Yesterday afternoon, Yuenan asked Farafola about Luffy's whereabouts, and Eric, as the chief staff officer, gave an order, and the rebels quickly heard the news.

Luffy and his gang did not go to either the royal capital or Katrea, but took a boat along the coastline towards the Sando River, the mother river of Alabastan.

Hanan and Eric want to come to the map of the Kingdom of Alabastan, and after a little look, they guess that Luffy's route of action should be consistent with the original, and they plan to go to the abandoned base of the rebels, the oasis city of 'Yuba' on the west bank of the Santo River, and then most likely to 'Rain Land'.

Several important high-ranking cadres of the rebels knew Vivi, and since neither Farafora nor Alec mentioned her, it means that they did not meet.

Vivi once said that she did not want to see anyone shed blood and die again, and she wanted to stop the civil war as soon as possible, and Hanan thought that one of the options was to go directly to Kosha, after all, the two have quite a relationship.

And the rebels' base camp moved to Katrea, it was not long ago, Vivi had been lurking outside for a few years, and she definitely didn't know it when she came back, and not long after she and Luffy and the others landed, they were chased and killed by Smogg, and there was no time to inquire in a hurry.

Therefore, Hanan has this guess, and he is very sure, and at the same time, he is relieved, because in his plan, the rain land is a must-go, and with Luffy to fight the front station, he will have a better chance of winning against Klockdar in the future.

And this trip to the rainy land, the personnel has long been decided, only one more outsider, the sand thief-saba and Hanan are also to complete another 'side mission'.

Because the lair of the 'Baru Baru' sand pirate group happens to be somewhere in the desert on the west bank of the Sando River, in about the same direction as the rainy land.

On the mainmast of the Vulture, Saba is working hard to control the sails.

On weekdays, Saba has been driving a sled in the desert, but the sails on the sea boat are fiddling for the first time, and at first they are a little uncomfortable, but they are not separated from their roots, and after adapting to the differences in the sea breeze, they gradually find the trick and quickly get their hands on it.

At this time, under his operation, the mainsail adjusted its orientation from time to time and kept facing the direction of the wind, so the sail surface was very windy and whistling, and there was no need for Jessica to command.

Hanan stood at the bow of the boat, silently looking at Saba, secretly sighing that the sailing skills were really powerful, and he had more expectations for this trip.

Yesterday evening, the rebels handed over the food prepared in advance to the Prophet's team, and Krabatel negotiated the price with Alec, offset some of the money for the weapons, and asked them to help load the Vulture.

When the grain was loaded, Saba was on the side, naturally overjoyed, repeatedly thanked Hanan, and volunteered to take on the job of sailor, while also serving as a guide.

In addition, at last night's team meeting, Hanami told the partners about the trainee crew member Eaton, Eaton is the real name of Mr11, since he has joined the Prophet Pirates, it is naturally impossible to use the code name of the Baroque Work Society.

Except for Jessica, no one objected, Krabatel was right, there are indeed a lot of chores on the ship, Eaton's strength is not weak, and it is good to have a helper.

At the meeting, Hanan carefully considered and left Krabattel with the task of finding a suitable time to inform Kosha of Klockdahl's conspiracy, and Eaton, as an important witness, stayed with him.

There is also the matter of Captain Smogg, and Hanan also asked Krabattel to pay attention, but according to Eric's intelligence, Smogg has led hundreds of sailors out of the city.

The specific whereabouts are not clear, and I heard that because of the murder of several naval soldiers, they also fought with the Baroque company.

"Hanan, judging from the map, Wei Wei and they will go for two days first, even if the Vulture is faster, it will be difficult to catch up in a short time, it is better to go directly to Katrea and wait." Jessica walked over to Hanan and said.

"Huh?" Hanan was surprised: "You don't want to go to the female sand thief-pulling yarn?"

Jessica pouted and snorted: "Nonsense, of course it's going, it doesn't matter if you have anything else, the compass you sent me is still in her hands, but Vivi's things are more important, I can tell the weight, not to mention the sand thief can't run."

Hanan smiled and comforted her: "Don't worry, my plan is to go to the sand pirate's lair first, retrieve our things, and then go directly to the 'rain land', Vivi and Luffy will definitely go there without delay."

Jessica chuckled: "You know again?!" "

This prophet's clever calculation, such a small thing, just pinch your fingers, it's not a hand to catch, wait for..."

Jessica rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Stop, stop, let's talk well, okay?"

Hanan coughed, rolled his eyes, and said: "Well, well, it's actually very easy to analyze, Luffy's temperament, you know, simple and rude, my junior brother Solon is also very direct."

If they can't find the rebel base, they definitely don't want to go back, and capturing the thief first will definitely be their first choice..."

Hanan reacted quickly, the reason came as soon as he opened his mouth, Jessica listened and felt that it made sense, nodded and did not refute, in her subconscious, Hanan has always been unmatched in wisdom and calculation, and naturally believes his judgment.

Jessica was a little relieved, turned her head to look at Saba's sturdy figure, one moment the main mast, the other back mast, and he alone controlled the two sails perfectly.

Butch was only in charge of the front sail, and at this time stood under the mast with round eyes, constantly clapping his hands and exclaiming from time to time.

Jessica couldn't help but praise: "Saba's skill is really good, if our people also learn it, sea navigation can save a lot of things in the future."

Hanan nodded in agreement: "Yes, there is a significant increase in speed, and I heard Saba say that in 'Balu Balu', his sailing skills can only rank third."

"The first must be their regimental leader, but what about the second?" Well, it is probably that hateful thief pulling the yarn, right?

Hanan smiled: "You guessed wrong, the regiment leader is second, and Lasha is the chief!"

Jessica was taken aback, although she had seen the level of sand shackles, she did not expect to be so high, even the founder of sand sled could not compare to her.

Saba got along with the 'prophet' and everyone was quite happy, and Hanan gave generously, saying a lot about the sand thief group, including that the sand sled was invented by the leader of the group, 'Hua', and the father-daughter relationship between 'Hua' and Rasha, and even the sailing technique was also taught to the sand thief by him.

Jessica didn't know what to think, a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes, and said with a grin: "Captain Hanan, in fact, I have a better idea."

Jessica rarely called Yu Nan the captain, usually called him by his first name, Hanan instinctively felt that something was wrong, looked at her and said seriously: "Jessica, don't play tricks."

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