“Wow whoa, whoa… Aunt Himeko… Wow whoa…”

“Don’t cry, don’t cry…” Himeko comforted the white-haired girl in her arms helplessly.

“Wow whoa, whoa… Himeko… Wow whoa…”

“Don’t mess up!!! Himeko followed Teresa who hugged her with a pop.

“What’s the mess!!! Whining…… Woooo

Looking at the crying “little girl”, Himeko sighed helplessly, a child who is not big is obviously older than me.

It’s true, tomorrow is not small, why don’t I have a boyfriend, I’m gone before I get married….

The sad Himeko freed up one hand and hugged this “little child”, ready to warm the cold human heart with these two people.

I saw two more eager girls next to me.

“Let’s come together!”

The mature big sister opened her arms and held three young girls and a “maiden” in her arms.

“Is Fu Hua coming?”

“No… No…” Shangxian has already experienced countless partings of life and death, isn’t it another friend leaving, it’s no big deal, turned around and secretly rubbed Shangxian who was fascinated by the dust thought, and…

Looking at Himeko’s embrace, the “girl” gritted her teeth….

[The real-life Himeko hugs Kiana, but Himeko in the picture fails to get her wish…]

[Himeko, who has completely lost all her power, has fallen powerlessly to the Void Lawyer, and she wants to hug the uncute girl who called her Auntie again in the last moments of her life.] ]

[“You!”] ]

[It’s getting more and more familiar, this expression, this look!!! ]

[The Void Law became angry and slammed Himeko away.] ]

[Himeko, on the other hand, raised the corners of her mouth slightly.] ]

[The eyes of the Void Law widened sharply, she seemed to sense something, but it was too late!] ]

[The God Killer Spear had been pierced into the messenger of God, and the light blue serum poured into the body of the Void Lawyer. ]

[She suddenly felt in horror that the collapse energy in her body was receding like a tide, she was unwilling, she was angry, but she was powerless to stop all this.] ]

[Because, this is the opportunity that Himeko bought with her own life…]

[With the roar of the owner of the imaginary space, this space also began to collapse…]

[Himeko closed her eyes, she seemed to be asleep, her body was like a light feather, falling from imaginary space…]


The students of St. Freya watched this scene quietly, as if to bid farewell to their beloved teacher.

In the base of anti-entropy, Tesla gritted his teeth, sure enough, this kind of person is the most annoying, and if you don’t agree with the person, it’s gone….

“I never thought about the feelings of people who lived…”

In quantum space, Walter remembered the man who gave him the Legalist Gem, the friend who had disappeared one by one


Just made a big advance in strength, a little inflated, now think that he still can’t beat that guy, then the inheritance of the first law … Thinking of this, Walter secretly made up his mind.

A new world of great voyages.

Whitebeard poured a glass of good wine on the ground.

“I remember you said you wanted a drink, right…”

Its name is Shi, and its actions are like mothers.

Konoha Village, on Hokage Rock.

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai was holding his son and watching the video, and not far away, the three generations of Hokage and others were watching them from afar, and Wave Feng Shuimen was chatting with them.

Under the Hokage Rock is already a ruin, which was smashed by a mother.

A certain elder wants to stop and is ready to spread rumors that the four generations of couples are fake, are impersonated, and then….

Before it began, the man was gone, and the god-like power put an end to it all!

Don’t be a god? Someone said that the skills were good, and if he gave him, his brother would have become a good baby.

But such a waste? Don’t be funny, the poison also depends on the dose, all illusions are just changes in Yin, and he is the ancestor of Yin.

Iyenagi? Still that sentence, the technique is good, other references above.

As for Mu Duan? The rebirth of filthy soil can’t be channeled to a certain elder! (Smoking sighs .jpg).

Naruto Uzumaki only heard one sentence in the process: “Dare to steal the Chakra of Asura …”

Originally watching Ji You finish up in an instant, the ape flying sun chop was ready to rush a wave, and the result …

The big snake pill that can be pressed by Chakra can simply be breathless between the thousand hand pillars, so the group of people pressed by his big tube wood Indra is not too breathless, right?

And he is also possessed by his brother’s body, and this body also has his brother’s Chakra….

Naruto rubbed his eyes, feeling that his eyes were a little itchy.

Not…… It’s a little off topic, let’s get back to business!

[Just when everyone thought it was time for the picture to end and the awards to be presented next.] ]

[The picture turned to the Void Lawyer, and at the last moment of changing back to Kiana, the picture in front of her finally became clear, and she remembered who that person was…]

[I remembered what that look was…]

[“Sisi … Leah…”]

[The camera went blank, and when it lit up again, it turned into a vast snowfield.] ]

“Mom? She knows my mom? Kiana in Himeko’s arms sat up, the Void Law actually knew her mother, she had never seen it yet!

Teresa lay deeper, and Himeko’s heart was crushed.

‘Don’t look at me, don’t look at me, don’t look at me…’

“Aunt, do you know about this?”


Himeko felt Teresa tremble in her arms, and just when she was strange, Teresa spoke.

“Hah… Ha…… It was the second law that Cecilia defeated, so they knew, ha… Haha…”

What are you talking about, you can’t hide it if you put the video down! But what do I say otherwise?

‘Big niece, you’re dead. Bah! It’s Kiana who is dead, you’re just a replicant borrowed from a name, and Cecilia isn’t your mother…’

I might as well die, how can I say it! Inventory space blessed, no this, no this, no this ….

“Does Kiana have no mother’s memory?” Nha Yi asked Kiana.

“I don’t have memories before I was eight years old, and the smelly dad said that I was thrown into my head when I was eight years old and forgot everything.”

“Where are you from the monkey star?” Bronia complained, “No wonder Kiana is so stupid, it turns out that she broke her brain~”

“Cloth! Lo! Maid! Yay! ”

Kiana threw herself at the girl who made a mockery, only one of them could get out alive today!

“Okay, okay, stop messing around, Kiana.”

Bud Yi quickly pulled the frame.

“Kiana, this is the second time it has collapsed, and Lady Cecilia will appear later, don’t you take a good look?”

“I want to see! I want to see! Kiana quickly pushed Bronia out and sat down on her back, she wanted to see her mother!

“…” Bronia pouted, what arrogance, I also have a mother’s!

‘Bud Yi, you want them to make trouble, better not know what to talk about! Teresa, who was pretending to be dead, was anxious.

“Aunt, you’re dead!?”

“What are you talking about!?” What is this big niece talking nonsense? Teresa quickly raised her head, and as soon as she looked up, she saw that she had been beaten….

PS: Does anyone watch? Does anyone watch? Does anyone watch?

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