The combat maniac Barrett naturally felt the Red Dog’s killing intent towards Qi Ye and was displeased: “Your opponent is me, don’t be distracted, I will pay a great price.” ”

Red Dog looked at Barrett, who was ten years younger than himself, and would not take the enemy lightly, Barrett’s deeds, he was very clear, after all, he was once a soldier.

Sengoku and Reilly looked at Barrett as the shock wave shook Reilly back and said sincerely, “You were a soldier, and now you have a chance to become a navy.” Join our navy, we won’t do that to you, we’ll definitely give you what you want. After joining, your past crimes will also be offset according to your merits. ”

Barrett sneered, “Hmm, now I won’t trust anyone, join, don’t dream.” ”

Sengoku knew Barrett and, as a wise general, wanted to plot against Barrett.

“Join the Navy and you can be free.”

Barrett laughed, “Freedom? Unless the Dracos are all dead, they can become a navy and become free. ”

Hearing this, the Warring States looked ugly, knowing that there was no play, such a powerful combat force, it was a pity.

Red Dog was gloomy: “Since you have become a pirate, it is impossible to make a choice.” ”

“Jokes, I won’t choose. I will only believe in myself, what I want, and only I can help me achieve it. ”

Born in the endless wars of the Great Passage, Barrett was abandoned by his mother as an orphan and adopted by enemy forces. The badge on his arm, GF, is short for the armies of the hostile countries that adopted him.

As a child, he worked as a junior soldier under the army commander Douglas Gray, and his main task was to take the lead on the battlefield and step on landmines, or to open the way with bombs. The person who has made the greatest achievements on the battlefield will be awarded the “Medal”, and the young Barrett who has only been around with weapons since childhood is eager to get it, but the “Medal” will only be awarded to one person. Barrett is active with his powerful fighting power, but when he is about to succeed, he is betrayed by his companions, not only the medal is robbed, but also the near-death injury.

The betrayal of his companions is only because Barrett is too powerful, and even the young soldiers who grow up in the same environment will harm him. Barrett swept away the young soldiers who betrayed and harmed him, won the medal, and recognized the reasons for the failure, that is, his own negligence and arrogance, as well as his own weakness of trusting his companions. Since then, Barrett no longer believes in others, and everything is only for his own victory.

At the age of 13. With “the strength of being alone”, he became a hero on the battlefield and the strongest young soldier. He felt more and more that being strong could bring him freedom. Eat the “Fruit of Unity” while your life is hanging in the balance due to hunger and fatigue on the battlefield, and become more powerful from then on.

At the age of 14, he became a hero of the country, and the victory of the country was also imminent. Commander Douglas was promoted to “General” for Barrett’s exploits, and he cared for Barrett so much that he promised to let him leave the battlefield and give him real freedom. Barrett believed it and wiped out the enemy in the final war. Unexpectedly, Douglas betrayed and wanted to kill him, and an angry Barrett destroyed his country and army, was hunted down by the world government, and went to sea.

At the age of 15. He wandered around the sea in search of a battlefield, and he was not defeated. Meet Roger, challenge him, and lose. So Barrett has been following Roger’s Pirate Regiment’s ship, constantly challenging Roger, but all ended in failure.

Barrett swears: “I’m going to beat you one day and become the strongest in the world.”

Barrett joined Roger’s Pirates as a challenger, when only Roger could beat him in the entire pirate group, and even Vice Captain Reilly could only draw with him, but Barrett was not proud, but instead of training.

Barrett felt the Red Dog’s killing intent on Qi Ye and said in a deep voice, “My former goal was to defeat Roger, surpass Roger, and now there is one more, I am very interested in Qi Ye, I want to wait for him to grow up to fight with him and defeat him.” ”

“So, I’m not going to let you kill him.”

“Well, you can’t do it.”

The red dog’s right hand lavaded and turned into a vicious dog’s head, tearing it out.

“Inuyasha Red Lotus!”

At the same time, the more inflated magma of the Red Dog’s left arm surged upwards, centered on Qi Ye.

“Big Spitfire!”

Suddenly, a huge lava fist like a meteorite slammed into Qi Ye on the ice.

Before it landed, the terrifying temperature quickly melted the ice.

The rest of the cadres changed their faces and wanted to help, but were desperately dragged by the other lieutenant generals.

They also knew that even if they lost, they would have to let Roger Pirates lose something. And Qi Ye is the best choice.

In this battle, although Qi Ye did not fight with the strongest combat force, it should be said that the biggest impact was Qi Ye. So young, so influential, must be stifled.

Reilly, Roger wants to save, but faces Sengoku and Kapu respectively, and it is too late.

Qi Ye looked up at the falling lava fist, the sword in his hand quickly slashed out, and one golden slash after another split out, but it could not destroy the huge lava fist.

His current strength is still very different from that of the Red Dog, the power of this big fire-breathing can melt an iceberg, only the slash of the Great Sword Hao can be broken, and his own slash cannot be done.

However, this does not mean that Qi Ye feels that he must die and will not give up resistance.


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