The moment Loki finished saying this, he pressed the switch on the top of the box.

The moment he pressed the switch, S.H.I.E.L.D. received the news.

As a result, the picture in front of the big screen automatically switched over.

Seeing that Seven Nights was standing there, and from time to time he wanted to keep that box for himself, Nick. Fury and General Ross were particularly angry.

At this moment, General Ross made a decision, that is, let the members of the Avengers solve the Seven Nights.

Although the Avengers now have only one Hulk, in General Ross’s opinion, he alone may be enough.

“Are you really sure you want to do this? Are you really going to call out the others? ”

Nick. Fury’s meaning is clear, that is, to pull Tony over, after all, two people against one person, the probability of victory will be greater.

In this matter, General Ross showed a lost side, he had talked to Tony before, but it was unsuccessful.

“Or I’d better try it, if Tony can help, then it’s naturally good, if you don’t want to help, we don’t have much to lose.”

For Nick. Fury’s arrangement, General Ross nodded a little helplessly.

“But you have to let Dr. Banner hurry up, if not, this thing will definitely be taken by Seven Nights, and then we won’t be able to snatch it back if we want to.”

While saying this, Nick. Fury’s phone call went straight to Dr. Banner.

After hearing what had happened, Dr. Banner showed a particularly angry side.

So, under the condition of uncontrolled emotions, he directly transformed into the Hulk.

Just as Seven Nights was about to take the box, the Hulk suddenly appeared in front of him.

For his sudden appearance, Seven Nights felt a special shock at this time.

“Hurry up and put this box down, otherwise you will be trampled into powder by me like this pile of Tony.”

If he heard such words on weekdays, Nanaya might show a particularly angry side.

And it is very likely that he will kill the other party, but at this moment, Qiye is constantly hesitating there.

“Talking to you, do you hear me?” Hurry up and put this box in your hand for me…”

Before he finished speaking, the box was directly taken by Loki.

Looking at Loki’s triumphant look, I wanted to ask that at this moment there was a desire to tear him apart.

But before he could walk over, the Hulk directly blocked his way.

He naturally has the ability, casually punching down, a tall building can be razed to the ground in an instant.

“Why don’t you do it? Are you looking down on me? Always hiding here! ”

After hearing the Hulk say such words, Seven Nights felt that his heart was half cold, but at this moment, he still didn’t say anything, and he kept hiding there.

After seeing this, the general felt that this was a great opportunity for the Hulk to attack, and he also felt that it was a great opportunity for them to deal with the Seven Nights.

Therefore, under his order, the aviation and ground forces were prepared.

In a very short time, they set off for the area where the seven nights were.

Then, a succession of shells and missiles flew in all directions of the seven nights.

Looking at the appearance of the artillery fire, and then just smiling coldly at this time, such a picture seems familiar.

The moment he sneered, the Hulk’s fist smashed towards his cheek.

But at the end, his dodging move directly made Hulk’s fist successfully pounce.

Just as he was about to continue dodging, another succession of artillery flew towards him.

Facing such a picture, the seven nights that had been tolerating just now really couldn’t bear it.

He gave the set of well-known water cups, and then the missiles were directly split in two.

Such a picture is familiar to the Hulk.

To be honest, he also felt that Seven Nights was very powerful, but nevertheless, he had to defeat Seven Nights, because this was his last chance to turn over.

However, under his repeated attacks, the fact that he could stand there unharmed made him feel very strange.

“Seven Nights is really elusive, whether he is very powerful, is it just that his defensive skills are powerful!”

Just as he sighed at this, Qiye gently jumped up, and then left the place with the help of the buildings next to him.

Although the helicopter kept chasing behind Seven Nights, it still did not catch up at the end.

After coming to the ground, Qiye’s mood was terrible, he really did not expect that his former good friend would become his current enemy. And at this moment, he just happened to meet Tony.

According to Jarvis’s calculations, Tony already knew that the Seven Nights would fall in this place, so he prepared early.

“Hurry up and get in the car, there are a lot of these people, although this thing you carry is not very useful, but it can block their radar, they naturally can’t find you.” say

After that, Tony drove with Seven Nights to his apartment on the top of the hill.

Once again, seeing the idol in his heart, Pepper was particularly happy at this time, but his joy was in stark contrast to the distress on Qiye’s face.

“What are you still doing standing here? Don’t hurry up to make a cup of tea for my friend. ”

After Tony gives Pepper a blank look, you show the results of your latest research to Seven Nights.

“This is a new type of element that I have created, because I have just created it, and I have not yet conducted relevant experiments, so I don’t know if it is useful.”

On weekdays, he doesn’t show his research results to others.

Because in his opinion, his IQ is naturally invincible in the world.

But in front of Seven Nights, he did not dare to say so, because he understood the power of Seven Nights.

Seven nights have been stuck in the matter just now, did not come out, naturally did not have such a mood, to see Tony this kind of information seriously.

“Let me rest for a while, when I have rested enough, I will naturally help you see this thing, you don’t need to worry about this.”

As soon as the words fell, Qiye began to do a series of relaxation movements, and he wanted to get out of the incident just now as soon as possible.

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