At that time the headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor, the office of the Admiral.

"How about it, have the seven martial seas arrived, time is running out."

Marshal Sengoku sat at his desk, flipped through the documents in his hand and asked in a deep voice.

"Marshal Hui, Hawkeye, Bartholomy Bear, Female Emperor, Blackbeard and Doflamingo are all in place, and now Moonlight Moria has not yet arrived, but according to the time, it is estimated that it is fast."

The green-haired Navy Lieutenant Commander Brannor reported to Sengoku.

"This Moriah is really grinding, always dragging his feet."

Sengoku snorted coldly.


"Report! His Majesty the Seven Martial Sea Moonlight Moria arrived and had already arrived in the hall. Just

then, a navy man hurriedly ran over and shouted.

"Oh? It really said that Cao Cao had arrived, and he had just arrived when he was mentioned.

"Take him to the room prepared for him in advance, and wait for me to tell you what you want to do after that."

Sengoku said without raising his head.


Brannu nodded and then retreated directly.


At this time, in the hall of the naval headquarters, Hanan, who had transformed into Moria, was sitting on a chair and looking around.

The surrounding navies all looked at him nervously.

Although Moria is the helper of the navy as His Majesty Qiwu Hai, he is still a powerful and murderous pirate by nature, and the navy has never really trusted him.

"Mr. Moriah, long wait, please follow me, a room has been prepared for you to rest."

At this moment, Brannu walked towards Yunan.

"Lead the way."

Hanan said lightly, and then walked directly behind Branu towards the headquarters.


"This is your room, Mr. Moria, you can rest here, but don't move around to avoid causing trouble."

"The next action can be unified and listen to the command, please cooperate and thank you."

Brannu opened a room and said politely towards Hannan.

"Okay, I see."

Hanan nodded, then without saying more, went directly into the room and closed the door.

"The living conditions provided by this navy for the Qiwu Sea are really good."

Looking at the spacious and bright room, with the table full of various foods and fruits, Hanan couldn't help but sigh.

"Let's take a shower and rest for a while."

"After floating at sea for so long, my body stinks."

Hanan raised his arm and sniffed himself, and suddenly looked ugly, and then took off his clothes and walked into the bathroom.



At that time, the news that Ace was captured by the navy had spread to every corner of the world, and the news spread quickly to every corner like a plague.

How Ace was caught, what would happen on the day of the execution, and whether the Whitebeard Pirates would come to the rescue, these were all issues that everyone discussed after tea.

"Hawkeye Jorakor Mihawk, Don Quixote Doflamingo, tyrant Bartholomi Bear, Lady Boya Hancock, Moonlight Moria, and Blackbeard who defeated Fire Fist Ace before, these people were all summoned by the Navy, and the Navy integrated almost all the strong men this time in order to meet the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"What will the execution of Ace that shocked the world develop this time..."

"If the Whitebeard Pirates reappear at that time, then this will be wonderful, a super big scene rarely seen in a hundred years!"

At that time, there was a lot of discussion all over the world.



"Mr. Moria, it's time for dinner, please go to the banquet hall to eat."

Just as Hanan was sleeping soundly on the bed, there was a sudden knock outside the door.

"Hmm... I know, I'll go right away, I'll go right away.

Hanan said lazily with a yawn and a blindfold.

"Before I knew it, I slept for so long, ate and ate, and my stomach starved to death."

Yu Nan got out of bed, patted his deflated stomach, stretched out, and walked directly towards the banquet hall.

At this time, in the banquet hall, the current Qiwu Hai was all in power except for the female emperor.

"Hahahahaha, this navy food tastes really good."

"Hey, Hawkeye, don't you want to eat so much food in one bite."

Blackbeard had a chicken leg in his left hand and a steak in his right hand, frantically stuffing it into his mouth.

"I don't have an appetite."

Hawkeye sat on the side and replied lightly.

"Ohhahaha, Hawkeye, you are still the same, so cold that people are not interested."

Doflamingo cocked Erlang's legs, tilted his head and laughed.

Only the bear sat quietly on the side without saying a word.


It's good that they are on the naval side, otherwise I really don't know what they will do..." The

sailors on the side were covered in cold sweat, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Obviously, this is the headquarters of the navy, the safest place, but with such close contact with Qi Wuhai, I always feel hairy in my heart.

"Good guy, several of you have eaten, it seems that I came a little late."

At this moment, Hanan, who transformed into Moria, strode in, directly pulled a chair and sat down.

Naturally, it was like coming home.

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