[Vanessa is in prison. ]

[After completing her eleventh duel, Vanessa travels to the business district to buy medicine for her ailing sister.] ]

[Met Wendy, who offended the great nobleman Lawrence, the Great Young Master. ]

[Out of kindness, Vanessa sheltered Wendy, but that night Vanessa was retaliated against and put in prison.] ]

The voices cursing the Lawrence family around her kept ringing, and Eura gritted her teeth to prevent herself from crying.

It’s not that she can’t stand up to swearing, it’s not that she’s weak.

Rather, what is heard and what is seen in the book is not so profound…

She is the last descendant of the old aristocratic Lawrence family, and her body flows with the same blood as the sinners who once shackled Mond in the dark.

The Lawrence family symbolizes the ignorance and tyranny of Old Mond, equating with eternal pain in people’s hearts.

Every time Eura appeared, it was like tearing open an ancient wound again.

People dislike the old aristocracy, and naturally will not give her any good face.

However, such a Eura resolutely joined the Knights and was promoted to the position of captain.

“I don’t know when I will launch an offensive, I don’t know what will be taken away…”

After she joined the Order, she could hear such words from the inhabitants of Mond every time.

On the screen, the lawrence family’s misdeeds deeply stung her heart.

Lord Barbatos took the medicine that Lord Vanessa bought back to see the picture of the little girl Linde, which made her feel helpless…

It is said that she broke off with the family, but she is surnamed Lawrence after all, and she has the blood of sin after all…

She, she doesn’t even know how to take revenge, maybe she should write her name…


Beautiful people were held on the shoulders.

“Girl, can you please give me a drink?”

The green boy appeared in this corner, and the red girl, who was still worried about her friend, covered her mouth in surprise.

The breeze moisturizes people’s hearts…

He will always be in the right place~

[The wind, blowing through the cell, came to meet his new friends.] ]

[“I’m Wendy, Bard Wendy,” Wendy pulled out his harp, “this is my good partner—Sky.”] “]

[“You named your piano?”] ]

[“All things have names, and if they have names, they can be called, and if they can be called, they can be sung by me.”) Wendy smiled, “So, what about your name?” “]

[“Winessa.”] ]

[“Well, Winessa, may I add your name to the poem?”] ]

[“Ahhh… It’s kind of…”

[After all, he is just a gladiator, a slave, how can his name appear in poetry.] ]

[“Then change the proposal,” Wendy gave the apple to Winessa, “be friends with me, Winessa.”] “]

[“Friends … The proposal was relatively easy to accept. “]

[“Run away with me?”] Wendy offered advice to her new friend. ]

[But Vanessa refused.] ]

[She can’t leave yet, her people are still here as slaves, and if she escapes now, it will affect them.] ]

[Moreover, tomorrow is the final duel, and if she wins, then she and her people will be free.] ]

[Wendy looked at the shackles on Winessa’s body, her expression gloomy…]

[Chains… Slaves…]

[This phrase that should not have appeared in the free city is now alive in front of him.] ]

[“Don’t believe them, the conventions made by unruly people must not be well-intentioned!”] ]

[“Even so, I can’t leave Lind behind, I can’t leave my people behind.”) ]

[“Winessa, staying here may make things worse, come with me, and tonight I can lead your people to freedom.”) ]

[“No, Wendy, you don’t understand.”] Vanessa shook her head, “My people… In fact, I have long forgotten the meaning of freedom…”]

[Vanessa touched the chains on her feet.] ]

[“It is up to us to fight, to fight, to experience.”] Otherwise, they will only be chained to the shackles dominated by another force. “]

Winessa’s words are now familiar to the Monds, and the Mond Zephyr Order exists for this, and this is their current guideline.

Freedom is never given, and it is earned by oneself!

[“Whew…” Wendy was about to dissuade, but he saw Winessa’s determined eyes: “Since you have decided so, my friend…”]

[Wendy smiled, my friend, you will win, no matter who the enemy is…]

[The wind, bless you forever, wraps around you.] ]

[Early in the morning, the sun poured into the prison from outside the barred window, and Vanessa was awakened by this harsh rays of sunlight, and Wendy had already left…]

[The nobleman really broke his word.] ]

[Vanessa’s entire clan has been driven out of the city, and they face their final duel-]

[Magic Dragon Usa! ]

[The twelfth duel is between Vanessa and her clansmen against the Demon Dragon Usa.] ]

[The brutal aristocracy eventually caused a rage.] ]

[“Sir, there are many people protesting below…”]

[“Let them go.” Painless protests don’t matter. ]

[“It’s also time to wake up, offering sacrifices to the demon dragon is the only way to get peace, everyone wants to be heroes so much, just protest!”] ]

[A huge black shadow roaring in the sky, huge black wings, sharp dragon claws…]

[Its dark eyes looked at the group of crimson-haired slaves whose owners, and the Munata family shivered as they looked at this nightmare.] ]

[Can’t beat it!] It’s impossible to win! ]

[Vanessa knows all this, even if she defeats the monsters around her, she will not be able to defeat the demon dragon Usa.] ]

[“Back to the city!”] Vanessa immediately yelled at the clansmen. ]

[However, everything was in vain. ]

[“Drop the arrows! How can there be any reason to retreat in the gladiatorial arena! “]

[With Lawrence’s order, an overwhelming array of arrows immediately flew out of the city wall, and the Munatas fell one by one…]

[This… Cut off the last of Winessa’s expectations…”

[Vanessa looked at the fallen clansmen and looked angrily at the nobles on the wall.] ]

[She picked up her long sword and blocked in front of her wounded tribesmen, she had no way to retreat, and behind her were her people.] ]


[Vanessa fought as hard as she could, doing her best to save everyone.] ]

[The terrifying demon dragon has descended beside him…]

[It raised its sharp dragon claws and swung at the powerless gladiator…]

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