The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 130 Supergravity Shockwave, Time Travel And Destruction

【Tie Pilot, the paragraph just now is the last record of Major Anderson】

"I see."

Dai Xiaomei's tone also became serious.

Although I have only met this guy named Major Anderson twice,

One time I took off the helmet from the upper body,

One time was to take off the time-space wristband from the lower body.

But secretly,

Little Sister Dai already regards Anderson as her companion,

A companion who was born and died together on the battlefield.

Although the trajectories of the two are separated by two different time and space.

Thinking of this, Little Sister Dai remembered Anderson's space-time wristband again,

Now it fits nicely on my wrist,

This is where Little Sister Dai is most confused,

"BT, Major Anderson's time-space wristband should be faulty, right? Why did it seem to be repaired when it arrived in my hand?"

At the last moment, in the projection, the scene where Anderson was twitched all over by the malfunctioning energy on his wristband,

When Dai Xiaomei thinks about it now, she still has lingering fears in her heart.

Among other things, if the critical moment comes,

Give yourself this space-time wristband too...  

[Iron Pilot, the repair status of the wristband is unknown]

[This wristband is not made by the IMC or any party of the Rebel Army, it is a foreign technology obtained in an operation called Grizzly Bear]

[Sorry, I can't detect whether its internal structure is damaged

The little girl nodded helplessly,

It seems that if there are other battles in the future,

I still have to use the space-time shuttle with caution.

【Here we are, the ironworks

【Looks like this is the model of the Holy Ark project weapon】

BT's heavy electronic sound hums,

Little girl Dai stopped her pace, looked up,

Ahead, there is another open space.

Different from the laboratory seen before,

Even if you just stand here, you can feel the huge residual energy fluctuations.


There was also the muffled noise of various automatic machine models running around.

And in the middle of the open laboratory,

It is a device composed of four magnetic orbit rings, a ring model, and a planet model.

The faint blue and white rays of light shuttle continuously on the ring,

And the four magnetic track rings are arranged sequentially from front to back,

A slender beam of light emerges from the belt device model,

Through the center of the circle of four magnetic orbits, it finally passes through a yellow planet model.

Where did Dai Xiaomei use VR in the game to see such a sci-fi scene?

I was taken aback immediately.

And in this place, space-time distortion may occur at any time!

The energy of gravitational waves is simply too great.

"Is this the BT? There is a lot of energy left in the holy cabinet"?"

[Yes, factory

[My backup AI is collecting the energy characteristics of the holy cabinet here, and it will take a while]

BT's AI saw that the little girl was still staring at the model in a daze,

Let's start explaining very intimately:

【Tie Yu, these four magnetic track rings should be energy accelerators】

"Energy accelerator?"

The little girl was dumbfounded,

After all, I was just playing Cooper, and the game didn't instill all of Cooper's knowledge.

[That's right, it should be similar to the particle accelerator of the Rebel Army, fixing the energy field on this ring to provide energy acceleration for the holy cabinet weapons passing through it]

Dai Xiaomei nodded her head half-understood,

"The holy cabinet weapon that goes through it... BT you mean the beam?"

【Yes, Iron Pilot, this light beam should be a certain energy form simulating the holy cabinet】

The focus of Dai Xiaomei's attention immediately turned to the light beam passing through the four rings.

just noticed,

This light beam is different from the ordinary light I usually see,

totally different!

The light that we usually see, if there is no obstruction, it will go straight.

And it either shoots straight up like a laser pointer or spreads out like a flashlight.

But overhead this beam of light passing through four circles,

Completely contrary to my common sense!

"BT, this light beam seems to be forced from the middle by a force..."

The little girl was stuck for a while,

After searching my stomach, I managed to squeeze out a sentence:

"It's pinched from the middle?"


"Like a super slim hourglass!"

Dai Xiaomei breathed a sigh of relief, now she has found a suitable descriptor for herself.

That's right, an hourglass.

It should have been a straight beam of light,

It was directly pressed into an arc with both ends raised and the middle pressed down.

[Tie Pilot, this light beam, that is, the gravitational wave energy beam of the holy cabinet weapon, has been concentrated in the middle

[So it presents an hourglass-shaped appearance]

"Energy processing?"

Now BT popped up another vocabulary that made the little girl feel dizzy!

Dai Xiaomei once again fell into a state of bewilderment.


At this time, BT's voice actually showed a trace of seriousness:

[Through the acceleration of the energy field on the ring, the gravitational wave energy burst out on the ring is compressed and aggregated in the middle]

"Thus bursting out stronger destructive energy?"

Dai Xiaomei immediately understood.

The voice is trembling!


【Tie Pilot, I have cracked the preliminary attack procedure of the Holy Ark Project】


A few golden conspicuous fonts,

Appears above several rings in sequence.

Little girl Dai moved her steps, looking curiously at each one,

"々Supergravity Shockwave..."

"Time travel?"

"There is also this called offset shock wave."

"The last one is the target planet."

It is a few easy-to-understand nouns,

Immediately let the little girl suddenly realize!

"I know BT!"

"It's here! The energy gathering you mentioned happened!"

The little girl rushed to the bottom of [Time and Space Journey],

Here is the place where the gravitational wave energy beam of the holy cabinet weapon is compressed the most.

The device that was looming before has become much clearer now,

Two vertical planes with an hourglass-shaped passage in the middle,

Then the gravitational wave energy beam of the holy cabinet weapon passed through the hourglass-shaped channel,

In the end, it was squeezed into the super slender hourglass shape that the little girl saw.

"Journey through time and space.....Journey through time and space..."

Dai Xiaomei (Li Qianzhao) stared at the golden letters and muttered to herself.


A bolt of lightning flashed across my mind,

The little girl almost jumped up:

"There's a huge compression of supergravitational wave energy going on here, so...

"In this place, time and space have been torn and distorted!"

【Yes, Iron Pilot, our understanding is very close】

BT's voice actually sounded so gratifying:

[This is why, here, we can use the wristband device to travel through time and space at will

【Moreover, I am afraid that this kind of space-time tearing distortion is not accidentally created by IMC】

The little girl was taken aback,

It wasn't an accident?

Dai Xiaomei looked at the imaginary target in the model along the light beam,

That is, the yellow glowing star.

[The holy cabinet is a weapon that destroys a planet by deliberately folding time and space]

【Iron Pilot, I have collected the energy characteristics of the Holy Cabinet Project】

【I have an idea, I suggest we meet outside first】.

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