Marin Fando ground.

The five lieutenant generals of the squirrel were horrified, what kind of ability was this ability to pull down the meteorite.

During the battle between the pheasant and Shanks, he looked up and was a little stunned.

“The ability to control gravity, and gravity.”

After all, the Qiye was so huge that it was constantly rising at this time.


After the consternation, the Warring States moved, and the terrifying shock wave in the form of the Great Buddha rushed towards the falling meteorite.

The meteorite must not be allowed to fall, otherwise Malin Fando would not have been divided into four pieces now, but would have been destroyed by a quarter.

And, such a meteorite, the squirrel they are difficult to resist.


A terrifying shock wave slammed into the meteorite, and the meteorite exploded directly.

This made Lieutenant General Squirrel Five breathe a sigh of relief.

Lieutenant General Squirrel Fifth quickly besieged it, and suddenly his body was extremely heavy, and the ground under his feet collapsed and sunken.

“It’s heavy.”

“This… How to fight. ”

“Good horror ability.”


As the knives in Fujihu’s hands continued to return to their sheaths, the gravity they endured became more and more terrifying, and with a roar, the ground directly pressed out of a huge crater, and it was difficult to see the end at a glance.

At the same time, some of the lieutenant generals rushed to Rakiru, ten people, who felt that they were determined to win.

However, in the face of their siege, Rakilu actually dodged their attacks all and was extremely sensitive, which made them stunned, and it was difficult to imagine that this was something that a fat man could have.

At this time, the five elite generals of the squirrel faced the vine tiger, which was very difficult.

At this time, the giant lieutenant general also moved, choosing to deal with the vine tiger, because the fifth lieutenant general of the weasel was not small and needed their help.

The eight giant generals roared in with huge weapons, and as they approached, their weapons became very heavy and slowed down.

They control their weapons with all their might, and as giants, strength is naturally good at.

However, with a huge body and a giant, facing the vine tiger is even more unfavorable, and the gravity it bears is even more terrifying.

In the face of the attack of the giant lieutenant general from all directions, Fujihu suddenly pulled out all the swords, and the gravity continued to accumulate on the sword, and he whispered:

“Gravity knife, tiger!!”


The terrifying gravity rushed out with the chopping, and the ground in front of it, the atmosphere, was distorted and deformed by the naked eye.

In an instant, the faces of the eight giants changed dramatically, their pupils contracted, and they screamed in unison, and the huge wind pressure formed by gravity all flew out.

At this moment, the Warring States sitting on the middle seat of the high platform frowned slightly, and the strength of the vine tiger was unexpected, and the Qiye Pirate Regiment had actually attracted such a monster.

Fujihu was thinking about whether he should shoot or not, because this Fujihu’s strength was at least close to the level of a general.

The squirrels they faced, still a little hard.

After a short battle, Sengoku determined the strength level of the six crew members of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, with Barrett the strongest and the fat man who ate chicken legs at the bottom.

However, such a powerful strength is only at the bottom, which shows the terror of the Qiye Pirate Group.

The strength ranks second, and Sengoku feels that Beckman and Fujihu are tied together.

As for Shanks, he was only fourteen years old, still young, with great potential, and Hawkeye was also young.

And Beckman and Fuji Hu, one twenty-eight years old and one thirty-two years old, are not very young.

After estimating it, the Warring States wanted to do it, but looked up at the Qi Ye trumpet in the sky and kept taking off.

In fact, he wanted to wait for Qi Ye to come down and join forces with Kapu to deal with Qi Ye.

In this world, almost no one can face him and Kapu joining forces and not being defeated.

But, after thinking about it, Kapu got up and rushed directly to Fuji Hu, while ordering the lieutenant general such as the squirrel: “You go and solve the fat man.” ”

Rakilu is agile and has more than enough to face ten lieutenant generals, and the Warring States feel that it is necessary to rely on the number of people to break through one by one, first of all, first of all, to break Rakilu, and then others.

The squirrels, knowing the gap between themselves and the blind man in front of them, obeyed one after another, and all rushed to Raki Road.

“In that case, you have to be serious.”

Rakilu ate all the chicken legs in one bite, spat out the bones, and shot out, directly piercing the legs of a lieutenant general, causing him to scream.

At this time, Lakilu was no longer humble, but extremely fierce, and with the rapid flash, the attack method was also fierce and decisive.

Sengoku faces Fujihu, as a wise general, seeing the strong men of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, always wants to win over, first Barrett, then Fujihu.

“Your strength is very strong, and it is a pity to become a member of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment.” It is a pity to be a member of the evil rather than a righteous navy. ”

Fuji Hu’s face did not change color: “It is my honor to be a member of the Qi Ye Pirate Group, and it also makes me understand that justice is not spoken of verbally, nor is it in the evaluation of most people in the world, but to follow my own heart.” Be right in your heart, and act right. ”

“Captain Qiye’s words made me change, that is, what the future world will be, it is up to him to decide. The person who makes this decision is important. And Captain Qiye, with the understanding of this time, I am even more glad that I chose to become a member of the Qiye Pirate Regiment. ”

“I have seen many ugly scenes, joined the Navy, even if I can’t see it, I will definitely hear it, and in the Qiye Pirate Regiment, I won’t.” Because, the Qiye Pirates will not do ugly and dirty things. ”

Sengoku said in a deep voice, “Isn’t what you are doing now ugly and dirty things?” ”

“Those who profess to be righteous see whether they are dirty, and whether they are good or evil is decided only by those in power.” Since ancient times, the victor is king, the victor is right, and the loser is evil. ”

I don’t agree with this kind of statement, because some victors, although they are positive on the surface, are evil on the inside. But Captain Qi Ye is different, he will be the victor in the future, and his heart is not evil. Although I was blind, I could still see it. ”

“Hmm, hopeless!”

Sengoku strikes directly, the collision of shock waves and gravitational waves.

At this time, on the Qi Ye ship.

“Jessica, the ship’s firepower will be entrusted to you, and if you cooperate with the gravity of the vine tiger, the shell attack will not attack us.”


Jessica focused on the ground, fighting on the ground, she was difficult to help, now only ten years old, the strength has not yet grown, ready to control the firepower of the Qi Night, air combat to her.

The gravity of the vine tiger can obviously be controlled here, after all, it can control meteorites outside the planet.

After disembarking weightlessly and getting higher and higher, it will stop when it rises to a height of 10,000 meters, so it is impossible for anyone to reach such a height, and no matter how good the physical skills are.

After the shell is fired, Fujihu controls the landing point of the shell through the ability to accurately bombard.

Naval numerical superiority? In front of the Qiye Horn, it was gone.

The Qiye that Qi Ye asked to build was not only huge and luxurious, but also full of navigation, but also extremely strong in firepower.

At this time, Marin Fando land.

In the high seat, only Karp sat alone.

At this moment, Karp looked up and said, “You can’t continue to go up, otherwise you can only let your ship suppress the fire above.” ”


Suddenly, Kapu, who had never moved since the beginning, got up from his seat!

In an instant, the entire Malin Fando, the battle was briefly stopped, and all the eyes of the navy looked at Kapu, and their faces were suddenly excited!

“Lieutenant General Kapu is going to do it!!”

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