The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 101: Tengzi's Pre-War Mobilization

"Are you sure all the servers on the platform operation side have been pulled over?!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"There must be something wrong somewhere!"

"There must be something wrong with your previous drill plan!"

Hua Teng just walked to the door of the top meeting room,

I heard the sound of fury coming from inside.

Hua Teng is very familiar with the owner of the voice.

He is the head of the game department of Goose Factory, the development director who was promoted by himself,

Chen Hao.

Speaking of Hua Teng's impression of Chen Hao,

He is a very business-oriented guy,

I basically don't understand the game, but how to draw cards for pua players with krypton gold is called playing a trick.

This is also the reason why Chen Hao was able to jump to the head of the game department like a rocket under Hua Teng.

But usually this Chen Hao, even though he speaks sarcasticly to his subordinates, is he still not going to lose his composure to such an extent?

Could it be related to wegame platform and Titanfall?

Full of doubts, Hua Teng pushed open the door of the conference room,


The originally noisy conference room was instantly quiet!

Everyone looked at the door in unison.

It's Huateng!

The original smell of gunpowder in the air disappeared all of a sudden!

Chen Hao, the director of game development, had an ashen face,

It turned from black to white immediately!

The little bosses who were scolded by director Chen Hao just now could hardly hold their heads up,

Looking down from the corner of his head, he sighed inwardly:

"This B is really good at changing his face in Sichuan opera!"

In the eyes of everyone, Hua Teng strode into the conference room,

Naturally, the chief sat down at the horseshoe-shaped conference table,

calm face

I can't see the pain of being beaten by fat in the game at all!


Hua Teng tapped the conference table lightly with his knuckles,

Turning his head slightly, he looked at the boss of the security department,

Don't wait for Hua Teng to say a word,

Just such a small gesture,

Li Te, the boss of the security department, immediately tensed up,

A tense report:

"Mr. Hua, the wegame platform is still being maintained. We have launched a three-level emergency plan to deal with that oasis platform!"

There was no change in Hua Teng's expression, and it was full of mystery as usual, making his subordinates unable to guess what he was thinking.

Emergency Plan No. 3 is already the second highest emergency response plan.

Further up, only you can grasp all the details of the action plan!

"It seems that this oasis platform also has Su Chen, it's not easy!"

Hua Teng thought silently in his heart,

Turning his head slightly, he looked sharply at Chen Hao, the development director of the game department.

Although Chen Hao has changed his face in Sichuan opera, and changed to a respectful expression,

But Hua Teng knows this guy, so he must have something to say!

As the boss of the goose factory, Hua Teng doesn't care much about daily affairs anymore.

But to coordinate the relationship between these generals under his command, it is still only by himself.

Chen Hao, the director, is also a fine person. When he saw Hua Teng's action,

Immediately understand what is going on!

"President Hua!"

Chen Hao's tone suddenly became high-profile and sharp!

"The No. 3 plan of the security department made a serious mistake!"

"Someone leaked our attack plan!"

When Director Chen Hao said this, everyone in the conference room was shocked!

Li Te, the boss of the security department, even became pale instantly!

Listen to the meaning of director Chen Hao's words,

Don't just say it outright,

Are there ghosts in the security department of the goose factory?

Director Chen Hao became more and more excited as he spoke,

Even Hua Teng was a little surprised,

The general of pua players under him, unexpectedly couldn't control his emotions today!

"An hour ago, we moved all the servers that are usually responsible for multiplayer games here!"

"All the computing resources of the company are executing this No. 3 emergency plan!"

"But it's like a meat bun beating a dog, everything comes and goes!"

"Creating spam traffic attacks, DDoS paralyzing the opposite network, and doing bot attack server ports are all useless!!!"

"Someone must have cleared that dog thief Su Chen in advance! The other side has already prepared countermeasures, just waiting for us to come!"

Director Chen Hao finished speaking in a string,

This stopped,

His face flushed, his lips moved slightly,

Still panting in the chest,

Everyone can see that the attack on the Oasis server and the Titanfall game failed this time,

Hit this guy hard!

Hua Teng, the owner of the goose factory, after listening to the intensive report, rested his right hand on the armrest of the chair, held his cheek,

Still not saying a word.

Li Te, the boss of the security department, also blushed all over his face after hearing these words,

Just wanted to defend myself,

The eyes just met Shang Huateng!

At that time, I was so shocked that I didn't dare to say another word!


"Turtle! It's been so many years, this is the first time I've seen Mr. Hua's eyes that can kill people!"

Drops of cold sweat immediately oozed from Li Te's forehead, flowing down his cheeks and onto his thick neck.


A faint evil spirit floated in the air.

Everyone fell silent.

Needle drop can be heard.


Hua Teng tapped the conference table again with his knuckles.

"々`First restore the operation of the wegame platform, and concentrate all server resources in Titanfall."

The command is simple and straightforward,

But every word counts!

Immediately, a small leader of the game operation department quietly exited the conference room and closed the door quietly.


As for director Chen Hao's accusation against the security department,

Hua Teng decided to put it aside for the time being.

At this juncture, the most important thing to avoid is internal strife.

Hua Teng firmly believes that,

Goose Factory is the strongest Internet bastion in the world!

The fortress of a super business empire can only be blasted from the inside,

It is absolutely impossible to be broken by outsiders!

All that needs to be done now is to stabilize the inside.

"You two sit down."

Hua Teng raised his chin slightly,

With a faint look in his eyes, he pointed to the seats on the left and right of him.

Chen Hao, the game director, and Li Te, the boss of the security department, followed Hua Teng's eyes and immediately sat quietly on the left and right sides.

"Sit down too, you've worked hard all night."

Hua Teng waved his hand lightly,

A group of high-level (Wang's Hao) leaders also sat down on both sides of the horseshoe-shaped conference table in accordance with the order of the workplace.

The tense atmosphere in the meeting room is almost on the verge of hands-on,

Instant solution!

"In our goose factory, there are no ghosts, and they are all good employees who are absolutely loyal to the company.

All the high-level leaders below secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The game department and the security department are the two departments that Hua Teng usually invests the most resources in.

If you fight now, it will be a real pill!

"So many years of ups and downs have come."

"Our goose factory, can any company and one person bring it down?

A faint smile appeared on Hua Teng's face,

"How many small game workshops and studios want to challenge or even bring us down?"

"What will happen to them, everyone here knows better than me."

"Today's Su Chen, and his Titanfall and Oasis platforms."

Hua Teng's hand took advantage of the momentum and slashed down!

"The ending won't be any different from them Li!"

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