Everyone in the Navy knows that this is the domineering color of Qi Ye!

Only Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering spirit had such a battle, covering the entire heaven and earth, and the whole Malin Fan was dark red, depressed, like hell.

Nearly a hundred major generals, each of them shaking, a dizziness in his mind.

Click, click, click…

The cracks grew louder and louder, and the cracks that pervaded them grew louder and louder.


Some of the ground directly collapsed and collapsed, including the building of the Navy Headquarters, and even the headquarters building was crumbling.

People have not yet arrived, domineering first!

And, it caused such horrific destruction.

On the Golden Jackson, Reilly and the others looked wonderful and shocked, this face, a word, handsome!

Reilly exclaimed, “The Overlord color domineering spirit is already so strong, it is not comparable to before, it seems that Qi Ye’s strength has reached a higher level, I, as a master, am afraid that I will not be able to last a day in the face of Qi Ye.” ”

Jabba exclaimed: “This domineering, more and more terrifying, here is like hell, even the rear admiral level of the Navy is affected by domineering.” ”

Kulox: “The domineering spirit of the overlord color grows with itself, and such a domineering spirit, it is difficult to imagine how strong Qi Ye is now, so we are relieved.” ”


In the face of Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering spirit destroying the naval headquarters, they had no choice at all.

The reason why the Warring States stood up was because of the sea ahead.

I didn’t see the huge Qi Ye trumpet, but the first thing that came was a tsunami with a height of 100 meters!

If it was the first time, they would think that the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment had also come, but this was obviously a tsunami that burst out under the domineering spirit of the Qi Night Overlord.

The tsunami arrived in the blink of an eye, and the originally dark red Marin Fando was suddenly even darker, because the tsunami had rushed over the Marin Fando.

The tsunami overwhelmed the country, and the navy panicked.

“The tsunami is coming!”

“It will be engulfed!”

“What to do?!!”


They were helpless, the Warring States looked ugly, and Kapu and Zefa sat on the right and did not stand up.

Kapu crossed Erlang’s legs, and Zefa sat solemnly.

“Tsunami, then you’re going to have a headache.” Kapu looked at Sengoku, obviously signaling the Able.

The tsunami swooped down directly, and the navy looked up into the sky, eyes wide and pupils constricted.

At this moment, the red dog frowned slightly, and the yellow ape looked up at the tsunami that covered the sky, tilted his mouth, and said to himself, “How terrible.” ”


At this time, the pheasant of one of the candidate generals moved, however, the moment the pheasant was ready to jump, his body was suddenly extremely heavy, and he did not jump up at the first time.

He wanted to jump into the air, and his hands spread out to make the ice edge touch the sea, so that the tsunami froze and froze, but his body was extremely heavy, and it was difficult to jump up for a while.

“What’s going on?!” The pheasant frowned.

Everyone didn’t know what was going on, the Green Pheasant Frozen Tsunami failed, and at this moment, the Red Dog, the Yellow Ape, these capable people, were not calm.

Originally, I was relatively calm and self-assured just now, because there were pheasants, which could instantly freeze the tsunami and resolve the trouble, but now I don’t know why I suddenly squatted on the ground, which was very difficult.

The Red Dog’s arms surged with lava, ready to use the Great Spitfire, allowing the tsunami to evaporate.

Even if the tsunami cannot be evaporated in an instant, after all, the tsunami is about to rush down, but it can reduce most of the tsunami, so that the tsunami can become a rainstorm so that they can bear it.

The pheasant was heavy all over his body, and he looked at the red dog, obviously meaning to see you, I was targeted.

He could only freeze the sea unless it touched first, and now he couldn’t get close to the sea, he could only let the sea get close.

However, it could not be frozen for an instant, and it would freeze Marin Fando and his own navy together, because since the tsunami was close to him, it was about to engulf the rest of the people.

Therefore, we can only look at the red dog.

However, when the red dog was just preparing to attack, the tsunami fell surprisingly fast, and it came at a faster speed than the original rush, and it seemed that the tsunami was subjected to extremely strong gravity.

“Oops, it’s too late!”


The tsunami rushed down, instantly submerging Marin Fando, and a large part of the navy was submerged by the sea.

A laser from the yellow ape pierced the tsunami through a void, and the whole person turned into a golden beam of light and flew through the hole to the sky, avoiding being engulfed by the sea.

The tsunami landed on the red dog and was constantly evaporated, so that the red dog was not touched by the sea.

And the green pheasant, the sea around him is frozen, he did not use the ice age to freeze a large area, otherwise the major generals and lieutenant generals who sank in the sea would also be frozen inside.

On the execution table, the person in charge of the execution had fainted, making the empty brow on the side frown, this executioner was specially arranged, the strength was at the level of a major general, and he was actually stunned by Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering.

Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering spirit was actually strong to this point.

Sky shouted, “Start the drain!” ”

The magma around the Red Dog continued to surge, evaporating the seawater, so that there was no seawater within the range where he stood, but Malin Fando had been mostly engulfed by the sea.

As the drainage device is activated, the rushing sea water continues to flow into the sea within the bay and the surrounding sea, and gradually the sea water in Marin Fando continues to flow out, the sea height is getting lower and lower, and the navy emerges from the water one by one.

Soon, most of the sea water was discharged, but the navy was very embarrassed, and one by one became the chicken in the soup.

Before they could fight, they were so embarrassed that they were dismounted by the Qiye Pirate Regiment, first the overlord and domineering naval headquarters were in tatters, and then the tsunami, turning most of the navy into a soup chicken, and at the beginning, they were inferior.

In the Chambord Islands, all the spectators stayed.

The Qiye Pirate Regiment has not yet appeared, the Navy is so messed up, and the Qiye Pirate Regiment is so terrible?

“Before the battle even began, the Navy was devastated.”

“Obviously, the Qiye Pirate Group is coming, and it seems that we have despised the Qiye Pirate Regiment, and before we have appeared, we are so strong.”

“First it shook the naval headquarters, and then it was a tsunami, but where is the Qiye Pirate Regiment?” The Qiye is as huge as a city, but there is no one around? ”

“Yeah, where is the Qiye Pirates?” Definitely nearby. ”

However, as the camera pulls to the sky, the civilians, bounty hunters, pirates, and everyone else in the Chambord Islands are all stunned in an instant!

At the naval headquarters, a giant lieutenant general looked up at the sky and his face changed dramatically.

“Look… Look at the heavens! ”

Suddenly, everyone in the naval headquarters looked up at the sky and was shocked.

The yellow ape fell, looking at the sky, his pupils constricted slightly: “It’s so terrible.” ”

Only to see that high in the sky, like a ship of a sky city floating in the sky, it is the ship of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, the Qiye Ship!

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