Robin was slightly surprised, "It's worthy of Mr. Crocodile, everything is left behind."

Klockdar squinted at Robin and said noncommittally: "Although my plan is thorough, now that outsiders are meddling, I can't help but guard against it!"

Robin chuckled, "That's right, be careful to sail the 10,000-year-old ship, I'll go and give the order when I turn around, but if the people of the company encounter the Prophet Pirates, shoot and kill." "

This is good, but it can break the record of newcomers, this pirate prophet, I am afraid that it is not something that ordinary employees can deal with, the senior agent is sure to make a move, forget it, let's do this first, or the big thing is important, wait until tomorrow!"

Robin couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, subconsciously counted how many chairs there were, and said, "Chief, senior agents have been in one-line contact with me, and they don't know your true identity, and they will gather together tomorrow, but it is extremely spectacular, right?"

Klockdar's eyes suddenly became hot, "That's right, the battle in Dream Township is about to begin," "Dream Township

?" Robin whispered silently, a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Klockdar took a sip of his cigar, stood up abruptly, raised his head and opened his arms, and laughed: "Yes, the country of Alabastan will become our 'ideal town' in a few days!"

After a while, he sat down again and smiled at Robin: "And the secret we are looking for, it will also be revealed!" "

The vast land on the west bank of the Santo River is mostly desert, and with the exception of the rainy land of the dream city, most of the towns have been abandoned due to drought and lack of water, and only a few oasis cities are barely holding on.

In a rocky and grassy desert, a desert lizard crawled out of a surface cave, spitting out a long letter in its mouth, as if looking for food, suddenly, it looked to the south alertly, and in a large cloud of sand, two black shadows approached rapidly.

The lizard hissed lowly, as if to warn that this was its territory, and as the dark shadow approached, it hurriedly retracted back into the crypt in fright, because it recognized it as a nearby group of fierce human vehicles, the sand shackles.

With two swishes, the two sand skidded away.

There were two men on the slightly protruding boat, Saba in charge of driving, and Harvey sitting on a crowboard, which was full of medicines and medical tools, except for the necessary food and water.

The back one was carrying Jessica, Yuenan and Akin, and surprisingly, Jessica was controlling the crowed sail, although the movement was a little rusty, the speed of the sand sled was not slow, closely following Saba.

She did not fully master the sail control technology, but learned the general driving method, the distance is not far, and the wind direction on the west bank side is relatively fixed, and there is no complicated weather conditions, so relatively speaking, it is not too difficult.

"Jessica, you're amazing, you can control it so quickly." Hanan said with sincere admiration.

Jessica replied proudly: "That's, otherwise you definitely won't take me, hmph, fortunately, my sister has stolen a few times!" She couldn't help but curl the corners of her mouth proudly when she thought of the stunned look of Saba and her companions before she set off.

Originally, dozens of sand thieves were waiting for Saba in Aruma, but a few days ago came the news that the Balu Baru sand thief group was suddenly poisoned and had killed several people, so only one person was left to pick up Sabah, and the rest went to find a doctor separately.

When Hanan learned the reason, he immediately made a decision and asked Saba to take them with him, and Saba was overjoyed at the thought of Harvey's divine medical skills.

But there were only two sand skid boats, which could carry up to six people, one of which was brought by the sand thief, and the other was obtained by the prophets last time.

Saba and Nasa Thief are the drivers, and Hanan will definitely go, which takes up three people, Harvey is a doctor, plus his equipment and necessary supplies, there is only one position left.

Hanan arranges for Akin to accompany him, but Jessica demonstrates driving skills and replaces the sand thief.

"Saba, haven't you arrived yet?" Hanan shouted towards Saba in front.

Saba replied anxiously: "Soon, around the big sand dune in front, ten kilometers further west, there is a small oasis, which is the station of Baru Balu."

Harvey suddenly said: "Hannan, it's here in a while, for safety, don't go in first, according to my estimates, this time the poison is very contagious..."

Before leaving, Harvey inquired about the situation in detail.

It turned out that in the old nest of the sand thief, first a child had an inexplicable fever, his parents thought it was a small problem, did not care much, and then the high fever continued to persist.

The only 'Mongolian doctor' of the sand pirate group could not find the reason anyway, so he could only prescribe some fever-reducing drugs, and as a result, within a few days, the child died.

But before the matter was over, the child's parents, including the doctor, also began to fall ill, and then the people who had contact with them were recruited one after another, and in just two days, half of the members of the sand pirate group fell.

After all, the regiment leader Hui was well-informed, looked at everyone's symptoms, and together with Lasha, guessed that he was hit by a poison, but it was too late, even he and the two began to have a fever, so he hurriedly sent a message to the sand thief outside, asking him to find a doctor.

Soon, the sand sled stopped in a clearing, and Saba jumped down and looked ahead: "That's Baru Baru's station, Miracle Spring." "

Hanan looked up, in the middle of the rolling sand dunes, a small lake-like spring miraculously appeared, about 20 meters long from north to south, and less than 10 meters wide from east to west, it was actually a natural spring in the desert, no wonder it was called a miracle spring.

Miracle Springs is surrounded by quicksand, with dense reeds on the north shore and a grove on the east side, and not far away there is a huge ship like a small mountain, which looks like a sea ship.

However, there are several long wooden strips that resemble sleds at the bottom of the hull, similar to the structure of sand skids.

"That's our village!" Saba pointed at the giant ship with a complicated expression.

In the past, every time I came back, many companions came out to greet them, especially a few half-sized children in the village, who rushed out and asked if there were any snacks and toys, but now, they are silent, like a ghost ship.

Although Saba was anxious, Harvey was the doctor and told him to wait a moment.

After Harvey checked the equipment, he not only put on rubber gloves and a medical mask, but also gave Saba a set.

Hanan saw the two get on the giant ship, his brows furrowed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Jessica was worried, "Yuenan, Harvey is okay, right? Looking at his cautious appearance, I was so flustered.

Hanan smiled and comforted her: "To trust your partner, it's useless to be in a hurry, don't you keep saying that Harvey is superb in medicine?" Besides, after studying with Kucaros for so long, it will definitely be fine.

"Oh, your face is not very good."

"I'm not worried about Harvey, but I think it's weird."


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