Just as St. Freya and the others were worried about Kiana, the screen in the sky gradually darkened.

[From that day on, the girl had a name.] ]

[The effeminate maiden Celine, fell into the abyss, and the mad lawyer came from hell and finally paid for everything with her life. ] ]

[Reawakened girl – K423, this is not a name, she is not a complete life.] ]

[That day, she truly had her father, she had a name.] ]

[She is not Celine, not K423, and uses her sister’s name, but she is not a substitute.] ]

[“No matter what the cost, you must protect the people you love the most.”) ]

[This is my father’s teaching, and this is also a promise to her!] ]

[The father did it, exchanging an arm for the child’s sobriety, and the warriors of the Caslana family could have killed the young and incomplete lawyer, but the person in front of him was not the lawyer, but his daughter, the continuation of his life with his wife Cecilia and his deceased daughter.] ]

[It’s his family, a family of four…] The most important component of a family of five. ]

[Long single ponytail, fiery red big sword, clear eyes, that heroic and sassy figure came into everyone’s eyes.] ]

[Rational! Empty! Flame! Know! Four forces are intertwined. ]

[“I’ve gained so much along the way.”) ]

[“Courage, blessing, hope…”


[“All my fondest memories, they have always been here, heavy, always warming me.”) ]

[“So, I don’t have nothing, I want to pass on what I’ve gained so far!”] ]

[“I’m not going to fall here!”] ]

[“I will turn this imperfect story into what we expect!!! behaved.”) ]

[“Now – it’s my turn!”] ]

[The fire is passed on, and the life is endless.] ]

[I… Went home… Himeko…]

“Kiana… Are you all right…”

Judas’ chains had been untied, but Kiana had not moved.

She is Celine, she killed Cecilia, killed Himeko-sensei, killed … Kiana….

She is K423, she is just a replicant, fake, all fake, everything she has should be Kiana’s, not her, an unnamed replicant.

She waited until she saw the scene of Ziegfried holding her and crying, which was something she had done when she was a child, and she still remembered it.

Ziegfried sacrificed one of his arms to save her, something she didn’t know.

It turns out that she is not a substitute….

“Stinky dad…,” Kiana wiped her tears, “I’m okay…”

Bud Yi, Aunt Himeko, Aunt Aunt, and Little Dwarf are all worried about themselves that they can’t fall.

She is from the Kaslana family, she will not be beaten like this!

Celine has already paid with her life for her fault, she is a clone of Kiana and Celine, but she is not Celine, she is Kiana Kaslanna!

Daughter of Cecilia and Siegfried, niece of Teresa, student of Himeko, companion of Nha Yi and Bronia.

It wasn’t that she stole everything from that Kiana, because they were both daughters of Cecilia and Zigfried, they were sisters, but they had the same names.

“Stupid dad!”

I can’t give an individual name, I want to call this, I used to forget it, and if I take stock of the video to resurrect my sister, I see what you do!

Kiana was still guilty in her heart, and subconsciously called another Kiana sister.

“Ah cut!” Outside St. Freya, Zigfei, who followed her daughter, rubbed her nose.

“There must be a lot of people scolding me…”

The inventory video revealed his bottom, and he did do a lot of things wrong, especially giving his own daughter’s name to his second daughter.

What can he do, he can’t name it, isn’t this convenient for direct use.

But he felt that he deserved it, the inventory of love, the redemption of regrets…


Ziegfried looked at the screen in anticipation of what came next.

“Please, resurrect her! It would be better if Kiana (really) could be resurrected…”

[Inventory list, end of Act II, inventory personnel Kiana Kaslana, Cecilia Shanyat …]

Inventory space.

Gong Juren bubbled up for a long time, put down the game that was still shouting “milk is enough” on his mobile phone, and thought about it.

How do you give a reward? There are too many people who appear, how to divide in the end, inventory of people who fight for love, famous and surnamed appearance personnel are all fighting for love.

Maybe someone is tragic, maybe someone is gone quickly. But as I said at the beginning of the film, there is no difference between high and low love.

What the? Why didn’t Hokage think about this when he was there? Gong Juren picked up his phone again.

“Roar! Juligaro !!! ”

“Rating – SSS!”

That’s why!

Moreover, Gong Juren likes “Naruto”, but the entire Naruto, except Hinata, Gong Juren does not like anyone, including the protagonist.

People who always feel that they have a good life have problems with their thinking, full of small family spirit.

Without further ado, let’s go back to the rewards.

“Himeko, Cecilia, Cheng Lixue, Snow Wolf Squad…”

“It’s hard to settle down…”

In the post-Honkai book, Honkai disappeared, but Kiana was also gone, I don’t know if she didn’t appear yet, or…

“Could it be that Kiana achieved an unprecedented full-core achievement, became a full-core lawyer, and then self-styled herself or died with Honkai and passed Honkai.”

“I don’t understand…”

Gong Juren poked his head into the Collapsed World and looked at the line of destiny.

“Uh-huh… So that’s it! ”

“Honkai is also a problem…”

There is no fixed reward at all, this multiverse is his territory, how to play how he wants.

“In that case…”

[Inventory list, end of Act II, inventory personnel Kiana Kaslanna, Cecilia Shanyat, Limitless Tajiko, Zigfei, Raiden Bud Yi, Bronia Zajček, Salome Jokanan, Sabu Nicholas, Cheng Lixue, Patrick Highsmith, Walter Young, Frederica Nikolai Tesla, Liesel Albert Einstein… Otto…]

[Commendation, encouragement, reward…]

“Mom!!!” This is Kiana.

“Cecilia !!!” This is Siegfried and Teresa.

“Lixue…” This is Fu Hua.


“Archbishop?” Miss Amber looked at Otto’s name and said something unpleasant, is it reasonable that the archbishop can also enter?

Otto couldn’t hear Amber anymore.

There is his name above the canopy, and the inventory is to inventory love, to redeem regrets, his love, his regrets are only one….



“I give you the right to act cheaply, you take Lander and Rita, and you will dispose of anyone who looks unhappy with Langdale.”

Urandale and Rita are guarantees of force to Amber, and together with Amber herself, no one in the entire Mandate of Heaven can resist them.

Rita is nothing, but with Yurandell’s personality, the people who can make him unhappy are definitely not good people, and some people have intuition, such as stupid goose.

What if there is a wrong? Let’s not say how big the odds are, even if they are really wronged, there is a killing mistake and do not let go, he Otto would rather be greatly injured by the fate of heaven.

“Let’s go!”

“Yes, Archbishop!”

“Wait, help me get dressing room… Forget it, it’s too late… The Void Hides !!! ”

The golden light is converging, and beautiful people appear in the light, which is so dazzling….

PS: Let’s have some people watch, vote for the count, please

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