The image only appears for a few seconds, and then it is directly interrupted. And then nothing happened.

In the eyes of others, this thing may already be a treasure, but in his opinion, it is still that ordinary thing.

He didn’t know what step he had developed in the current technology, so he thought that this thing was just a product of modern technology.

He suddenly appeared again on the other side, and although he saw the documents piled up on the table, he still felt very angry in his heart when he didn’t see the Time Cube~.

“Don’t be angry, I tried my best to find these things…”

When Obadia . As Stan said this, Loki suddenly reached out.

Just about to touch Obadia. The moment Stan’s cheeks fell, he suddenly retracted again.

“Don’t you have a lot of employees, let them all find this thing for me, as long as you find this thing, I can fulfill your wish.”

Before, Loki just said that he could help Obadia as much as he could. Stan fulfilled a wish.

Now, it has become to help him fulfill a wish, and the reason for this change may be because it is so precious.

For these subtle changes, Obadia . Stan was happy because he knew it did.

“Don’t worry, as long as I find this thing, I will notify you as soon as possible, you can rest assured!”

Loki showed a helpless side in this matter, and he now believes in Obadiah. There was no choice but for Stan.

In this place he left a sad look, and then slowly left.

The busyness of the day has begun to be slowly replaced by the silence of the night, and everything is moving forward in an orderly manner.

It was not until noon the next day that Seven Nights slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, he felt dizzy and he put his hands on his head.

Just as he was doing these movements, Tony suddenly walked in.

The first time he saw Tony, he subconsciously touched his pocket.

When he really found that the Time Cube was lost, he kept fumbling his pockets, hoping that he was hallucinating.

“Why are you acting so anxious? What the hell is going on? Isn’t it something missing? ”

Tony didn’t know that the Time Cube had been lost, and the reason why he just said that was just to make a joke.

“Shouldn’t it be really a loss, looking at the look on your face, it seems that the lost thing is quite precious.”

At the moment when Tony finished saying this, Seven Nights suddenly said the three words Time Cube.

“What you said won’t be true, how did you lose something, that thing is not mine yet…”

Halfway through Tony, he went out to talk to the old bar, who he hoped the owner would help him.

But at this moment, the owner of this bar also showed a helpless side.

“We really didn’t notice something, and if we did, we would definitely tell you.”

The owner of the bar had repeated this, but Tony still didn’t believe it. After all, Tony had only been in this place yesterday.

For this incident, Qiye had too much self-blame, originally there was nothing to do without drinking, but because of drinking, such a thing happened.

“If you know it earlier, you won’t drink, and the next time you encounter something like this, you won’t be able to drink anymore anyway.”

As he said that, he got dressed and prepared to look for it along the way to the bar.

Letting him walk out the door, Tony suddenly stood in front of him, and just after meeting him, he came up with the idea of looking for this thing.

The two people hit it off on this matter, so they each drove a super car and walked along this only road.

On the way there, they drove very slowly and stopped whenever they saw something noteworthy.

Despite this, they did not find the lost Time Cube.

I finally came to the enthusiastic bar, but I didn’t expect that people went directly to the West.

“Quickly call the owner of the bar, ask him to open the door anyway, we must see if there is anything we want.”

Seven Nights was urging Tony, and Tony took out the phone impatiently after hearing these urgings.

Ask for flowers…

“What the hell did the owner of this bar say?” Is he still coming? Let him be a little faster, we are really in a hurry. ”

Seven Nights urged Tony, and on the other side, he impatiently searched around the bar, but found nothing.

Obviously, this thing is definitely not around here.

Directly opposite this bar, Obadia. Stan’s men also began to notice Seven Nights and Tony’s actions.

Soon, they told their boss what they had seen.

Hear this, Obadia . Stan thought it was strange, but he didn’t intend to let his men follow them.

Because in his opinion, this time cube will not be in the hands of the two of them.


“If those people really can’t find it, come back quickly.”

While saying this sentence, this Obadia . Stan hung up the phone.

He was about to arrange for his men to do other things, and he suddenly began to wonder why Seven Nights and Tony were in this place.

While curious, he planned to send his subordinates over to see what the two were doing.

So, the guys standing directly opposite them in the Seven Nights became the ones who monitored their every move.

When the owner of the bar arrived here, they could finally enter the inside of the bar and have a good look.

This final result was similar to what they imagined, and they did not find the time cube at all.

“Where the hell is this thing going to go?” How can you find it and find it? ”

He didn’t know anything about it, so Seven Nights and Tony set their sights on the owner of the bar in unison.

“Call all those employees of yours, I will ask carefully, if they find out, I will definitely be rewarded.”

In the beginning, the owner of this bar did not take what Seven Nights said to heart.

“We still have to open the door to do business, you will make us spend a lot more…”

Before he finished speaking, Qiye directly felt out a wad of bills from his pocket and slapped it on the sergeant. _

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