[Evil warriors, heroes, driving locomotives.] ]

[Pursue the hideous and terrifying weirdos and remove all evil and calamity.] ]

[Everything briefly returned to tranquility.] ]

[But the gears of fate have begun to turn, how can true tranquility come.] ]

[“I don’t want to see everyone crying anymore, I want to put a smile on everyone’s face…”].

[As long as the idea remains, the battle will not stop, and the story of the warrior will continue.] ]

[Kanto Medical University Hospital. ]

[One police officer brought five generations to check his health, and one found an acquaintance.] ]

[Tsubaki Shuichi, a medical examiner at Kanto Medical University Hospital and a high school classmate of a police officer, was commissioned by a police officer to examine the body of Goyo.] ]

[Looking at the image after Goyo was pushed into the inspection facility, Tsubaki consciously looked at the news on the computer next to him——]

[Blurry photo of “Unknown Lifeform No. 4″ riding a locomotive, Tsubaki can vaguely see that it is a police locomotive…]

[You really trust me…]


[Tsubaki Xiuyi understood, this person is the “No. 4”, just come so brightly, and he is not afraid of me reporting you.] ]

[“Hey, hey, what’s this?”] ]

[Tsubaki Shuichi was dissatisfied.] ]

[“I just came back from the observation department, why should I be with such a dangerous guy!”] ]

[This guy is constructed of the same kind as those monsters, too…] Monster. ]

[The tone is very bad, at least many viewers don’t like him.] ]

[“Am I dangerous?”] ]

[Goyo hippie smiling face, does not care about the tone of the other party.] ]

[Tsubaki Shuichi gestured for Goyo not to speak, and then asked him to come out of the examination room.] ]

[He turned to one and said, “I’m also an expert at dissecting corpses, if I can borrow hospital equipment indiscriminately…”].

[Tsubaki smiled wickedly: “I really want to take a closer and clear dissection.”] “]

[“What’s going on?”] ]

[The audience thought that Jojo would be angry, but he didn’t expect that Kaichi just lightly asked Tsubaki what was going on.] ]

[Tsubaki said in a bleak tone, “The same, with those guys.”] “]

[He’s a doctor, and he’s seen a lot of humans killed by monsters during this time.] ]

[He hates monsters who don’t value life.] ]

[He is a medical examiner who has dissected the remains of monsters.] ]

[He knows the structure of monsters.] ]

[The structure of the five generations is the same as the monster…] He hates monsters! ]

[“The general characteristics of the monster also appear in you.”) ]

[You’ll turn into a monster, that’s what Tsubaki didn’t say.] ]

[“Huh? Is that what it becomes? “]

[Tsubaki was stunned for a moment, and asked Ichijo: “Hey, very carefree, huh?] “]

[“He’s just that kind of guy.”) ]

(: He is saying that the fifth generation is a fool, right?) )

(: Be confident, get rid of it.) )

(: Be polite, it’s carefree!) )

(…… )

[After some understanding, Goyo told his experience, got the picture of the battle from the belt, put it on, and began to fight the monster…]

[In the end, Dr. Tsubaki came to the conclusion that it was okay for the time being.] ]

[But if you keep fighting-]

[“Part of the waist sticks out of a part of the waist like something like nerve tissue, stretches out like the whole body, and if that thing reaches the brain, the worst case is that it will become something different from humans, and become a biological weapon to fight like those monsters.”] ]

[Goshiro and Ichijo are gone.] ]

[“No problem.”] ]

[These are the words left by the five generations.] ]

[“…… Idiot! “]

[As a doctor, he doesn’t like guys who don’t value life.] ]

[On the screen, the story of the five generations continues.] ]

[This time, the fifth generation encountered the locust Gurangi.] ]

[Its speed, agility, and jumping power are the strongest reliance, and jumping 100 meters high is also a breeze.] ]

[The high mobility of the locust Guranji allows it to move around in a very relaxed manner in cities with complex terrain.] ]

[The data tends to be balanced, and the empty self without any outstanding characteristics is played between the palms.] ]

[“Woohoo~ Oops!”] ]

[Just climbed up with difficulty, but was pushed down by the suddenly appearing locust Gurangi.] ]

[Panting emptiness, I didn’t react at all.] ]

[“If you can jump higher…”


[Looking at the locusts in the heights, I was a little annoyed.] ]

[“Is that the degree?”] Empty me. This Gurangi shouted in native language to the empty self below. ]

[These monsters, how long has it been since they came out, they have learned foreign languages…]

[Thinking of this, the fifth generation is even more angry.] ]

[Oops, the fifth generation ran up again, but there was no strength, I couldn’t beat it…]

[The speed of the other party is too fast…]

[If I too…]

[At this time, the audience suddenly saw that the jewel-like things on my ankles began to flash blue.] ]

[A cool breath flowed from the belt throughout the body.] ]

[Empty self instinctively jumped on my knees, and under the astonished gaze of Locust Gurangi, jumped into the air and came to the roof with Locust Gurangi.] ]

[Looking at the compound eyes like the other party’s sea, the locust Gulangi was silent, and his mouth was cheap…]

[It remembers the fear of being dominated by the other person…]

[No, this one should not be so strong, if I defeat the other party in the blue situation…]

[Locust Guranji suddenly pointed at the empty me: “Come on, use the blue one!”] “]

[Unsurprisingly, the opponent’s fist did not have a little strength and could not hurt himself at all.] ]

[Although the speed and flexibility have been greatly increased, the power of the empty self has also decreased, and it is still no match for the locust Gulangi, who is suppressed by the powerful opponent in hand-to-hand combat.] ]

[In the end, I was thrown down a 100-meter-high building by the locust Guranji and smashed heavily on the concrete floor.] ]


[The pain wrapped around the whole body of these five generations, even if it turned into an empty self and was thrown from such a high sky, it was still a little unbearable. ] ]

[The painful five generations fought again with the jumping locust Gurangi regardless of their own lives, and then finally lost the enemy…]

[Until finally, when the locust was about to end its empty life, the scarf around its neck was blown by the wind.] ]

[In the distance, billowing smoke rises from a chimney with the wind.] ]

[I don’t know why, but the locust Guranji suddenly stopped.] ]

[“You picked up a life!”] ]

[Locust Gurangi threw the empty self out and jumped away from the scene.] ]

[Later, the police set up an investigation team to analyze the way the locust Gurangi moved, and concluded that the factory-centered place where the locust Gurangi was infested was exactly in the opposite direction to the smoke exhaust from the chimney.] ]

[Based on this information, the investigation team successfully stopped the locust Gurangi.] ]


[The police attack on the locust Gurangi had no effect, and the last officer was even caught by Gurangi and beaten repeatedly as if he were angry.] ]

[While the locust Guranji kept killing the police, the fifth generation finally arrived.] ]

[“henxin!” ]

[As soon as the fifth generation first transformed, it was in the blue form.] ]

[But it’s not of any use, it’s just a repetition of the past.] ]

[The blue form without power looks too weak in front of Gurangi the locust.] ]

[“Five generations! Five dynasties! “]

[Just when the fifth generation was helpless, an anxious voice came. ]

[It’s Sakurako, who came here on a motorcycle through the police blockade.] ]

[“Five generations! Warriors of the Heart of Water, hold the long thing in your hand and wave it as much as you can! “]

[This is something she deciphered.] ]

[“The Heart of Water … Long stuff… Is it? “]

[Goyo muttered thoughtfully, breaking free from the grip of the locust Gurangi and tearing off the railing beside him.] ]

[When evil things appear, turn their skills into invisible, and calm the evil warriors with flowing water.] ]

[With the intention of the fifth generation, the energy flowed, and the steel railing bloomed with an aqua-blue light in his hand, and then turned into a slender and handsome long stick.] ]

[The blue form is the meaning of the blue form in exchange for swift action at the expense of strength and defense, and the matching weapon is the best means of giving the opponent a lethal attack.] ]

[Holding a green dragon stick, the five generations are like divine help.] ]

[The long blue stick wielded and neatly repelled the locust Gurangi.] ]

[With the point of the green dragon stick, that strange text reappeared, and the body of the locust Gulangi exploded…]

[In the distance, Sakurako wiped the scratches on her face and smiled at the safe Goyo…]

PS: Ask for everything

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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