Little Sister Daddy almost broke her mind,

This meal is scary enough!

The next sentence is:

"What a ghost!"



Through the recognition training of the built-in artificial intelligence AI for a period of time,

BT also probably understood what Dai Xiaomei meant.

【Do you have any supernatural discoveries, Pilot】

[Perhaps it can be added to my database and uploaded to the headquarters of the Rebel Army for analysis and comparison]

Dai Xiaomei fainted for a while.

This is called,


But not fully understood.

Such a wave directly relieved a lot of the tense atmosphere.

The little girl couldn't help but burst out laughing:

"BT, your analysis is very good, don't analyze it next time."

【Iron Pilot, understand】

"Just now... did you see what happened to me?"

There is a real-time image connection between Cooper and Pilot.

That is to say,

What Cooper saw, BT could also see through radio contact.

【Tie Pilot, within ten milliseconds before your signal disappeared, I collected your visual information screen】

"Then you know what happened just now?"

Looking at the dilapidated and gloomy ruins around, the little girl stayed,

Did not move a footstep.

What if Hululu is thrown to another plane or something! 30

【Iron Pilot】

BT sounds a reassuring synthesized mechanical voice at this moment, buzzing and saying:

[I detected a very strong gravitational wave field erupting in this facility at the moment your signal disappeared just now]

"Oh, so that's it... um, what gravity, what waves?"

The little girl just subconsciously wanted to nod,

Suddenly, I realized that I didn't understand at all!

What kind of gravitational wave does BT talk about, and what is it?

As a result, Little Sister Dai asked,

No BT popular science yet,

The barrage in the live broadcast room immediately brushed layer after layer:

"Check the cultural papermaking of the anchor!"

"The fish that slipped through the net of the nine-year compulsory education, it turned out to be!"

"After nine years of compulsory education in your family, teach this hahaha"

"Gravitational waves are waves emitted by gravity! Sister A is simply a cultural desert!"

"Why don't you leave it here? It's absolutely impossible."

[Gravity waves, energy forms that can cause space-time distortion]

BT simply explained,

Dai Xiaomei accepted this setting in a daze.

Whether it waves or not, it means time and space distortion anyway.

[The space-time distortion caused by this gravitational wave explosion]

[I speculate that it is the cause of the space-time rift in the facility]

"Crack in time and space?!"

This kind of concept, Dai Xiaomei knows more or less,

It's like traveling through time and space,

I've seen a lot of them in movies and animated novels.

Unexpectedly, to truly experience this feeling of traveling through time and space,

It was so terrifying!

After what BT said,

Little Sister Dai is completely sure now,

everything I've just been through,

It's not an illusion!

But it actually existed!

BT hummed and said:

[I am still looking for further information]

【Tie Pi, I suggest that we all act cautiously before obtaining further detailed information】


"By the way BT, has anything like this happened before?"

Little girl now, madly want to know more details,

That sentence,

Man's greatest fear is the unknown,

She totally understands now!

Choose another 10,000 times for the little girl,

Even facing a Titan empty-handed is better than being chased by white coats and robots all over the street!

As for Dai Xiaomei's question, I asked BT to check the information for a while before answering.

【Retrieving data】

[Rebel SRS has recorded similar cases on other planets, the specific circumstances are unknown]

[The common point of this type of crack is the surge in gravitational wave energy]

[My scanning system shows that in front of you is a huge conference room

【Careful, Iron Pilot】


The communication of BT is disconnected,

The surroundings of Little Sister Dai fell into silence and coldness again.

"meeting room?"

In front of Little Sister Dai, there was another corridor.

Deep, secluded, twists and turns.

When you look around, you can't see the end.

But after talking with BT,

Dai Xiaomei finally had some relief in her heart.

not supernatural,

not hypnotized,

Nor is it an illusion created by IMC.

I should have followed the time rift just now and ran back to the past from now,

From the past to the present again!

"Conference room.....conference room..."


Little Sister Dai's originally chaotic head,

suddenly thought of a word,

"General Mudd! General MD!"

Because the name is too easy to remember because of that, so the little girl quickly remembered it.

"Just now...the broadcast of this facility in the past seems to be saying something..."

"General Mudd has a meeting or something..."

"meeting room......!"


The curiosity and excitement in the little girl's heart, with the secretion of adrenaline to the peak,

The fear has been completely overwhelmed.

Hold the electric energy rifle tightly with both hands, take a deep breath,

He buried his head and rushed towards the secluded corridor leading to the conference room.



The things in the field of vision of Little Sister Dai began to become blurred and overlapped again.

The sound of water pattering on the ground, the swaying flames,

And the occasional thunder,

All are still in the back of the head.




Dai Xiaomei returns to the past of this mysterious facility.

intact ceiling, some harsh lights,

There was also a faintly noisy sound in the distance.


"Once you get used to the setting, it's quite interesting.

The little girl murmured in a low voice,

Traveling through this time gap at the beginning,

Still a little uncomfortable.

Now again and again and again,

Cooper's body has basically fully adapted to this change.

"Sure enough, it's here, but

The little girl looked back,

The corridors are empty,

Nor did any alarm sound,


There were no white coats or security robots chasing after them.

The little girl let out a long breath:

"It's a good thing those guys didn't come..."

"I should have just disappeared from under the noses of those white coats out of thin air, right?"

"Or they might just see a figure."

Although carefully imagined,

In broad daylight, only one person disappears from under the eyelids out of thin air,

It's also a scary thing!

But since he didn't follow the corridor,

did not alarm the other guards,

Then leave them alone.

【Today...we are doing for 823 humans...】

at the end of the corridor ahead,

That is the meeting room mentioned by BT,

A somewhat familiar voice came intermittently.

"It seems...where have I heard this voice?"

Dai Xiaomei stood on tiptoe carefully, and quickly approached the meeting room along the corridor.

"Sure enough!"

In front of you is a huge fan-shaped conference room,

A lot of IMC researchers were sitting here and there,

And the master of the speaking voice,

Now standing on the podium,

Talking to the following,

【Determinately eliminate the existence of the rebels, we will continue to maintain the survival of mankind. 】

【Let human beings move towards a more prosperous and bright future!】

"It's General Mudd!"

Dai Xiaomei finally remembered why she was a little familiar with this voice,

When I met E at the beginning, the Mard sent an order to let the search team recover BT!

"Can these people really see me?"

"Since I'm passing through the gap in time and space, I should be a special existence in this time and space, right?"

Dai Xiaomei took a deep breath, and quietly walked in close to the door of the conference room.

[Don't forget our original intention. 】

General Mudd was still speaking on the stage, and there were a group of IMC researchers below,

No one seemed to notice Cooper, and walked in quietly.


"Everything seems to be going well..."

The little girl let out a sigh of relief,

"It seems that I can't see me, those white coats before that..."

Suddenly, a word rang out,

The little girl who is listening, and all the viewers and water friends in the live broadcast room,

Cardiopulmonary Arrest!

【Huh? Tieyu, what do you want?】.

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