The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 123 Holy Ark Project, Truth, Transfer

Facing the scorching heat of thousands of degrees,

Cooper jumped straight down,

Scared the audience of the water friends in the live broadcast room!

It's just that before the keyboard hits the barrage of complaints,


In the blazing fire that keeps rising in the fire pit,

The moment that almost swallowed Cooper,

Cooper swung his left hand violently,


Instantly travel back to time and space!


The ceiling on this level, the floor on the level above,

Just above Cooper's head, almost brushing his helmet!

Over the heads of several IMC heavy shield soldiers patrolling on the next floor,

A shadow fell from the sky,

【Alert! Invasion......】

The words are not half finished yet,

the head of a soldier,


He was kicked cleanly by Sombra's flying kick.

Heiying swapped out the Aogou shotgun in the air with his right hand, and "710" shot a big spray on another soldier's head,

finally reflected in the screen,

It was the expression on the soldier's face, so frightened that it was extremely distorted.


Originally clean and bright floor,

It was instantly stained with bright red blood.


A series of waves of fast shuttle to switch time and space,

Only happens in less than half a second!

More than 3 million viewers in the live broadcast room,

Once again, be amazed!

"Guigui A is so beautiful, my scalp is numb!"

"Can you still design map levels like this? Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely!"

"NMD has never seen a map like this! Goose Factory, take a good look and learn!"

"This is called three-dimensional design! It is also combined with props! Su Chen really shows my face!"

"Surprised, it turned out to be this kind of operation!"

"But I kind of understand how Major Anderson did it!"

"If Sister A fails this wave of operations, she will be the second Anderson!"

"Made is scary, I think!"

"Fortunately, we have exercised sister A's ability to resist stress! How about getting stuck on the floor like Anderson!"

"It's very interesting to travel through time and space, and you can develop various gameplays!"

"The map design is also perfect, just to allow players to use this skill better."

"However, in VR, when you jump down under the high temperature of thousands of degrees, Nima's hand shakes and it disappears!"

"It doesn't matter if it's a second faster or slower!"

"It should be even faster than one tenth of a second!"

"The whole journey is like a roller coaster, and I want to give Su Chen crazy likes, and I want to send Su Chen blades!"

Waves of bullet screens, all are praising the level design this time,

On the side of Little Sister Dai, she just breathed a sigh of relief.

The VR equipment I'm wearing [I'm afraid it's completely soaked!

In reality, even a little cold wind blows, and I am so cold that I shiver.

"Su Chen.........!"

"I will definitely send you the blade later!!"

Dai Xiaomei gritted her teeth, lowered her voice and said something harshly!

Because of this experience of jumping directly into a thousand-degree high-temperature flame,

I really don't want to experience it a second time!

But this ghost producer Su Chen,

God knows what kind of psychological level he will come up with in the future!

and now,

Little girl suddenly realized something,

In the next floor, I can no longer travel back to the original time and space!

Otherwise it is,

Shuttle moment cool,

Chase the crematorium!

In the original time and space, this layer seems to be,

All have been consumed by fire!

【warning, warning】

【Unauthorized intruder detected】

[Mechanical guards dispatched]

The ear-piercing siren did not let off the ears of the little girl,

There were creaking and creaking sounds in the distance,

Needless to say,

It must be this IMC mechanical guard force.

"But it sounds like it's still a bit far away."

The little girl took a deep breath,

Suppress your fast beating heartbeat,

Raise the gun and rush directly into the target room marked by BT.

A black shadow flashed in with incomparable agility in an instant.

"BT, is this here?"

After the little girl dodged into another huge room,

A mysterious and scientific atmosphere of the past time and space almost smeared directly on the face.

【Yes, Iron Pilot】

[According to the previous scan data, there is a lot of gravitational wave energy remaining in this room]

[I preliminarily speculate that it has something to do with the holy cabinet project and the unknown big bang


Even without BT instructions,

Little Sister Dai can also be sure,

this place,

It must be the core point of the holy cabinet project!

There is something like a spherical Rubik's cube in the middle of the room,

Shining with silvery white light... 0

The little girl who stays quickly sweeps around,

Now that I have experienced many battles, I can instantly judge that in the core room of this plan,

There are currently no enemies.

At least in the time and space of the past, it was very safe.

The little girl let out a sigh of relief,

Running all the way to the most conspicuous spherical object in the room,

"......This is?"

Little girl standing in front of the shining spherical object,

Mouth flutters slightly,

this sphere,

The outside is a sphere structure composed of hexagons,

But the middle has been completely hollowed out,

The weird thing is,

Inside the hollowed out sphere, there is nothing,

still shining brightly,

It's like there will be natural light inside the sphere.

"That's right! BT must be the core manufacturing area of ​​the Holy Ark Project! Can you see it?"

"Oh, I forgot that you are backup data..."

The little girl suddenly stopped,

[I can see that the visual data of Tie Yu has been uploaded, and I in the future time and space can also receive the video here]

[In addition, Iron Pilot, here is Major Anderson's action trajectory, I am analyzing it based on his helmet data]


The head-up display interface in the little girl's helmet,

Again there is an Anderson projection that doesn't actually exist,

【Start playing】


Major Anderson's blue projection, began to speak:

"Ender 3.1 Mori Log 3-4-2"

"I discovered the secret of the IMC."

"The energy source of the folded space-time weapon they possess is called the holy cabinet.

The little girl was shocked!

"BT! It turns out that IMC's Holy Ark plan? It refers to..."

[It refers to a weapon that folds time and space, and its energy source

Anderson's projection, starting around the spheroidal fissure,

let's move,

While groping, he said:

"It seems that the IMC has not yet developed a perfect shell for loading space-time weapons."

"This kind of high-energy gravitational wave space-time weapon must be restrained by a strong shell, otherwise it is extremely easy to destroy itself.


Anderson's projection stopped suddenly,

The tone suddenly became extremely serious:

"The Holy Ark has been moved elsewhere."

"Anderson, finish recording

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