[“What are you doing!”] ]

[A smoky one rolled on the ground, burning with fire.] ]

[Goyo took off his clothes and quickly extinguished the flames on his body.] ]

[“I’m going to fight!”] ]

[The fifth generation spoke firmly, he could not return to the East Meridian yet.] ]

[“Why do you say such things again!”] ]

[“I don’t want to see … Others shed tears because of these guys. “]

[In the past few days, there have been a large number of casualties, and the scenes are shocking.] ]

[“I hope everyone will be happy.”] ]

[Goyo rushed up to resist Bat Gurangi.] ]

[“So please take a good look, my transformation!”] ]

[Goyo’s tone was trembling and firm, he was afraid, but so courageous.] ]

[With the help of Gurangi’s power, the fifth generation took a few steps back.] ]

[Goyo poses, the Yaguru belt emerges from the waist, and a strange humming sound sounds.] ]

[“Oh, ha!” ]

[Goyo rushed forward and punched Gulangi, a crimson muscle-like armor layer that protected his body.] ]

[Along with the appearance of the armor on the body, in the end, the mask of the red eyes completely covered the face of the fifth generation.] ]

[Kamen Rider – Empty Me! ] ]

[The warrior of the palm of Yan, whenever evil things appear, add the spirit stone of hope to defeat the evil warrior in the shape of fire.] ]

[The fifth generation has a fighting heart and a firm faith, the empty self has changed from white to red, and the horns on his forehead have become longer.] ]

“Huh? Have you learned to fight? On a hill outside the video, Dagugu watched all this, “It’s not enough, you need more improvement.” ”

This little bit of power is not good, this void self must become stronger to be able to come to him.

However, this seems to be the picture before, and now he has indeed grown, but it is not enough, do you want to stimulate him? He seems to care a lot about these Lindo…

[Transform into the Empty Me Five Generations and fight Bat-Gurangi.] ]

[At this time, Spider Guranji suddenly arrived, and the empty self fell into crisis. ]

[Ben just gained strength, just had the heart to fight.] ]

[Such is simply not available.] ]

[The empty self, the fifth generation, is in the crisis of death.] ]

[At this moment, a bright light shone through the hole in the dilapidated warehouse.] ]

[Bat Gulangi hurriedly blocked the light, looked at the sky, and hurriedly left.] ]

[It turns out that they have unknowingly fought until dawn, and Bat Gulangi hates bright lights.] ]

[After the bat left, only one spider Guranji remained, and the pressure of the fifth generation was suddenly reduced.] ]

[Not only how long it lasted, but the fifth generation felt that he was more tired than the last time, and he really wanted to lie on the ground and couldn’t get up.] ]

[But not yet, the heart of the fifth generation is trembling.] ]

[I can still play all day!] ]

[Hold on, you can, Yusuke Goyo, no problem!] ]

[One police officer has fainted, only yourself, it’s no problem to refuel.] ]

[Bang! ]

[It hurts!] ]

[Empty Me was entangled in cobwebs by Spider Gurangi, and then kicked Empty Me and stepped on it].

[“Die, empty me!”] With that, the claw in my hand stabbed into the empty head. ]

[Under the threat of death, the strength of the empty self increased greatly, and he tore the cobwebs and blocked the attack.] ]

[Breaking free, I kicked Spider Gurangi, and after standing firm, I wanted to attack again, but it turned out to be——]

[Spider Gurangi staggered to his feet, and a strange text appeared on the chest that was kicked.] ]

[“Empty me!”] ]

[Boom! ]

[Gurangi’s entire base was blown to pieces.] ]

(:??? )

(: Good guy, flat A hide big move?) )

(:Old Yin ratio!) )

(: Coach, I want to learn this.) )

(:, I still want to learn.) )

(…… )

Off-screen, Goyo scratched his head as he looked at these ridicule.

“I didn’t expect it at the time.”

It was too urgent at that time, and with a kick, who knew that the energy of the empty self was triggered, and after the energy was poured in, the spider exploded.

Another world.

The eyes of the Naiarathotip, who had not yet arrived on Earth, were now on an uninhabited alien planet and were going to go to Earth.

As a result, I encountered the matter of taking stock of the video, so I delayed for a while.

An inexplicable intuition told her that she could get what she wanted.

“I knew that the inventory fought for love, there would definitely be theirs, and finally waited!”


, hey…”

People passing by stayed away from this idiot-like guy.

“Genuine knight’s belt, alas, want!”

It’s one thing to be strong or not, this is genuine!

“No, you have to get it!”

But what if I can’t do it myself? Pregnant!

Naiako moved and remembered something.


Naiako said strange words in her mouth, and the surrounding space began to change inexplicably.


After the end, Naiako showed a “healthy” smile, and the whole person looked wrong, if she was a cute beautiful girl just now, now she is a… It’s just a… It’s a cute beautiful girl!

“Now, let me !!!”

Naiako pulled it all over, and then her face was almost pressed to Godai’s waist.

“Hehehe, I understand~”

A completely identical belt appeared on Naiako’s hand.

“Hey, hey~”

[“I’m not going to stop halfway.”] ]

[“I’ll stay the course.”) ]

[Ordinary people who are unwilling to fight become warriors by chance and turn into warriors to ward off evil spirits.] ]

[I, no problem. ]

[However, not everyone appreciates it.] ]

[For example, the police in Nagano Prefecture.] ]

Investigation team: “…”

Don’t make it up, what’s wrong with us!?

[Meeting room. ]

[Through incident after incident, the police found that ordinary firearms could not cause harm to “unknown lifeforms” at all.] ]

[Finally, the higher authorities brought in special firearms for them.] ]

[Kill all “unknown lifeforms”, including numbers 2 and 4.] (Empty Self Birth and Almighty)]

[Hearing this, I couldn’t sit still.] ]

[“Chief of headquarters, No. 2 and No. 4 should be able to be ruled out.”] ]

[“Why?” ]

[“They saved me from the crisis.”] ]

[One word shocked everyone in the room, and everyone was talking about it.] ]

[“Can you be more specific?”] Mr. Head of Headquarters looked at a smoking strip seriously. ]

[“I can!”] ]

[“Can you prove it?”] ]

[What is not proven, the Director of Headquarters cannot be believed, and he is accountable to everyone. ] ]


[He has no way to prove it, and no way to tell police the identity of the fifth generation.] ]

[Just as the head of headquarters does not believe in No. 2 and No. 4, he does not believe in some …]

[“Tell the fifth generation not to come to Nagano Prefecture again…”].

[Stay away, I don’t want to make a move on you, let alone … Warriors chill …]

PS: Thank you for the tip of “182xxxx8644”, thank you for your support, I am still in line, there are too many nucleic acids, from one point to now, there are many people in front, and the phone is almost out of battery (crying).

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