[“Oooh, the mysterious helper carried by the Xiangling player seems to have gone to help the opponent!”] Jury, is this justified? “]

[Guoba ran to the opposite side, causing everyone to exclaim.] ]

[Ning Guang spread his hands and said: “I don’t object, besides, the so-called helper didn’t make a move.] “]

[The other two also said it was nothing.] ]

[Keqing said that in addition to helping to light the fire, this helper is just dancing on the side to cheer people up, and after helping Xiangling cheer up and helping Yanxiao cheer up, he is a fair helper.] ]

[Xiangling himself also said that Guoba just likes to watch people cook, which is to help Yanxiao eliminate tension.] ]

[Xiangling assured everyone that Guoba would not interfere with the game, and also said that if Yanxiao could not perform at a normal level, this would be a big loss for this competition.] ]

[After receiving the opinions of the three judges, and the fact that the contestants did not object to their helpers helping their opponents, Yan Qiao agreed, after all, it was not against the rules and the contestants themselves did not care.] ]

[Xiangling ran to Yanxiao’s side and said a burst of encouraging words to Yanxiao, which calmed Yanxiao’s heart, eliminated the other party’s nervousness, and the game was finally able to proceed normally.] ]

[Yan Xiao, who was still hesitating, was said by Xiangling: “I’m done.”] “It’s stimulating. ]

[Energetic on the spot!] ]

[Came out with 120% momentum, smiled with gratitude to Xiangling and Guoba, and made the dish three times five divided by two.] ]

[The dishes made by Xiangling are: chicken with tender pepper, three silks of buttons, and crystal shrimp.] ]

[The dishes made by Yanxiao are: Buddha jumping off the wall, cold mint, and golden shrimp balls.] ]

[The two introduced their dishes around the themes of this time “Food and Mountains and Rivers” and “Land and Water Rituals”, which made Paimon and the audience hungry…”]

[Paimon: “Wow, I can smell the fragrance from this distance, I’m going crazy…”]

[Next, the judges taste, comment and vote.] ]

[Keqing: “Very powerful, the dishes on both sides are very painstaking, ingenious and delicious, I want to eat a golden shrimp … No! Savor the craftsmanship of both sides. “]

Looking at the glowing Kerqing in his eyes, everyone understood that Xiangling was going to have one less vote~

It’s not that our side is not strong, but the other side makes a special attack.

Ji Qing on the Jade Pavilion was squatting on the ground holding his head, his face flushed…

[“Damn, why didn’t you draw us!”] Why didn’t they ask me to be a judge? “]

[Seeing that he was a lucky man, Paimon stomped his foot in a huff: “I am very persistent and proficient in eating, and missing me is their loss!”] Whew…”]

[Ying licked the saliva from the corner of her mouth: “Calm down, Paimon… I’ll make it for you to eat when I get back. “]

[“Hey, hey… Although there are so many chefs in the world who cook so many delicious dishes, the best person for me is really only you! “]

[Looking at the shy Paimon, did this guy misunderstand something?] Damn, the judges didn’t even invite me, I went back and did it myself! ]

[After carefully tasting the dishes, the judges on and off the court voted for each of them.] ]

[Ning Guang: “I announce that the winner of this year’s Chef King Competition is Xiangling!”] “]

[In this Chef King Competition, Xiangling narrowly won by one vote.] ]

[The Monthly Chef King Competition ended successfully! ] ]

[The traveler walked forward and talked with Xiangling Yanxiao, witnessing the business of the two boasting about each other.] ]

[By the way, I received a guarantee that Xiangling would go back to cook a meal, and the two were happy again.] ]

[Xiangling went to receive the award, and Ying finally remembered that there was still a god statue, and followed the road Keqing left to look for it.] ]

[Finding the distressed Keqing on the edge of Yukyodai, it turns out that Keqing is upset that she voted for Yanxiao and feels sorry for her friend.] ]

[Hmm… The distressed Yuheng Xing, Keqing contributed a wave of cute values to Liyue~]

[Keqingqing, rush~]

[After some conversation, the lovely Keqing was “forgiven” by Xiangling, in fact, it is nothing…]

[Several people ran to the statue of Vesta.] ]

[The intact boulder is placed in the middle of the altar…]

[Paimon: “Didn’t that game revive the Vesta…”]

[Keqing sighed: “… It seems that there is still no fate? “]

[“There is still time, don’t worry.”) Ying comforted the lost Keqing. ]

[Paimon: “Yes, it’s been a long time anyway, and it’s not bad for a while, right? “]

[“Hmm! There is still time, wait a minute, we will all accompany you. “]

[Xiangling seemed to have thought of something again, and continued: “Speaking of which, Keqing, I have good news for you, the recipe you told me about before has eyebrows!”] “]

[Originally, after Cong Keqing gave the recipe for the missing part to Xiangling, Grandma Ping came to her while researching and completed the words on the recipe, and now Xiangling has learned this dish.] ]

[At the still playing venue, Xiangling and Ying each made the food on the recipe.] ]

[Paimon: “We’re back.”] “]

[With steaming food, they returned to the altar to find Keqing.] ]

[“Hehe, my share with the traveler is complete, come, taste it while it’s hot.”) ]

[Keqing took the food handed over by both sides: “Then I’m welcome.] “]

[This is…]

[This taste is not a masterpiece, but it reminds Keqing of the time he spent with his grandfather.] ]

[His own grandfather once tried to make this dish, and Keqing has been tasting his grandfather’s trial work since he was a child.] ]

[Xiangling also said that when she saw the recipe that was completed by Grandma Ping, she also found that her father had served her this dish when she was a child.] ]

[This wowotou is a very old dish, and Keqing’s grandfather found it from an ancient book.] ]

[Wanmintang is also passed down from generation to generation, and has been passed down in the Xiangling family for a long time.] ]

[Its name is Spicy Meat Wotou, it is a folk side dish, it is convenient to make, and it is convenient to carry, especially suitable for eating on the go, and many families in Liyue will make this dish.] ]

Easy to make, easy to carry, suitable for eating on the go, ancient dishes, wowotou, Liyue people will basically make…

In just a few words, many people in the ten thousand worlds read a kind of bitterness, that is a kind of bitterness that has fallen and drifted…

[“Ah, I remember, the day I met the pot, I made this dish.”) ]

[“Encounter a pot?” ]

[“Well, I met Guoba in a cave! That day, I went to the cave to hide from the rain, and when I saw that there was an offering table inside, I put the spicy meat nest I carried with me on the head of the nest…”

[“Then I accidentally fell asleep and woke up to find that the pot had eaten all the spicy meat nests, and it has been with me ever since, becoming my family.”) ]

[At this time, the boulder emitted a burst of golden light and burst open…]

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