[Invalid.] ]

[All attacks are invalid.] ]

[The fifth generation urgently switched the green dragon form to avoid the attack, casually picked up a waste wood, switched the titan form again, and the wood also changed into a titan sword. ] ]

[Bang! ]

[Bang! ]

[With the super defense of the Titan, Sora I advanced towards the crossbow arrow of the green-eyed unicorn Sengulangi.] ]

[Don’t dodge, don’t dodge.] ]

[Everyone knows that this is not that the fifth generation does not intend to dodge, but with the speed of the titan form, it is impossible to avoid the green-eyed unicorn Immortal Guranji. ] ]

[Step by step, he walked in front of the unicorn fairy Gulangji, and the big sword in the hands of the fifth generation swung fiercely, knocking down the crossbow arrow of the unicorn fairy Gulangji. ] ]

[Buzz! ]

[Taking a few steps back, the unicorn Sen Gulangji’s eyes turned purple.] ]

[Taking advantage of this moment, the fifth generation stabbed the big sword into the opponent’s abdomen.] ]


[The energy of the seal flashed away, and the great sword could enter a little sword tip…]

[If the other party does not resist, I will not be able to take the great sword further.] ]

[“Don’t be crazy!”] ]

[With the indifferent words of the unicorn Immortal Gulangji, the Great Sword of the Empty Self turned into what the other party wanted in a buzzing sound. ]

[Weapons change hands…]

[“Hmph!”] ]

[A slap to the empty me was repelled, and the unicorn fairy Gulangji pulled out the big sword that turned into his own form and marched towards the empty self step by step.] ]

[Offensive and defensive reversal…]

[Dodge… Dodge…… Dodge…]


[Attack invalid, dodge invalid…]

[Titan empty I’m covered in wounds.] ]

[Goyo grabbed a gap and turned into an all-around form by the way.] ]

[A kick containing sealing energy hit the opponent’s wrist in an instant.] ]

[Unsurprisingly, the rune disappeared again.] ]

[The fifth generation did not hesitate, quickly took two steps back, and the power of gold surged on his body, sublimating the all-round form! ] ]

[“Hah!”] ]

[A blow containing the full strength of the fifth generation hit the chest of the unicorn Sengulangi.] ]



[This aftermath can destroy a blow with a radius of three kilometers, and after hitting the unicorn Immortal Gulangji, only one sealing energy rune is left. ]

[However, this text only appeared for less than a second before disappearing from the chest of the unicorn fairy Gulangji…]

[The other party doesn’t even have a hint of pain…]

[Tried my best…]

[The fifth generation did not have a trace of spare hands, he had already opened up his full strength to fight! ] ]

[However, the five-generation blow with all his strength did not cause damage to the opponent, and the shallow wound caused by the giant sword had healed.] ]

[With the disappearance of the sealing energy rune, the unicorn Immortal Gulangji still stands proudly. ]

[“That’s how that power is used!”] ]

[“!!!” ]

Not only Yusuke Wushiro in the picture, many people were surprised.

(: He even has the power of gold?) )

(: Still unsurprisingly … )

The unicorn fairy Gulangji’s purple eyes turned golden….

Many people have speculated, and when Sakurako found out that the fifth generation was the same as Gulangi, they guessed whether there would be the same strength as Gulangji and Yusuke Goyo.

It’s just that all he has encountered now are low-level Gulangji, and he has not yet encountered an existence with the same power.

Now, encountered.

The same strength, the other party is still stronger than the fifth generation.

Of course, many bigwigs have known for a long time, from the time that belt appeared.

Kamen Rider Agituo World——

Douzhen held the belt in his hand, which he made.

“The power of darkness…”

Doesn’t it match yourself? However, darkness should be an all-encompassing tranquility, not the origin of all evil.

Originally, he didn’t like this belt, it would make humans like Gulangi, although Gulangi was also human, but now he didn’t think so.

“Empty me, good boy.”

The light of the belt in his hand flashed, and Douzhen modified it, modifying “evil darkness” to “dark power”, a belt that can connect his own power.

Douzhen thought back to the Ajituo all along… No, it was what that kid did.

“Power … Race…… Heart…”

Ajituo is power, the power of fire angels that “contaminates” humanity, Ajitua is a race that makes its own children no longer pure.

But…… Douzhen thought of those Jikai species, those outer races who gave everything for humanity and for Rick.

Is it the mind that determines the position of an intelligent being?

Still, I hate Agituo!

But that kid… He seems to be Yusuke of the fifth generation….

Ajituo’s transformation also has a belt, using the power of the Fire Angel… So…

Douzhen tightened the belt in his hand: “Child, let me strip off your Ajituo power and give you a new belt, you who have accepted this power are still my child, my favorite child!” ”

What that kid did, substituted for the identity of Yajituo, Douzhen hated him very much, but now that the video was watched in turn, he suddenly slowly understood him.

When it was played to Yusuke the fifth generation, he suddenly realized that the child had never thought of himself as Ajito, he just suddenly had the power, saw that other children had been hurt, and spontaneously used his power to protect everything he could see.

He is just a guardian, not a Agita.

He also slowly understood the Fire Angel… Forget it, I don’t understand this! No! Reason! Untie!

I changed his belt!

“Yawn!” Shoichi Tsugami sneezed, always feeling who was thinking about him.

[The unicorn Sengulangji, who turned into golden eyes, slowly took a few steps back, and the fifth generation did not dare to be careless, and looked at the other party with vigilance. ]

[He uses the form of red gold power, which is when he is at his strongest, because he is afraid of the power of darkness, he usually does not dare to use it.] ]

[After completing five generations of one special move, it is actually impossible to use the second special move.] ]

[What to do, retreat here?] ]

[Nope! Can’t retreat! ]

[If he retreats here, more people will surely be persecuted by him.] ]

[He is standing here to protect the smiles of others, and if he retreats here, more people will be hurt.] ]

[Even if he has no means to defeat the enemy for the time being, he can’t retreat here!] ]

[After taking a few steps back, a golden light suddenly flashed on the body of the unicorn Immortal Gulangji. ]

[With this flash of light, many subtle changes appeared on his body, and there were many more golden structures.] ]

[With the same move, the unicorn Sengulangi took a few steps in the same movement as the fifth generation, jumped up and kicked towards the fifth generation…]

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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