


At this moment, a dull sound of footsteps sounded in the distance, buzzing like a thousand-year-old stone drum!

The entire Marin Fando Island seemed to tremble with it!

In the fog in the distance of the sea, a huge figure gradually revealed.

The size is comparable to a naval warship, and the little Ozjr, who is thirty-eight meters tall, appeared in the field of view of the navy!

Wearing a huge straw hat and holding a huge machete, he walked straight towards the execution table under the naval headquarters!

For nothing else, just to save his best friend, Ace!

Now this straw hat on his head was sewn by Ace himself stitch by stitch for him!

"It's a descendant of the giant Oz! Little Oz!

"Aim all the cannons over there, don't let it invade the bend!"

"Kill him! Blast him!! "


Little Oz's body is too huge, and his participation in the war is completely a live target, and the moment he appears, a large number of shells are smashed towards him like crazy! ! ! But little Oz didn't care at all, and his steps were still as firm as ever!

"Wait for me Ace! I'll get you back right away! Little

Oz's voice exploded like thunder over Marin Fandor!

"Idiot, your huge body will only become a target for the Navy, I'm not telling you not to get involved!"

The whitebearded man standing on the bow of the Moby Dick couldn't help but frown.

Although little Oz is huge, he is still his son in Whitebeard's heart, and he doesn't want to watch Little Oz get hurt in vain.

"Dad, don't stop me this time, I must save Ace!"

Little Oz shook his head and rushed towards the bend without hesitation in the face of the fierce artillery fire!

"This guy, there's really no way."

"Little ones, follow Oz's steps and rush me in!"

Whitebeard had no choice but to order his pirates to rush in together, and could not let Oz die alone.

"I'll stop him!"

At this moment, Vice Admiral Rakurova, a giant in the navy, took a long knife and rushed directly towards Little Oz.

Although Rakulova is several times larger than ordinary human beings as a giant race, he is still a small witch in the face of Oz, and it cannot be compared at all!

"No one can stop me from saving Ace!"

Oz roared, directly raised the giant knife and cut down!



After a few difficult battles with little Oz, the saber dug by Rakulo was directly cut off by Oz!

"Go and die!"

The next moment, Oz slashed directly into Rakulo's chest!! The latter suddenly screamed and fell directly in a pool of blood!!

"Rakulo digs Lieutenant General!!"

Seeing this, the rest of the vice admirals quickly rescued Laculova, and if he was slashed by little Oz again, his life would definitely not be saved!

Having defeated Lakulova, Oz did not pause in the slightest, continued to walk towards the execution table, and unknowingly approached the area where the Seven Wuhai was located!

At this moment, Bartholomy Bear, who had not been moving, suddenly moved!

I saw that his hands were wide open and raised, and the air suddenly fluctuated!!

In less than a moment, a highly compressed bear's paw-shaped balloon slowly released from the bear's hand and floated unhurriedly towards Little Oz!

"What is this?"

Looking at the air ball that was only the size of his fingernails, Oz looked puzzled, but did not care in the slightest, and let it float towards him!

"Oz get out of the way!!"

At this time, Ace's face changed greatly, and he suddenly roared wildly.

But it was still too late, and the air balloon directly touched Little Oz's huge body.

"Boom !!"

"Bang !!"

With a furious aura of destruction erupting, this ultra-high-density air cannon compressed by a bear finally erupted!!

The compressed air energy cannons that had been compressed before all erupted towards Little Oz!

This super explosive impact exploded directly in Little Oz's abdomen, sweeping wildly around!!

"Boom Boom !!"

The aftermath of the explosion blew all the pirates and navy 100 meters nearby and flew out!

The entire ice surface seemed to shake with it!

"Oz !!"

Little Oz, the center of the explosion, was covered in scars at this time, and blood kept flowing out of the wounds! The ice under your feet was instantly stained blood-red!

"But... It's abominable..." Little

Oz had almost lost consciousness at this time, bleeding, and his knees knelt down weakly, and suddenly the ice trembled!

"Captain Oz!!"

"Oz! How are you! Ace

and the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly roared!


Whitebeard's face was also difficult to see, and a chill was released in his black eyes.

"I... I can't fall down yet, I want to save Ace out..." At

this time, little Oz supported his body strongly, and he didn't fall! His gaze is still firmly fixed on his target, Ace's execution table!

"Enough Oz! Stop, you'll be dead!!

Ace roared, tears gushing directly from his eyes.

"It's really interesting, does Majin Oz even have a so-called friendship?"

"It's a pity that here, in the face of overwhelming strength, friendship is of no use."

Doflamingo smiled grimly, and then the whole person suddenly jumped high! An imperceptible thin thread appeared directly in the hand at some point.

"Die, Oz!"

In the next instant, the thin line slashed straight towards Oz's throat like a knife!

"Oops! Oz get out of the way!

"Bastard Doflamingo! He wants to kill Captain Oz! "


In the face of the sudden attack, many people have even closed their eyes, not daring to see the miserable appearance of the heads of the Oz people falling to the ground!


"Bang !!"

At this moment, Hanan, who turned into Moria, suddenly appeared in a flash, and directly blasted back Doflamingo's thin line with a punch!!


"What's going on? Isn't that Qiwu Sea Moonlight Moria! Why should he help Oz! "

Thankfully, Captain Oz is not dead! I was so scared that my soul was about to fly out just now!

"Moria, what the hell are you doing? Which side are you helping with! Why stop Doflamingo!

Hannan's shot immediately attracted everyone's attention on the battlefield.

Both the navy and the pirates, without exception, were greatly surprised and did not understand why this "Moria" came to help the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Moria, you bastard, why did you stop me?"

"It seems that you really don't want to live in this war."

Doflamingo's forehead was bruised, and he had obviously made a killing move against Yu Nan.

"Moria! What the hell are you doing? Have you forgotten who you are? The

marshal Warring States on the execution table was also livid and roared towards this side.

"I have never forgotten my identity, but you have not recognized my identity."

"It's almost over, the showdown, you guys keep your eyes open to see who I am."

With a puff of smoke, Hanan directly canceled the transformation technique and appeared in front of everyone in his original body!

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