The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 143 Crush The Stalker And Break Into The Signal Station!


in the mist

A beam of energy shot out from the muzzle,

Then, several unknown mechanical creatures were mercilessly torn apart.

"This new weapon is really good!"

Dai Xiaomei looked excitedly at the huge split gun in BT's hand,

It's a lost Titan weapon I just picked up near the launch pad.

Before I had time to take a closer look at this new weapon,



In the rebel communication channel that has been almost silent,

There was a rustling noise!

【Help! Help!......Please......Help!】

【The one outside...the pilot...can you receive it?】

The voices of human soldiers came intermittently from the rebel channel.

mixed with heavy background noise,

It was very difficult for Dai Xiaomei to hear the cry for help on the channel.

"I can receive it! I can receive it! Please report your status "940"!"

rustle rustle.....

After a while of noise,

Then came the reply from the rebel soldiers:

【I am Captain Cole of the Rebel Third Grenadier Unit!】

This time, there was a burst of fierce gunshots in the channel reply,

And the explosion of the grenade,

Almost made the little girl deaf!

[We are being overwhelmed by a large number of stalker machines! I ask for your support! I ask for support!]

Immediately afterwards, there was another burst of loud noise,

Overwrites channel communication entirely.

"Can you hear me? Hello? Can you hear me?"

Dai Xiaomei shouted several times into the communicator,

The only response to me was the rustling busy tone.

[It seems that we have to assist these rebels as soon as possible]

Little girl nods her head,

Manipulate the BT and rush to the launch pad.

"BT, I didn't expect there to be rebels here!"

[I also didn't detect their emission signals, guessing it may be blocked by air particles around

[And the positions of these rebels seem to be compressed to the depths of the launch pad]

A ray of electrical energy slammed into an unknown machine blocking the way.

"These are the stalkers?"

Dai Xiaomei looked at the shattered mechanical corpses under the feet of BT,

It's hard to connect these with the words "sneak".

【That's right, these mechanical creatures are fast and stealthy】

In the next second, Miss Dai understood the meaning of BT's words.

Inside the dozens of small windows of the giant tower of the launch pad,

All of a sudden, a bunch of strangely shaped robots popped out densely!

Creaking and rushing towards BT!

"Is this a dog or a human?"

"The number is too much!"

In the cockpit, the little girl stared at the stalker robots rushing towards her.

The scalp is a little numb!

[Iron Pilot, suggest a strategic plan for combat: crush them, use a 40-ton fuselage to destroy small enemy factories

Not only the little girl, but also the audience and water friends in the live broadcast room were all taken aback:

"I rely on me and thought it was some brilliant battle plan!"

"Crush them directly!"

"Too direct but I like it!"

"Crush these ants!"

"I didn't expect the BT to weigh only 40 tons! It's so slim!"

"It should be a full-fiber mech! That's why it's so light!"

Then there was a loud rumble in the screen,

The propulsion engine behind the BT bursts with blue light,

In an instant, it turned into a dark green giant shadow that was almost invisible, and was directly transferred to the densely packed stalker ministers!

After ten seconds,

Mechanical fragments that were crushed all over the place.

The green shadow of the fuselage stood tall in front of the signal station.

The audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded again:

"BT is like an elephant crushing an ant!"

"Just stepped on these miscellaneous machines all the way!"

"How do I feel that BT's body performance has evolved again?"

"Isn't this much better than some armor-piercing gun?"

【This is BT-7274, calling for the Rebel Army】

[Enemies around the signal station have been eliminated]


The extremely excited voice of the rebels came from the communication channel:

"Thank you Titan and Pilot! We can't hold it anymore!"

"Please stay away from the front blast door, I will open it right away!"

Then there was a loud click,

The explosion-proof door on the front of the launch pad slowly opened.

The little girl jumped out of the cockpit,

Walk into the gate side by side with BT.

"Welcome Titan! And the Pilot!"

Dai Xiaomei and BT have just entered the gate of the signal station,

The excited voice of Captain Cole of the Rebel Army came from above.

"Tie Pilot, you and Titan stand on that elevator!"

"Ship them up!"

Dai Xiaomei and BT walked up to a vertical transport ladder as promised,

creaking sound,

A few seconds later, the two stood together in front of the podium on the second floor.

"Why are you here?"

When Little Sister Dai just came up to the second floor,

I also kept a special eye... 0

Walk up to the rebel Captain Cole

With a low voice, a sentence came suddenly:

"Tianwang Town Tiger!"

As a result, it was naturally the captain, who didn't respond at all.

Instead, he looked at the little girl with a puzzled look:

"Tie Pilot, what are you talking about?"

The little girl waved her hands falteringly, and muttered in her mouth that she couldn't speak.

I silently thought:

"It seems that this is not played by a player! It is a real NPC! Broken!"

Embarrassing myself now!

Laughed directly in the live broadcast room!

"Made ruined the atmosphere too much, old woman!"

"What kind of pagoda town river monster did I spit out?"

"I can't laugh anymore hahahaha"

"Ma De is mentally retarded, sister A! Do you want to do some AI tests?"

"The old woman still likes to work around so much! It's too mentally retarded hahahaha"

Gao Zan's barrage clearly passed into the ears of the little girl,

Now his face became even more red,

I had to quickly change the subject:

"That...why are you here?"

The momentary awkward atmosphere seems to disappear immediately,

Captain Cole immediately responded crisply:

"Our grenadier troops are here to occupy this IMC interstellar signal station, and we want to contact the Dawn flagship in high orbit."

The little girl nodded:

"It seems that the problems we have encountered are exactly the same. We are also here to contact the headquarters of the rebel army." 2.6 At this time, BT suddenly started talking:

"Captain, what is the status of the signal station?"

Captain Cole showed a troubled look on his face:

"The condition of the signal station is not very good, the power to activate the signal station has been turned off, and we do not have the control signal station now.

Speaking of which, Captain Cole took out something like a large retro camera from the console beside him,

Hold it in front of you:

"There must be something like this to restart the beacon, but the one I have is broken.

Captain Cole just finished speaking,

The core position on BT's head buzzed, and a ray of light shot out.

Almost scared the little girl,

[Device name: arc device. 】

[Function: Generate up to five megajoules of energy]

PS: The author went to the hospital for a check-up on the weekend, and the condition is not very good, and the update is slow, so I would like to say sorry to everyone. .

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