At this time, the changes in the soil flow wall have also been sensed by Hanan, and if it goes on like this, I am afraid that the defense of the soil flow wall will be directly penetrated by the meteor volcano.

Thinking of this, Hanan put his hand on the ground again and poured the chakra in his body into it instantly without hesitation!

"Can you break my defenses, can you still break my five, ten, and hundred layers!"

Hanan sneered, and in the next moment, suddenly another wall of earth flowed up, covering it layer by layer!

The Red Inu's meteor volcano breaks one layer, and a new layer will immediately replace it!

This went on and on for almost ten minutes!

Until the last lava giant fist in the sky fell, the defense of the earth flow wall was still intact and not shattered.

As soon as the attack stopped, Hanan immediately canceled the defense of the earth flow wall and released everyone again.

"Whahahaha, it can be regarded as coming out, and finally picked up a life!"

"If I don't come out again, I'm afraid I'll be made into white steamed meat on the spot..."

"It's still Hannan-sama who is so powerful that he intercepted all of the terrifying lava giant fists like the red dog!"

As soon as they came out, everyone collapsed directly to the ground, greedily breathing the cool air.

"It seems that just now the white-bearded old man said that your fire can only light candles for the birthday cake, or it is still inaccurate."

"I think at least I can cook and burn fires."

Hanan stretched out, picked his nose and laughed.

"You bastard, what kind of weird move is this!"

Under the execution table, the corners of Akainu's mouth twitched slightly, and he stared at Yu Nan with an angry face.

If it weren't for Yu Nan's move, his meteor volcano would have wiped out at least more than half of the ordinary pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates' group! Even if Whitebeard wants to stop it, he can't stop it all!

"Okay, Hanan boy, you're done with the limelight, it's time for me to make a move next."

"Since the magma imp gave us a big gift, then I, as the captain, naturally have to return a big gift."

"Now that the pheasant imp is no longer able to fight, it's the best time for me to give gifts."

Saying that, the white beard plunged Cong Yunche into the ground, and the two arms suddenly exerted force, and suddenly the green tendons on the muscles instantly bulged!

"It's not good, shouldn't this guy with Whitebeard want to..." Seeing Whitebeard's

posture, the face of the marshal Warring States on the execution table suddenly changed greatly!

"Tsunami! He wanted to take advantage of the pheasant's absence to cause another big tsunami!

"Whitebeard, you old bastard, don't mess around!"

Karp's eyes widened and he reacted instantly.

"It's too late to know."

Whitebeard grinned.

The next moment, Whitebeard's arms suddenly slammed to the side!

"Click, click, click!!"

"Boom Boom !!"

The earth shattered instantly, and the speed of cracks spreading was a little faster than before!

The whole heaven and earth seemed to begin to tremble!

Whitebeard's ability to destroy the heavens and the earth is activated again, and it is even more powerful than before!

The huge earthquake quickly spread to the sea, and in less than a moment, a huge tsunami as high as 100 meters suddenly formed on the sea in the distance!!

The sun was completely blocked, and the whole of Marin Fandor was completely shrouded in the shadow of the Great Waves!

The originally rock-solid Marin Fandor, at this time, was like a lonely boat in the vast sea, shivering.

"Enjoy my big gift, Navy!"

Whitebeard looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Attention everyone! Look for shelter! Avoid the tsunami!!

"Attention everyone! Look for shelter! Avoid the tsunami!! "

Warring States has no way at this time, the only green pheasant who can restrain the tsunami has left the scene for treatment with serious injuries, he can only loudly remind the naval officers to try their best to dodge!!


With several shouts from the Warring States, a terrifying wave as high as 100 meters arrived as scheduled!

Shoot hard at the naval headquarters on the island of Marin Fandor!

The tsunami came too quickly, and the navy people who lost the protection of the green pheasant had no way to deal with it, so they could only bite the bullet and take it!

In an instant, the huge waves swept directly into the sky!

Tens of thousands of navies were instantly washed away by the waves, and under such a huge force, there was no place to hide, and the houses next door also fell in an instant, and rushed out directly with the waves!


"Mixed Protein Beard!! I'm going to kill you too!! "


The navy's angry curses and screams suddenly echoed over the island of Marin Fando.

Orochimaru did not escape even with the pacifists, and was also swept into the waves.

Although there is no big problem with the war peach pill itself, but the pacifist is not, this is all a combination of electronic and mechanical products, the most afraid is immersion in water.

In less than a moment, dozens of pacifists suddenly burst out of electric arcs, and then convulsed a few times, all of them lost their power!

“PX1,PX2... Mixed protein beard!!

Orochimaru, who was struggling in the waves, suddenly trembled with anger when he saw this scene!

This is the most effective weapon used to deal with pirates, so it directly lost its combat capability, and the components in it are estimated to be damaged a lot, and then go back to repair, dozens of pacifists don't know when to repair!

Under this raging and violent wave, the navy is estimated to lose more than half of its combat capability in an instant! Heavy losses!

At the same time, Whitebeard and his group of pirates took advantage of the waves to directly advance the ship into the bay square of Marin Fandor.

"Rush! Finish off the Navy all! Capture the headquarters of the Navy!

"Be aware, navy! Wait for Lao Tzu to cut off your heads! "

Kill kill kill !!"

The pirates on board raised their weapons and roared with a sinister smile.

"Goo Lala Lala, Sengoku, Magma Ghost, do you still like this gift of mine?"

Whitebeard laughed loudly.

The shaking and the waves came at the same time, and the already crumbling naval headquarters building could no longer hold on.

With a loud "boom", the building was directly tilted to the side! Poured, but not completely.

Directly transformed into a famous building------ Pisa Slope!



At the same time, the pirates and the remnants of the navy are once again fiercely engaged in battle!

Roars, screams, and the clashes of weapons resounded throughout the island!

"Yosie, now is a good opportunity to rescue Ace!"

Saying that, Luffy directly stretched out his arm. Directly from the ship to the ground, and then used the huge elastic force to fly directly down!!

"Ace, I'm here to save you!!"

Luffy roared and jumped directly into the crowd, ignoring the navy beside him, and rushed directly towards the direction of the execution table!

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