[Poof! ]

[A heartbeat like thunder sounded.] ]

[“She’s calling me…”].

[“I hear you…”].

[The miserable white moonlight shone on Kurosaki Ichigo, an ominous red spiritual pressure rose, and his hair grew automatically and quickly without wind.] ]

[“I… Want…… Protect you! “]

[“Aaaa!!!!!!aa ]

[The twisted figure stood up again and let out a deafening roar.] ]

[The next moment, the entire space of the Void Night Palace trembled, and the space was filled with dark red ominous spiritual pressure. ]

[Ichigo Kurosaki, who got back on his feet, has safely changed his appearance-]

[The long orange hair is windless and automatic, and the face and curved horns that look like a demon returning from hell are extremely terrifying.] ]

[The black hole left by the penetration on the chest has shrunk and spread outward with pitch-black lines.] ]

[The princess looked at the terrifying figure with a look of disbelief in her eyes.] ]

[This is…] Ichigo? She couldn’t confirm…]

[“What is that form, and who are you!”] ]

[Not only Inoue Orihime, but Ulquiorra also looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who stood up in amazement.] ]

[The bull head waved his protective hand, and the Heavenly Lock Chopping Moon flew into his hand. ]

[No answer…]

[The coldness in Urchisella’s eyes became stronger: “Can’t you hear?”] I ask you again who you are! “]

[Roar! ]

[“So it is, can’t communicate?”] ]

[The monster-like figure in front of him has lost his mind, lost his wisdom, and is just a beast.] ]

[Since you can’t communicate, you can die.] He lifted his finger again, and the green light lit up. ]

[As if sensing the danger, Ichigo the bullhead opposite him bowed his head, and a black-red light also condensed between his horns.] ]

[The next moment, the world seems to be divided into two parts, one red and one green!] ]

[The terrifying energy stirred wildly, and finally mixed together into a shocking explosion!] ]

[“I was able to confront my Black Void…”


[What the hell happened to him?] This figure is undoubtedly illusory. ]

[At this moment, suddenly feeling the fluctuation of spiritual pressure behind him, Ulquiorra turned his head.] ]

[Ichigo the bullhead has come behind him at some point, and the black-red light between his horns is ready to strike.] ]

[The next moment, the two torrents intersect again, and the light of the collision and even the entire virtual circle can be seen.] ]

[“Actually broke up my black void again…”].

[In the light of the fire, which could not see clearly, Ulquiorra suddenly felt that his arm was suddenly held!] ]

[Ulquiorra looked sideways…] A pitch-black arm has been torn off, and green blood is sprinkled wantonly! ]

[It was his own arm…] I don’t know when it has been torn off by the sudden appearance of Minotaur Ichigo! ]

[Only the original minotaur remembers a similar picture, which is… Get you back! ]

[Roar!!! ]

[As soon as the deafening roar ended, Ichigo the bullhead slashed through.] ]

[In an instant, Ulquiorra raised his hand, and the green spiritual pressure condensed spear instantly appeared to block his chest! ] ]

[Bang!!! ]

[The hastily green spear has shattered and dissipated, and Ulquiorra is like a rain dragon in Ishida… No, it flew out in a more tragic way than Ishida Yulong, and hit the ground hard, hitting a huge spiderweb-like crater. ]

[Ulquiorra gasped and stood up.] ]

[Flesh and blood gushed out of his broken left arm, and in the blink of an eye it became a new arm, the same as before, and this injury was insignificant to him.] ]

[“The most powerful thing in my ability is not attack, but regeneration.”) Ulquiorra said speechlessly as the Ten Blades off the screen were speechless. ]

[“Of all the ten blades, only I can super-regenerate all body structures except the brain and organs.”] ]

[“Therefore, just breaking one of my arms and stopping the attack to confirm the situation will not defeat me.”) ]

[Saying that, Ulquiorra gathered his hands on his chest, and then pulled to the sides, and suddenly the green spiritual pressure compressed into a spear that emitted light!] ]

[“Thunder Gun!”] ]

[The air emitted a sharp and piercing whistle, and the Thunder Spear shot a green afterimage towards the bull’s head.] ]

[And yet-]

[Even at this speed, Ichigo the bullhead just moved, and easily dodged it.] ]

[There was no hit, and the target Thunder Gun flew out instantly, I don’t know how far.] ]

[The next moment, the entire virtual circle is illuminated by green light!] A terrifying green sun rose in the distance, and the entire Void Night Officer began to vibrate violently, as if it would collapse at any moment. ]

[“Missed?”] Sure enough, it is still difficult to control for a long time. ]

[Ulquiorra was not surprised, the next moment, he reached out and held it at random, and another Thunder Dew gun appeared in his hand! ] ]

[An explosion appears.] ]

[Ulquiorra’s eyes widened sharply, and behind him—Minotaur Ichigo had already appeared there, ignoring the furious hurricane].

[Boom! ]

[The pitch-black slashing knife and the green thunder spear clashed, and the zenith of the Void Night Palace under the feet of the two instantly shattered. ] ]

[The bull’s head did not move, but Ulquiorra plowed an extremely deep ravine and retreated several kilometers.] ]

[Since the strength is inferior to the other party, then start a war from the sky, and Ulquiorra’s wings flutter towards the sky.] ]

[However, at this moment, the space in front of him trembled, and a hideous head appeared in front of him extremely abruptly! ] ]

[A large pale hand pressed to Ulquiorra’s face.] ]

[Boom!!! ]

[Ulquiorra, whose head was buckled, blew through several stone pillars in succession…]

[Bang! Bang!! Bang!!! ]

[Once, twice, three times…]

[Whenever Ulquiorra tried to fight back, he was frantically attacked by the bullhead Ichigo.] ]

[Ulquiorra can only constantly defend…]

[The suppression of speed, the constant crazy slashing in the front.] ]

[Once, twice, three times…]

[Ulquiorra begins to struggle with coping…]

[This is revenge, even if he loses his mind, even if he only instincts, he remembers everything that Ulquiorra has done!] ]

[This demon is teasing him to do everything he has done before killing him.] ]

[Ulquiorra was not in a hurry and constantly defended with the Thunder Gun. ]

[He’s unusually calm, he’s looking, he’s waiting for an attack loophole!] ]

[Suddenly, Ulquiorra leaned to the left, and a black new knife with great power slashed against the tip of his nose…]

[Found it!] ]

[This time, his Thunder Spear is no longer resisting, but stabbing forward!] ]

[Neutral is here!] ]

[Snap! ] ]

[A pale palm grasped it indifferently, holding the tip of the thunder spear that could destroy the heavens and the earth.] ]

[The furious spiritual pressure erupted, and the tip of the Thunder Spear flashed with green light madly, but it could not break through the pale palm. ] ]


[With the gentle force of that pale palm, the Thunder Spear condensed by the huge and incomparable spiritual pressure shattered, turning into a little green Lingzi and dissipating…]

PS: your, ride, Ola… Poof~

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