Looking at Marin Fandor, who was almost in ruins, Hanan was not much interested, and turned to look at Hawkeye.

"Do you want to keep fighting? But I guess you don't have any hole cards either.

"If you still have more power than this move, maybe I will really lose."

Hanan said with a smile.

"No need to compare anymore, I lost this battle."

"This is already my strongest move, and if I can create a stronger move in my lifetime, I will challenge you again."

Hawkeye withdrew the black knife on his back and turned to leave Marin Fandor.

"Hawkeye, where are you going?"

Seeing that Hawkeye was about to leave, a rear admiral suddenly asked.

"I have complied with the agreement with the navy and helped you out, I will no longer participate in the rest, I am off duty."

Hawkeye said lightly, left Marin Fandor Island without looking back, got on his noble boat, and slowly left.

"What a cold guy, not cute at all."

Hanan stretched and laughed lightly.


At the same time, the battle on this side was over, Luffy and Jinping, and Ivankov also took this opportunity to get closer to the execution platform, and in a blink of an eye, they were less than 100 meters away from the execution platform!

"It's coming soon!!"

Looking at the execution table nearby, Luffy's face became more and more excited.

However, at this moment, the mutation suddenly appeared!

A dazzling golden light suddenly lit up in front of the three, and the excited Luffy three quickly blocked their eyes.

Then the light dissipated, and the general Yellow Ape stopped in front of several people with his hands in his pockets!

"I didn't notice for a moment that you guys have invaded such a close distance, you really can't move forward."

The yellow ape said casually, but there was an undoubted meaning in his tone.

"Bastard! It's you guy again!! "

For the yellow ape, Luffy knows better, that is the initiator of almost destroying his pirate group in the Chambord Islands a few days ago!

"Brother Luffy, you go first, Ivankov and I stop him!!"

Seeing the yellow ape, although he knew that he was invincible, the peaceful and shemale king Ivankov still stopped in front of Luffy without hesitation!

"There is not much time Straw Hat Boy, the time for Ace's execution will come soon! Let's last a minute!

Ivankov put on a posture and looked at the yellow ape with a solemn expression.

"Oh? Want to hold out in front of me for a minute? The current pirates are really scary, always telling jokes that make people scratch their heads.

The yellow ape said with a crooked smile.

The next moment, the golden light shone, and the yellow ape instantly disappeared from the place, and almost at the same time, it appeared on Jinping's side!

"You don't understand the concept of one minute, very peaceful."

"Lightspeed kick!!"

Saying that, the yellow ape's long legs were raised high, and a burst of golden light suddenly shone on his feet! Then he suddenly kicked towards Jinping!

"Boom !!"

Jinping couldn't even react, just felt that he blinked, and he was instantly blasted out by a huge force!!

"Bang !!"

Flying a hundred meters away, Jinping finally stopped his figure with all his strength and fell heavily to the ground.

"Big fat fish! How are you!

Ibankov reacted and immediately exclaimed.

"There is still time to care about others, and you will be next."

At the same time, the voice of the yellow ape like a death knell sounded faintly in Ivankov's ears!

Immediately afterwards, Ivankov saw a smelly foot that emitted golden light and had a slight smell gradually enlarged in his pupils!


The yellow ape kicked directly into Ivankov's big face, and the latter took off instantly, flying farther than Jinping!

Probably because of the relatively large weight of Jinping....

"Jinping, Ivankov!!"

Seeing this, Luffy's face changed drastically, and the green tendons on his forehead bulged, and he roared angrily!

"As I said, no more passage is allowed here, give up Straw Hat Kid."

"The stage here is too early for you, and impulsive recklessness will only hasten your death."

The yellow ape said lightly, and then directly raised his foot to aim at Luffy, and kicked over without hesitation!!

"Brother Luffy!!"

"Straw Hat Boy!!"

Jinping and Ivankov, who struggled to get up on the ground, immediately changed their expressions and exclaimed when they saw this situation!

"Bang !!"

A roar exploded! But the scene of Luffy being kicked off in everyone's imagination did not happen.

The yellow ape's lightspeed kick was directly caught by the sudden appearance of Yu Nan's hand!


Luffy, who originally looked terrified, saw Yu Nan and immediately felt like he had been amnestied!

"It's you guy getting in the way again! Hanami! The

yellow ape, who originally had a light face, suddenly became very solemn when he saw Yu Nan.

The battle with Hanan in the Chambordi Islands suddenly reappeared in his mind.

"Go do what you have to do, Luffy, this guy Yellow Ape, I'll play with him."

Han Nan chuckled, but his gaze did not leave the yellow ape for a moment.

"Good! Thank you!

Luffy nodded, did not hesitate, and rushed directly to the execution table!

When the yellow ape saw Luffy leave, he didn't make the slightest move, as if he hadn't seen it at all.

Hanan is in front of him, he no longer has any energy to care about anything else, Hanan alone is enough for him to drink a pot!

"I said yellow ape, you haven't washed your feet for a few days, and you can smell a foot stench through your shoes!"

"I see that the people you kicked were not kicked to death by you, eighty percent were all smoked to death by you..."

Yu Nan slapped the yellow ape's foot aside in disgust and slapped the air in front of him.

"Huh? Do feet smell? How did I not smell it?

Saying that, the yellow ape lifted his foot and came under his nose to sniff.

"Stinky or not, you can keep it and smell it yourself, hold your shoes and make my hands stink!"

Hanan shook his hand in disgust, and then slammed it directly on the frozen ground, directly digging out a huge ice block and placing it on the ground.

"Fire Escape Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!"

The next moment, flames suddenly erupted from Yunan's mouth, shooting directly towards the ice.

In less than a moment, the huge ice cube melted directly and turned into a bay of clear water!

Hanan then put his hand directly in and scrubbed it fiercely.

"It's a pity that there is no hand sanitizer, soap or something, so I can only make do with it."

Yu Nan muttered as he washed.


The yellow ape on the side saw that Yu Nan took materials on the spot and washed his hands, and his old face couldn't help but be embarrassed.

"Do your feet really stink... It seems that I have to buy and buy foot powder when I go back..."

The yellow ape scratched his head and pondered in his heart.

"Okay Yellow Ape, the hand wash is finished, let's continue."

Hannan's faint voice sounded, pulling the yellow ape's thoughts into reality.

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