The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 127: The Coolest Shot In Game History! Wind And Fire Travel Through The Two Heavens!

Cooper, played by Dai Xiaomei, walked quickly into the deepest passage of the facility.


There was a whistling sound,

Dai Xiaomei suddenly had a very bad premonition.

It seems that Su Chen, the producer of this game, is going to mess with his mentality again!


The Ao dog shotgun, which had run out of bullets, was thrown on the ground.


After possessing the time travel ability that is almost teleporting and flashing in the eyes of the enemy,

Dai Xiaomei no longer wants to use a small-caliber automatic rifle.

Spray the large-diameter spray on the opposite face,

that feeling,

It is the coolest decompression.

click sound,

pistol loaded,

The little girl quietly walked to the wall and approached the corner,

Two-handed guns, a standard indoor CQB action,

"Since BT said that there is a large amount of holy cabinet energy left here,


The little girl took a deep breath,

Skillfully turned around and rushed out of the corner,

The muzzle of the swarthy gun pointed steadily forward, without shaking at all.


"This is?"

neither corner kill,

There are no heavily defended mechanical guards,

Only the sound of sizzle.

"Current floor?"

Dai Xiaomei followed Zizi's movement and watched,

On the ground ahead, several pitch-black metal plates are connected together,

A continuous current flows on the ground of the passage ahead.

On the walls on both sides, lasers that scan irregularly scan from time to time.

end door,

It is a laser protective door composed of dozens of laser cutting lines.

"If you touch it directly, you are afraid that it will be cut into countless pieces in an instant.

The little girl shook her head lightly,

This wave of defense ahead, if dealing with ordinary intruders,

Enough is enough and can no longer be enough.

Up and down, left and right, all-round three-dimensional defense.

Hardly any dead ends.

"Unfortunately, I was not taken into consideration."

The little girl waved her left hand to her chest,

The time-space wristband bursts with red light,


A sea of ​​red flames engulfed all the ground ahead,

Little girl sprints up the wall quickly,

Passing through the defunct defensive gate at the end,

The left hand waved forward again,


Land firmly.


The sound of dangerous electricity, and the hissing laser cutting line on the laser defense door,

are reminded of the fact that

That's Cooper,

It has broken through the last defense before the core secret of the IMC holy cabinet.

"Okay, next..."

The humming sound of the turbofan came to the ears of the little girl,

Little girl Dai turned her head to look at this well-protected room,


for a while,

The little girl is actually a little confused!

"Where is the sound of the turbofan coming from?"

This tightly guarded room,

It doesn't look like much special place.

Even the simplicity would not make people think that this is related to the holy cabinet project.

"BT, could it be that you made a mistake?"

【No, Iron Pilot, I did detect the residual energy of the huge holy cabinet here】

The little girl took a quick glance,

There are clean walls on all sides,

Looking up, the ceiling doesn't look anything special either.

Even if the secret of the holy cabinet project is hidden,

At least there should be a channel, right?

"Then there is only here."

Little girl Dai took a few steps into the depths of the room,

look down,

Three huge turbofans are embedded in the floor and rotate at high speed.

The previous buzzing sound came from these three turbofans with a diameter larger than Cooper.

Each turbofan blade is almost as tall as Cooper!

"This is... the ventilation duct!?"

"What leads down here is the core of the Holy Ark Project? Why...

The little girl's voice has not yet fallen,

three ventilation ducts,

As if an intruder had been detected, the speed of the three ventilation turbofans,

Sudden rapid rise!


The air flow around you is extremely fast!

The huge amount of air inhaled almost dragged the little girl into it.

Directly support the ground with one hand, bend over to lower the center of gravity,

It was only the young girl who could hold her figure steady.

"This is...………?!"

Seeing that the turbofans on the three sides of the ground are rotating faster and faster,


Dai Xiaomei can even hear the sound of the soles of her feet rubbing hard against the ground!


The walls and ground within the field of vision seem to be receding!

The little girl was taken aback,

This is the three-sided fan sucking itself into the ventilation duct!

Now I understand,

Why in this room,

So clean that there is nothing there.

Even if there is, I'm afraid it will just be sucked in by the huge turbofans on three sides!

Dai Xiaomei simply let go of her left hand,

Without the resistance of the left hand supporting the ground, the little girl was sucked closer and closer by the turbofan in an instant.

The audience members in the live broadcast room let out an exclamation at the same time!

"Damn it, I'm going to become Sister Meat Sauce!"

"So the IMC is waiting here?"

"It's so scary! Is this thing a spaceship-level wind tunnel!"

"Walking into this kind of turbo fan, it feels like it's instantly turned into minced meat sauce!"

"I'm afraid there's not even any meat left!"

"It's going to be Cooper sauce!"

In the live screen,

The little girl was sucked by the huge suction,

Getting closer and closer to the crazily spinning turbofan!

Shuiyou audience who approached the screen,

Through the screen, I even feel like I'm being sucked in!


Dai Xiaomei waved her left hand, and the red light on her left wrist burst out.

The furiously rotating ground turbofan disappeared instantly together with the huge airflow involved.


It is a huge pipeline with no bottom.

Inside the room, reddened by the firelight outside,

Three-sided turbofan embedded in the floor,

The two farther away are still squeaking and turning,

And the turbofan [I don't know when] in front of Dai Xiaomei has disappeared.

The little girl took a step cautiously, opened her neck and glanced at the bottomless pipe,

Heart terrified!

It turns out that this huge and bottomless pipeline,

Not just one turbofan!

In the original time and space, the first turbofan blades on the ground have disappeared,

But a few meters below, the second layer of damaged fan blades has stopped rotating,

An incomparably hot flame is burning.

scorching heat,

Wave after wave, they rushed straight to the face of Dai Xiaomei.

Through the helmet, Ha's dull little girl backed away again and again.

"Cough cough...... What's going on here? Go down?"


It would be fine if there was only one obstacle in the past,

You can easily cross obstacles by traveling through time and space by yourself.

"Could it be that?"

At this moment, little girl Dai suddenly had a dangerous premonition in her mind!

This time, the little girl put her gun in her right hand and firmly grasped a pole on the ground.

take a deep breath,

With a wave of his left hand forward, a blue light burst out on the wristband.



air sucked madly,

making a shrill whistling sound,

Although this time, the right hand of Dai Xiaomei firmly grasped a pole on the ground,

But the gust of wind is still tearing itself into the pipeline!

Little girl gritted her teeth,

Reluctantly looking into the whirring ventilation duct,

... 0 for flowers 0


The fan blades that burned violently in the original time and space,

It has sunk below and started to rotate.

"No wonder this ventilation duct has amazing suction power!"

"It seems that there is exactly a height difference between the past time and space and the original time and space, the position of the same fan blade in the pipe!"

I don't know how many crazily rotating fan blades are waiting for me below!

Little girl gritted her teeth and waved the wristband on her left wrist,


"Hoo hoo... Hoh․..."

Just for a while, the right hand grabbing the ground is sore!

Dai Xiaomei stood up, put her hands on her knees, bent over and panted continuously:

"Is this going to vacuum up the whole room?!"

BT's steady voice suddenly sounded,

[I am afraid that the experiment of the Holy Ark Project requires a lot of air]

"Then it's impossible to go down to this ghostly place!"

"Having just passed through the wind, you will encounter fire again!"


Little Sister Dumb suddenly thought of a possibility,

But this possibility,

too crazy!

Looking at the front and bottom of the body, a pipeline of scorching heat waves emerges,

Little girl suddenly felt,

My palms are constantly sweating!


Involuntarily shaking his head:


The soles of the feet seem to be a little soft,

Previously on various high-altitude cliffs, when sliding walls and jumping and sprinting,

I have never been so terrified!

Little Sister Dai swallowed hard in her throat,

The tone is a bit harsh:

"BT, are you sure it's the following? The most critical step of the holy cabinet project is confidential?"

【Tie Yu, I can only say that there is a high probability that it is】

[Because it was detected...]

BT didn't finish talking,

Little girl waved her hand,

"I need to say any more."

Shuiyou audience in the live broadcast room did not react at once,

I still don't know what the little girl will do next.

"Sister A's expression looks like she's going to the execution ground!"

"I feel that sister A's face is green!"

"What happened here? Sister A is too cowardly! The gap between this wave and Cooper is a bit big!"

"Try dancing first, Sister A! I've already covered my eyes and turned down the volume!"

These high-praise barrages that watch the excitement and are not afraid of big things,

One by one, it was passed to the ears of the little girl,

Just when the little girl was about to fight back viciously,

BT's voice sounded again:

【Tie Yu, I believe you can do it】

Dumb girl, instantly felt a warm current from the soles of her feet to her forehead!


Open your mouth and take a deep breath,


The figure of Cooper jumped directly into the ventilation duct burning thousands of degrees of high-temperature flames!

Free fall in the air!

live footage,

Following the perspective of Little Sister Dai, he quickly rushed into the flame pipeline.

All Shuiyou viewers in the live broadcast room,

They all took a breath of cool air!

The scorching heat wave can be felt through the screen!

And the little girl who just passed through the ground entrance of the pipeline,

The blazing high temperature immediately enveloped the whole body,

The heat wave that can ignite the clothes alive will engulf the little girl in an instant.

The hot wind whistling past my ears,

Dai Xiaomei waved her left hand forward violently,


The scorching heat that envelops the whole body,

It disappeared in an instant!

Originally damaged and burned fan blades,

Moved to the front of the pipe like a flash,

spinning wildly,

The roar of the huge fan blades almost shattered the eardrums of the little girl.

inhaling the icy cold wind,

The little girl who was blowing just now was still sweating all over, shivering in the air!

Wind and fire double heavenly power!.

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