The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 140 Overlapping World Lines, Go To The Interstellar Communication Tower

【Welcome back, Cooper】

BT's heavy synthetic mechanical sound hums,

The little girl's head was also buzzing.

For a while, I was a little confused.

"It seemed like a white light just now... and then..."

I don't seem to remember much of what happened next,

I just remember that it seemed to be black in front of my eyes,

The brain enters a groggy state.

B and T's voice is as calm as ever:

【Tie Yu, you just came back from the old time and space, your heart rate is too fast】

【According to the J12 medical plan, adjust your breathing slowly

This time, Dai Xiaomei really listened to BT's suggestion,

take a long breath,


With this breath exhaled slowly,

Little Sister Dai also woke up quite a bit.

The pupils also fully adapted to the light in front of them.


Why do you feel that your posture is a bit strange?

When I opened my eyes, I saw the gray sky.

"This is me, come back?"

"And... lying on the ground?"

Only then did the little girl react,

I also saw the small core on BT's head, turning around and looking at me.

【Looks like you've woken up a lot, Iron Pilot】

[You have successfully scanned and obtained the core feature map of the holy cabinet

[Next, we need to get in touch with the headquarters of the Rebel Army and inform them about the Holy Ark Project]

Little girl Dai put her hands on the ground and slowly got up from the ground.

The body does not seem to have suffered any damage.

Just a little dizzy.

"BT, what did you just say, uh"

In my head, I was still a little confused.

The core green light spot on BT's head,

Watching the little girl slowly stand up slowly.

"How did I get back here?"

...I only remember that it seemed that just after scanning the holy cabinet, there was a white light, and then the space shook violently"

[I speculate that the scanning process may be due to the intervention of external forces, which destroys the instantaneous static space-time balance]

"So my old shuttle is back?"

[The specific shuttle process is equally a mystery to the Rebels and the IMC]

[It may also be related to your space-time wristband]

Little girl Dai looked down at the time-space wristband on her wrist,

Throwing forward habitually.


A faint red light lights up,

But this time, there was no other response.

In the next second, the already extremely weak light,

Completely disappeared.

【Pilot, it seems that the wristband of Major Anderson has been damaged】

Little girl nods her head,

This is not beyond my expectations.

When traveling through time and space with BT before, this time and space wristband seemed a bit overwhelmed.

Just now, I was tossing again at the point where time stood still.

The result of the final destruction is also expected.

However, compared to the indifference of the little girl,

Shuiyou audience in the live broadcast room sighed one after another!

"It's really broken when I go!"

"Hey, this time travel wristband is no better than any weapon! It's a pity!"

"Can you open a krypton gold option, as long as 99999! I will fight with a time-space wristband the whole time!"

"If this game is developed by Goose Factory, it is 100% possible! It's a pity that this game is made by the ghost Su Chen, don't dream!"

"I think it's pretty good. It's too buggy to use this thing all the time! It's just right to use one chapter to do this kind of time-space switching! If there are too many, it will be boring!"

Dai Xiaomei directly took off the invalid wristband on her wrist,

"BT, so we are going to report to the headquarters now?"

【Yes, but the signal from the headquarters has not been contacted yet】

Little girl nods her head,

She knows this.

After the tactical nuclear explosion from the IMC in District 13,

It is basically impossible to contact the Dawn of the Ninth Fleet of the Rebel Army,

Not to mention the connection with the Rebel headquarters.

"It should have something to do with the huge energy fluctuation here, right?"

Little Sister Dai looks into the distance, in this ring belt where time and space have stopped running,

Remnants of energy still affect the world.

[I think so, Pilot, so we need to go to another communication point of the IMC]

[There is the IMC launch pad for interstellar light-year distance communication, I believe you can contact the Rebel Army headquarters there]

"Another communication point? Is the IMC long-distance communication nearby also blocked?"

[That's right, so the IMC reinforcements blocking us are very weak, and they can't summon reinforcements from other places]

BT's manipulator creaked and pointed to the scattered remains of several corpses on the ground, as well as some fragments of corpses of alien beasts.

Indeed, compared to the old time and space IMC frequently dispatched Titan elite troops to block itself,

Now the defense power of this space-time IMC is much weaker.

"I see, let's go, go to the interstellar launch pad of the IMC!"

Little girl Dai turned her head and glanced at the dilapidated buildings around her,

And suddenly remembered one thing,

An extremely important, but key event that I have been ignoring all the time!

"BT, did I cause the explosion that destroyed all facilities?"

BT just crouched down to let Cooper board the plane,

hearing this question,

The little head nodded:

[Judging from the result of traveling back to the past time and space, yes]

【Tie Pilot, your appearance in the past time and space has disrupted the IMC's holy cabinet test plan, making the energy operation extremely unstable】

[In the end, the violent explosion of the holy cabinet energy destroyed the entire facility]

"々`And I successfully escaped the big bang through the final space-time travel?"

BT squeaked and nodded.

"So is Major Anderson..."

This time, Dai Xiaomei didn't continue talking.

Looking at the deciphered Anderson log records, as well as the parsed projection actions,

His infiltration plan seemed to be ruined by a sudden commotion outside.

And what caused this big commotion,

From the derivation of the results,

It should be Cooper, that is, himself.

In the end, Anderson was attacked, and the time-space wristband encountered a malfunction. In the end, he failed to travel through time and space and died tragically stuck in the floor.

To some extent,

Also related to Cooper.

"I really didn't expect that when I shuttled back to (good Li Hao) in this way, so many things have undergone a series of changes."

BT's response:

【Tie Yu, I think this time travel wristband is to let you go back to the past and embark on the established mission path】

[Using human time theory, this seems to be called a world of coincidence

As soon as BT mentioned time Barabara,

The little girl's head is getting bigger:

"Okay, BT, I got it! Anyway, let's go to the headquarters first!


BT cockpit door open,

Dai Xiaomei leaped up skillfully.

[Switch to Iron Pilot Control Mode]

【Tie Pilot, I have already marked the approximate location of the IMC interstellar communication station】

【Time is running out, IMC has been transferring the core of the holy cabinet for some time】

"The station is here, let's go, BT."

Dai Xiaomei nodded, and pulled up the joystick with both hands.

At the same time, he said in a low voice:

"Rest in peace, Major Anderson."

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