Su Chen also couldn't imagine that these guys from the goose factory,

It will come so fast!

More than ten minutes earlier than the scheduled time.

The phone also said that a luxury presidential suite in a five-star hotel on the island has been booked in advance.

Using the local resources of the goose factory, the grandest welcome banquet and the most professional exhibition venue have been arranged,

I hope to talk with Su Chen about cooperation there.

Attitude, respectful and humble!

And unconsciously,

The words in the mouths of the gang at the goose factory have turned into cooperation, not recruitment as they said before.

Regarding the so-called sub-top treatment, there are only a few strokes mentioned.

Instead, he focused on mentioning the metaverse to himself, and the bionic robot plan to cooperate with the metaverse.

These guys from the goose factory still haven't lost their eyes.

Now it is basically certain that Goose Factory has identified itself 100% as the creator of Titanfall and Oasis Platform.

So talk about bullshit treatment,

It's just plain off-putting.

"These guys are pretty smart."

If Su Chen doesn't say it himself, Goose Factory must have known about it a long time ago. It took only half a day for Titanfall to break through the miracle of global sales exceeding 10 million sets!

The price is 199 U.S. dollars in foreign countries, and 199R in China.

In the face of such price and sales facts,

Naturally, the goose factory didn't even dare to mention such words as salary and recruitment.

"Well, it's almost time to go."

Su Chen looked down at the time, glanced casually at the live broadcast screen,


Dai Xiaomei has boarded the transport ship alone with BT,

967 The Widow, a small transport spacecraft advancing at full speed, has quickly caught up with the IMC Tianlong carrying the holy cabinet.

The first real titan air battle kicked off like this.

In Xiaomei's live broadcast room, there were layers of thick bullet screens.

Without exception, the barrage content is all amazing!

Marvel at the uncanny workmanship of this game level, there are all kinds of tricks!

Now it has turned into high-altitude full-speed combat operations again!

"These Blue Star players and spectators must have encountered this kind of aerial work for the first time.

Su Chen smiled and looked at these anchors who were beyond shocked, and there were tens of millions of viewers.

Two words, joy!

In the live broadcast room, the little girl who stayed was screaming and panting heavily.

Falling in various fancy ways in the air,

Died and restarted, restarted and hung up again.

Crazy suffering!

Seeing this, Su Chen conveniently clicked the record button.

"Let's go back and watch the performances of these anchors."

"Now think about the metaverse."

In the phone call just now, the guys who came to "recruit" from the goose factory,

excited group,

Said that he had brought the latest metaverse plan, as well as the most advanced bionic robot body.

They even called a chartered plane to fly directly from Goose City headquarters.


Su Chen really didn't make any preparations in advance.

The reason is also very simple, I didn't take those things of the goose factory to heart at all.

So there is no preparation to show anything to the people of Goose Factory!

But this is not a big problem,

"Just a few minutes is enough."

Although I didn't think about it specifically, I showed something to these guys.

But regarding the plan for the metaverse, in fact, he has always had a rough idea in his mind.

It can even be said that before traveling to Blue Star, one of the things Su Chen was most interested in was the Metaverse!

It's just limited by the VR technology and robot technology of the original world line,

At that time, the metaverse was basically just a gimmick for capital harvesting leeks.

"Funds are not a problem for me now, and technologies can be exchanged one by one from the system mall.

Su Chen's eyes sparkled with excitement, and he clenched his hands unconsciously!

"The difference is the foundation of starting!"

And the missing key to get started,

those people in the goose factory,

Sending it to myself right now!

"What I have to do now is..."

Su Chen suddenly revealed a mysterious smile,

close your eyes slightly,

Mouth words:



Su Chen suddenly opened his eyes, full of excitement!

Then he inserted a lightweight USB flash drive into the Oasis server interface.

Ding sound.

On the screen of the Oasis server, several lines of prompts quickly passed by,

Then a progress bar appears,

[The data model is built. 】

[VR adaptation completed. 】

[The extraction of the system is complete. 】

[Data transmission...]

【Progress: 10%】

【Progress: 100%】

less than half a minute,

The progress is over.

"Well, it's much faster than expected."

Another technological development on this blue star that Su Chen is very satisfied with is the appearance of this (daaf) large-capacity fast storage USB flash drive.

Small and light U disk, can store nearly 100T capacity!

And the transmission speed is as high as 100GB per second.

Originally, the development and birth of this USB flash drive was to cooperate with the massive data transmission of VR.

"Now it's time to make the most of everything."


Su Chen pulled out the USB flash drive.

"Okay, let's go see the gang of ground turtles from the goose factory.

Su Chen didn't even bring a notebook with him and put it in his trouser pocket casually.

He strode out of the basement.

Leaving ten oasis servers humming quietly,

There is also the live broadcast room of Dai Xiaomei, which is being recorded on the screen,

From time to time, the shrieking ghostly screams of the little girl because of fear can be heard.


ten minutes later.

On Chongming Island, in the Haitian five-star hotel, in the top luxury presidential suite.

"President Wang, we have remodeled this place in advance according to your instructions."

"Are you satisfied?"

The executives of the hotel are reporting to a greasy middle-aged man respectfully.

And this fat middle-aged man,

It was the head of the personnel department of the goose factory, Director Wang who came from the headquarters specially to bring Huateng's top-secret information.

"It's okay. After all, it's an emergency. Time is running out, so I can't ask you to do more."

"Yes, thank you and other leaders for your understanding!"

As soon as the hotel executive heard this, the tense look on his face eased a lot.

As the behind-the-scenes major shareholder of this five-star hotel, Goose Factory,

If I didn't serve these goose factory headquarters executives well,

I'm afraid I might pack up and leave tomorrow!

Seeing that the presidential suite was arranged in a very special way according to the requirements of these goose factory executives,

It is simply the most luxurious top conference venue!

A hotel executive who senses that something big is about to happen,

Suddenly, he leaned closer and whispered:

"Mr. Wang, this is the first time I have seen such a big battle between you! Is there any major international conference going to be held? Or is there some industry leader coming?"

Manager Wang looked indifferent:

"There is a big boss coming, don't ask too many details, it's a secret in the industry."

Before waiting for the hotel executive to answer,

Director Wang's cell phone rang suddenly,

"Hello? He's really here? Did you admit your mistake?!"

"Come here on a bicycle?! Are you sure you're not mistaken?! It's too far away to see clearly?"

"Forget it, don't care about that much! I'll come right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Director Wang hurriedly waved his hand, and the voices were louder!

"Everyone, come here, that one seems to be here! Hurry up!"

Hotel executives subconsciously want to follow the past,

"Don't follow me here! Finally, check if there is any problem with the demonstration equipment!"

Manager Wang stopped with a shout,

In a blink of an eye, he hurried out with a group of goose factory executives!

Only the hotel executives and staff were left stunned,

In their memory, there has always been only others who lick the goose factory,

How can goose factory executives lick others?!

"My tortoise! ​​Where did this industry leader come from?"

"I have never seen such a battle before!"

"Looks like... why are you riding a bicycle?!"


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