At this time, the Qiye sailed at full speed and headed to the naval headquarters of Malin Fando!

For other ships, it would take at least ten days to get from the West Sea Road to Malin Fando, but the speed of the Qiye would take four days to arrive.

According to the speed of the naval warships, from the capital of the Seven Waters to Marin Fando, it was also about this time.

Qi Ye felt that he could catch up.

Qiye defeats Kaido, the Hundred Beast Pirates and Kaido flee, and the story begins to spread in the West Sea.

Two days have passed, and it has spread to all parts of the world, causing a lot of shock.

“Kaido was defeated, and he only fought for three and a half hours before escaping?”

“Kaido wants to become the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, the strongest single-handedly, originally felt that even if he was not invincible to Qi Ye, he would not be too bad, could he fight for seven days and seven nights?” But I didn’t expect to escape in three and a half hours. ”

“Qi Ye was unharmed, and Kaido was badly injured, and looking at the picture above, Kaido’s face was covered with blood.”

“Qi Ye is really strong, this time he is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, and the strongest single-handedly.”


At this time, the Navy Headquarters was naturally most concerned about this matter, after all, they might soon have to face the Qiye Pirates.

Emptiness didn’t know whether to be happy or worried.

Happy because, if so, then the Qiye Pirates are likely to come to Marin Fando.

Although it is impossible to send warships to track, that would be to send death.

The navy did not know where the Qiye Pirates were now and what route they were sailing, but after defeating Kaido in such a short period of time, the Hundred Beasts Pirates suffered heavy losses and fled, which did not have any consumption for the Qiye Pirates Regiment.

Well, the Qiye Pirates are likely to come.

What was worrying was that the strength of the Qiye Pirate Regiment was beyond their imagination, to be precise, Qi Ye.

Qi Ye’s strength has increased again?

They knew Kaido’s strength, but they weren’t defeated by Qi Ye in three and a half hours, right?

Sengoku said, “Although it is unbelievable that Kaido evacuated in three and a half hours, it does not mean that Kaido can only hold out for three and a half hours.” In the face of my teaming up with Kapu, Kaido was able to hold out for two days and two nights. ”

Obviously, it was because Qi Ye’s sword skills could hit his body hard, and if he continued to fight, his injuries would become more and more serious, and if he fought for three days and three nights, he might die, so he chose to withdraw. Just because Kaido fled after three and a half hours of fighting, you can’t imagine Qiye’s strength. ”

Empty nodded, “Well, yes, Qi Ye’s strength may have improved again, but now this strength, even if it is improved, will not be very large.” ”

Sengoku was confident: “Well, although Qi Ye is strong, when I join forces with Kapu to deal with the drag, and then the rest of the combat strength will go all out to solve the other crew of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment.” ”

“Although several of the crew members of the Qiye Pirate Regiment do not yet know who our navy is, it is impossible for the size of a few people to face the strongest combat strength gathered by our naval headquarters and be able to escape.”

“Well, when the time comes, I will personally sit down, and neither of Qi Ye nor his crew will be able to leave alive!”


At this time, the Qiye was already sailing away from the West Sea.

On the Night, Shanks were not heavy at all, although they knew that they were going to the naval headquarters and would fight with the well-prepared navy, but as usual, they should eat, drink, and exercise.

For other pirates, they have long been nervous, but they are calm and self-assured, and they appear to be light and breezy, which is boldness.

Qi Ye spoke, “You should know that soon, we will be at the naval headquarters of Malin Fando.” There, perhaps, there are not too many navies, because I am afraid of my overlord’s domineering spirit, and I will certainly not gather a lot of troops, but the top combat strength of the navy. ”

“The beginning will be a rear admiral, the highest is the admiral, and even the admiral, the steel bone empty.”

Shanks nodded indifferently, “Of course we know.” ”

“Captain, what are you trying to say?” Rakilu asked.

Qi Ye said in a condensed voice, “This battle will be the most difficult battle since our founding, and it will also be an even greater battle for fame.” ”

“This ship was built by Tom, the Qiye is part of us, and Tom is our friend.”

“The Navy isn’t sure if we’ll go or not, but you all know me, and I’m bound to go and save Tom.”

“Captain, we know you will definitely choose to go, and we will follow you as well, and wherever you go, we will not frown.” Shanks was firm in his voice.

Hawkeye, Beckman, and Vine Tiger all had the same determined look.

Since he joined the Qi Ye Pirate Group, he is a partner who lives and dies together, and even if it is a big difficulty, he must face it together.

Seeing Shanks they were extremely determined, seeing death as a homecoming, Qi Ye was relieved in his heart, and at the same time confident: “In this battle, I will not let anyone sacrifice, under this premise, I must also save Tom!” ”

Shanks knew that when the time came for the captain to do a great job like never before, they were the same, ready to fight with all their might.

Another two days passed, at this time, the naval headquarters.

Marin Fando, full of tension and uneasiness.

Although the top combat forces of the Navy Headquarters were gathered here, and they were all major generals at the beginning, but the major generals and ordinary lieutenant generals were all heavy in the face.

They knew that the Qi Ye Pirates might come, and they did not dare to guarantee that the crew of the Roger Pirates, who had been disbanded, would not come.

After all, Tom had also built a ship for Roger Pirates, the Golden Jackson.

And, Qiye, Barrett, and Shanks used to be Roger Pirates, and the two sides had a deep friendship.

So, there is this possibility.

The best result is that none of them came.

The acceptable result is that only one came.

The worst result was that both pirate groups came.

They wondered in their hearts, and their hearts became heavier and heavier.

At this moment, Sengoku sensed the heaviness of his anger and spoke in a high voice: “No matter what happens!” There are only three hours left! Then it will all be over! ”

The solemn and high-pitched words of the Warring States made the major generals and lieutenant generals below shout, encouraging themselves and cheering themselves up.

At the same time, with a whimper, a figure landed on the execution table, standing next to Tom, who was kneeling on the execution table.

This man is the Admiral, the steel bone hollow.

The appearance of emptiness has made morale soar.

Sengoku returned to his seat and sat in the middle of the three seats on the high platform, and then Kapu and Zefa also came, sitting on the seats on either side.

Suddenly, the steel bones sat empty, the general Sengoku, the general Zefa, and the hero Kapu Weiran sat there, making their morale high and their hearts much calmer.

Not only these top combat powers, Tom looked ahead, but also the rows of major generals and lieutenant generals standing neatly, as well as the tall giant lieutenant generals at the front.

Tom’s face was ugly, and he knew that the public execution was to lure the Qi Night Pirate Regiment to come.

Tom’s face was heavy, and he gritted his teeth and said to himself, “Qi Ye, you must not come…”

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