was reprimanded by his boss, and then went to go about his own business.

With that guy gone, he was left alone in the place.

After that, he watched the video again several times.

Every time I look at it, I feel a different feeling.

Although he couldn’t say it, his heart felt beautiful.

At this moment, Seven Nights can be regarded as coming to the door of a bar.

Just standing outside the door you can see the scale of the hotel’s decoration.

The golden appearance in front of the gate appeared in front of Seven Nights.

“Do you have a single room here, I’m used to living alone, no…”

Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by the waiter who received him.

“Can you sign a name for me at this place?”

For the fact that his name was known by others, Qiye still did not know.

So the waiter who received him gave him a feeling that something was not quite right.

“Don’t forget, you must remember to be the first to sign for me, after all, I have been in line for so long, I can’t let others cut the queue.”

The guy in front of him repeatedly emphasized these, so Seven Nights had to pay attention to it.

“What’s going on? Day by day, bizarre. ”

Just as he was saying these things, suddenly a large group of people gathered around him.

“Seven nights, just sign a name for us, the name is really handsome.”

Just now, Seven Nights dealt with a guy similar to them.

But now, such good days seem to be coming

The peaceful life of the seven nights was disturbed.

Moreover, these guys are clinging to themselves like candy, so that he doesn’t know what to do next.

“That video you took is so handsome, can you take a picture with me?” My idol. ”

After this sound, a group of young boys with expectant eyes suddenly stopped in front of Seven Nights.

He looked at himself expectantly.

Based on this alone, Seven Nights felt that there was no way to refuse, so they planned to do as they wished.

It was at this time that Seven Nights learned that it turned out that these people regarded themselves as idols because of their previous video.

“If possible, give us a show of your fame, it’s really handsome.”

At this time, these little boys suddenly had these excessive demands.

But for the sake of the other party being a child, Qiye really didn’t want to refuse at this time.

“If you all do what I say, I can show you what I say, if…”

In the eyes of these little boys, this thing is only a success.

So they did as Seven Nights had said. Coming to a place where there are fewer people in comparison, Nanaya began to use his own abilities again.

This time, when his body was about to touch the ground, he simply stretched out his two hands.

This time, his two hands firmly grasped a telephone pole.

“It’s really handsome, if it’s possible, even we want to try it.”

The little boy who took the lead said while he couldn’t help but grab Seven Nights.

“If it is possible again, can you take me to do these movements, you can rest assured, I will hold it firmly.”

Taking this little boy to do these actions together, Qiye’s heart was a little reluctant.

But in the mind, he is just a little boy, and he is full of expectations for himself.

“Hold on to me now, you know, if you don’t hold tightly, you may be thrown out in a moment.”

Seven Nights deliberately made this consequence more serious, so as to make the child in front of him pay more attention.

Before he had finished these movements, he returned to the place just now.

“How do you feel after saying that?”

The boy’s other companions gathered around, and they begged for seven nights to show them anyway.

Originally, Seven Nights just wanted to satisfy their curiosity.

But now it seems that what happened just now is just the beginning.

Under the repeated requests of these children, Seven Nights finally made concessions.

He took these children one by one to feel the set of actions he had just done.

“That’s really cool!”

After feeling this, the little boy gave him a thumbs up.

“Now that you’ve all felt it, it’s time to leave, remember to eat early when you get home.”

Before the little boys could say the next excessive request, Seven Nights directly recognized such a sentence.

Seven Nights’ words made several of the children cry.

They said pitifully, “Lovely big brother, I hope to feel that again next time.” ”

As they said this, they fiddled with the gesture of leaving towards Nanaya.

“Fortunately, I sent these guys away, otherwise I don’t know what to do next.”

Seven Nights is feeling fortunate for what he just did.

Because, what he didn’t expect happened later.

Just now, it came out of the hotel for reasons of necessity.

Therefore, after saying goodbye to those little boys, he naturally walked towards the hotel just now.

At this moment, his whereabouts were suddenly followed by a group of paparazzi.

Because Seven Nights is very hot now, they fortunately sold the specific location of Seven Nights.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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