As he spoke, the Overlord wanted to launch a fierce attack on Seven Nights, but at this moment, Tony suddenly pushed Seven Nights aside.

“This one thing is a grudge between the two of us, and I hope to solve it myself.”

Seven Nights looked at the determined expression on Tony’s face, so he gave in on this matter.

At this moment, he walked to the side, and then carefully watched the two people.

Because he had seen Dr. Banner suffer losses in the past, he became more careful this time.

“You’d better not play on me, fight well, if you really can’t beat it, we can still release you, but don’t blame me if you play tricks.”

For these words spoken by the Seven Nights, Obadia . Stan is just a dismissive look, and for him, this time he will only win and not lose.

On the other side, the American military has sent their ace ground forces.

This time, the big guy knew that he had to deal with Seven Nights, so he put on a thick set of body armor for himself.

On the other side of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick. Fury was walking around there worriedly.

Through the screen of the situation of those ground troops, he can see it clearly, but he also understands that these people only burp when they encounter seven nights.

He repeatedly wanted to report to the American military, let Seven Nights and Obadia . Stan, they themselves hit and then sat on the fisherman’s profit.

But the military people are afraid of Obadia . Stan may not be able to succeed this time, so he sent ground troops to help.

“This matter has nothing to do with us, so why worry about it here?”

Nick. Fury has been comforting himself with a sentence, but in other words, he still can’t convince his heart.

In line with the principle of reducing casualties, at this moment he set off with those agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

And this time, they took Obadia . Stan had previously supplied them with Stark Industries’ latest missiles.

He didn’t believe that Seven Nights and Tony would be so powerful, even when the missile exploded, they could resist it

By the time he finished talking to himself, the agents under him were already ready.

After he gave his order, everyone went in the intended direction.

The seven nights at this moment will go up to heaven and enter the earth for a while.

In order to ensure that no other people interfered with him, he was already doing his best at this time.

“It’s time to end those grudges between the two of us, otherwise they will only accumulate.”

As soon as the words fell, the two people fired miniature missiles at each other.

The missile hits impartially in two ports.

Such a burst of explosions sounded in the ears of the seven nights.

“I really didn’t expect that your set of mecha is also quite tough, and it will be unharmed in front of these bullets of mine.”

Obadiah. When Stan sighed at the power of Tony’s mecha, he also lamented the toughness of his mech.

It was at this time that Tony began to see Obadia in front of him. Stan with Obadia before it. Stan’s comparison, there is indeed a huge improvement.

“Your mecha is also quite powerful, and those missiles of mine didn’t cause any damage to your skills.”

At the moment he said this, the two men slammed their respective heavy punches on each other’s chests.

“Knock knock…”

After one blow, the two of them hit one after another, and the second blow was even more.

The clanging sound of the fist landing on the mecha was like one wonderful note after another, constantly echoing in the ears of the seven nights.

Just now, Obadia . Tanko tried his best, but his attacks didn’t seem to have much effect on Tony.

It was because of this that he began to panic a little, and the power in the scepter had already been extracted by him.

Even if he takes out the scepter, it may not be able to achieve the desired effect.

Just when he was worried about this matter, Tony’s inadvertent movement of walking back suddenly caught his attention.

It is clear that behind this action, Tony is almost dead.

Seeing this, this Obadiah. Stan was as excited and delighted as if he had seen a new continent.

At this moment, without saying a word, he raised his fist and smashed it.

This time, he didn’t give Tony any respite, and while throwing one punch, he continued to smash several punches in succession.

After all this, he stood contented, and when he thought Tony had been defeated by him, he suddenly found him standing up again.

“Your fists are quite powerful, but they don’t seem to do much to me.”

Tony was still standing in front of him alive, and for this matter, he either didn’t attack, and some was resentful.

“How can you still stand in front of me, I was beating your chest with all my strength just now.”

At this moment, Tony began to show why he had just done this.

“I’ve already upgraded my Mark mech, especially the liquid metal added to this part of the chest.”

While saying this, Tony raised his fist, and after such a heavy blow, he successfully smashed into Obadiah. Tan’s chest.

As a result, the metal in his chest began to have a crack, although it looked small, but this depressed his defense was no longer good.

“Don’t forget that my mecha is upgraded, and its power is much greater than you think.”

As soon as the words fell, Dao raised his palm, and at this moment, the energy cannon hidden in it flew towards Tony.

On the other side, it was also found that air units and subordinate troops were constantly approaching their positions this year.

At this moment, he wanted to remind Tony to leave the place, but looked at him with Obadia. Stan was having a good time, and from this, the words that came to his lips came back again.

The energy wave just now had already shot into Tony’s chest at this moment.

Tony was thinking about this piece of his chest, but after special processing, there should not be much problem blocking the power of this bomb when it explodes.

But what no one expected happened next, these bomb explosions were a pretense.

The bomb can contain a special liquid metal, but any metal he touches can melt.

“Now you have become fragile, and it will not be long before your set of mechs will be destroyed.”

Right in Obadia . As Tony said this, Tony felt a hot feeling in his chest. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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