The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 17 Get The Battery, Make Love With Bt! (Ask For Flowers)

At Su Chen's feet was a huge dilapidated ventilation duct.

A blazing flame burns in the pipe,

Waves of heat rushed to the face,

After only a moment, Su Chen felt his whole body was soaked.

The Iron Pilot Cooper I played was facing such a seemingly impossible level.

But there is only one passage ahead, and there is no other way.

However, the biggest difference from Cooper's equipment at the beginning is that it is now on Su Chen's left wrist.

Wears a "watch" device that glows with an eerie blue light.

"The temperature of this plasma flame is at least a thousand degrees."

That is to say, this ventilation duct is casted with the special vibration gold material on Tiphon,

To withstand such high temperatures.

This high-temperature plasma flame, once touched,

Even the iron pilot uniform on Cooper is already a special polymer flame-retardant material,

It is also impossible to avoid the result of being burned into coke in an instant.

And Su Chen, is to adjust the difficulty and somatosensory settings of this level,

"Under the interweaving of wind and fire, where is the limit of the player?"

Taking a deep breath, Su Chen jumped into the pipe seemingly without any other precautions!

The unbearable 1,000-degree heat is coming!

The iron pilot helmet on his face seemed to be melting rapidly!

Almost all the rationality in the body is used to fight against the instinctive fear of being swallowed by the flames,

The thousand-degree blue plasma flame is about to devour Su Chen!


At the last moment before being engulfed by the flames, Su Chen finally suppressed his instinctive fear with the last sliver of reason left,

Press the red button on the "Watch" barely with your right hand,

Click! ! !

Su Chen cried out in his heart: "It's a beat slower!"

Thousand degrees of fire, like a terrifying beast, instantly devoured Su Chen.

The intense burning pain immediately overwhelmed Su Chen's senses.

It's dark!


The somatosensory helmet was thrown to the ground by Su Chen,

Sitting directly on the ground out of breath.

Although after debugging, the burning pain of the thousand-degree plasma flame is only for a moment,

But it still hurts too much! It was as if the whole body was pricked with needles in a second!

In such a short moment, Su Chen's whole body was soaked.

"No... This difficulty is still too high, even I can't stand it."

If it is placed on a flat screen, this level will definitely pass by itself.

It's nothing more than pressing E at the moment before being swallowed by the fire.

But put it in virtual reality, the kind of human beings' instinctive fear of high-temperature flames,

It's not that it's easy to overcome.

Moreover, being instantly swallowed by thousands of flames brought not only unprecedented pain,

You can even smell the smell of burnt flesh!

"Do you want to add a bullet time to it?"

"Or lower the pain level of the somatosensory simulation equipment?"

Su Chen was thinking,

On the live broadcast page of the nearby display screen,

Suddenly there was an inhuman howl!

"It hurts! It hurts too much!"

"WDNMD! It's like being roasted alive into a Maoming suckling pig!"

What makes eggplant break the defense?

And the blade value received by the system is also increasing rapidly!

Su Chen stood up and took a look,

Not only Eggplant, other top anchors, Dai Xiaomei, Zhou Jie, pdd, etc.

A lot of people are stuck!

Just stuck on the way to find the first BT power battery,

The wreckage of the mothership, which was on fire everywhere, became the first obstacle in the way?

As long as you are not careful, the exposed part of the player's arm touches the steel plate that has not caught fire,

They will all be screaming hot!

Coupled with the high-temperature fire barriers that collapse from time to time,

It directly broke the mentality of many anchors!

In the live broadcast room, there was even more fanfare:

"Coin minting, sister A! You are really riding a horse to mint coins!"

"Can't you just jump over it? Even if you burn it, you'll lose some blood!"

"I don't think it's too difficult? Could it be that VR equipment has a difficulty bonus?"

"Why don't the anchor refund the game? It's said that you can refund the game in less than two hours!"

"Fuck, the creator, Su, has enough conscience!"

The dazed little girl who had been scalded, seemed to have tears in the corners of her eyes!

pain! It hurts so much!

However, as a well-known female game anchor, I definitely can't stop here!

Just now, little girl Dumb heard from the barrage that Sister Zhou has passed this level!

What are you talking about, now, you have already held the battery to have a relationship with BT?

Although I don't understand what kind of brain circuit it is to have a relationship with Titan,

But Little Sister Dai knows a little bit,

Even if you burn it into a roast suckling pig today, you still have to get the Titan battery!

The captain risked his life to save Cooper before, which made the eyes of the little girl red to this day.


In the background of the system, the number of blades is increasing!

This is something Su Chen did not expect,

The pipeline checkpoint I tested just now, the temperature inside can be almost two to three thousand degrees!

Now the wreckage of a cricket mothership, the small fire at the beginning has stuck these anchors like this,

What about the more difficult levels in the future?

"It seems that the difficulty should be lowered? Lower the pain level?"

When Su Chen was thinking about whether to release a hotfix patch online to reduce the pain level,

A howl suddenly broke out in the eggplant live broadcast room:

"Brother Meng! I'm finally here!"

After passing through layers of obstacles and avoiding the messy pillars and cabinets that suddenly collapsed one after another,

Eggplant finally came to the Titan power battery,

"Damn it... I have to get my blood back! I'm scalded to death all the way!"

Eggplant, sweating profusely, sat on the ground panting,

The viewing angle of the screen gradually changes from black and white to color,

This is the blood recovery setting and sign of the game, as long as the vision in the eyes completely returns to normal color,

That means the player's HP has returned to normal.

"Eggplant, you really are a roast suckling pig!"

"You dare to go through those forks in the road that looked like they were on fire just now!"

This is also a deliberate visual obstacle in the game,

Where it seems that burning fire cannot pass,

Actually the right path to the goal.

Some players dare not go in because of their physical fear of flames,

Instead, I went to find other channels, and finally got stuck and suffered.

"Don't tell me, the production of this level is really good!"


Eggplant picked up the EVA8, facing the IMC drone that suddenly rose,

It's just a squirt.

Directly restore the drone to the state of parts!


After clearing the last obstacle, Eggplant excitedly ran to Power Battery Lane,

A Titan power battery glowing with faint green light was placed there intact.

With a pull, the eggplant directly pulls out the battery and puts it on the body.

"Brother Meng, let's go back and find BT!"



Big update on the weekend! There are four more tonight! Ask for flowers and votes!

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Immediate recharge (activity time: April 29th to May 3rd)

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