The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 204 Despair, Helplessness, And Anger

Before the huge explosion and light drowned Cooper,

The last sentence I heard from BT was.

【Prepare for the shock】

Then there's the explosion, the impact,

devour everything.

Then deathly silence.

after a few seconds,

There are tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, water friends, seeing this, finally can't stand it anymore!

It's not uncommon to see such an ultimate sacrifice plot.

So when BT protected Cooper with his broken body,

Everyone in the audience guessed,

Next up is the knife for sure!

I took a bite and thought it was sugar, but it turned out to be glass scum!

I just didn't expect this knife to be so ruthless!

After several hours, more than ten hours of playing,

Whether it is the players like Dai Xiaomei, or the audience,

Bringing himself fully into Cooper's role early on.


"Fucking shit! Fucking shit! Stop it!"

"If something happens to BT, I'll send Su Chen a ton of blades!"

"If BT dies, I'm going to kill Su Chen!"

"Brother, stop! Calm down!"

"Please Su Chen don't kill BT! Please!"

"I won't lose another pilot in the BT sentence just now, it really made me cry when I saw it!"

"Fuck! BT's eyes are filled with sand!"


"What's going on now?! What's going on with BT and Cooper?"


Bursts of piercing voices sounded in front of the pitch-black picture.

Then in the barrage of the live broadcast room, there was a burst of exclamation,

Dumb girl plays Cooper, her eyelids slowly open,

The line of sight also gradually changed from blurred to clear.

"here it is....……"

"It seems that our hero has woken up."

Before the figure arrives, the voice arrives first.

And this voice!

Not only Dai Xiaomei 30 heard it, but even the audience in the live broadcast room immediately felt chilled when they heard it!

very familiar!

And now the enemy voices that impress players and audiences alike,

Only the mercenary boss, Brix, was left.


A dark-skinned, sinewy man,

standing not far away,

Looking back at Cooper who fell on the ground, he nodded slightly,

no more words to say,

Instead, turn your head and continue listening to a remote hologram:

"Brisk, your problems are none of my business."

Little girl Dai was startled, isn't this the voice of General Ma De!

General Mu De continued to say unhurriedly: "After you deliver the holy ark according to our contract, the MC will transfer the funds to you.

Briscoe waved impatiently: "Prepare the money I want, and I will bring you the precious goods you want."

After finishing speaking, the holographic image of General Mudd disappeared.

Brisk shook his head,

"Titan...quickly open the hatch and hand over the holy cabinet.

When the little girl heard it, she immediately jumped up!

Titan...isn't that BT!

BT is alive!

The little girl who was pressed to the ground moved her head with difficulty,

Looking sideways ahead,

There was a sudden buzz in the head! It exploded on the spot!

Involuntarily, he began to murmur:


And the audience in the live broadcast room followed the line of sight of the little girl who is Cooper,

The moment I saw BT,

The eye sockets almost burst open in anger!

In sight, the degree of damage to BT has almost reached the level of being scrapped.

Two mechanical legs were blown off, leaving only the upper body and a slightly complete right mechanical arm,

The incomplete half body was hung on a boom,

Can't move at all.

The head where the core is located hangs weakly,

From time to time, broken electric sparks would come and go from his body.

Like a man about to be hanged.

"Damn it!!!"


"Damn shit! Damn shit!!!"

"My BT! My BT!!"

"Labor and management will kill all these bastards!"

The most extreme and simplest swearing, what vents is the most angry emotions of the audience at this time!

And the little girl who was at the scene,

It's heartbreaking!

Now I understand what it means to cut the heart one by one, and what it means to sprinkle salt on the wound!


Little Sister Dai shouted anxiously and angrily, but it was unexpectedly hoarse and weak,

A sharp pain suddenly rushed through my body,

The little girl couldn't stop taking a deep breath,

There was a hissing sound between the teeth.

This wave of explosion, even for a pilot of Cooper's level, the impact damage is very severe.

【Voice command.........unrecognizable...】

BT replies intermittently,

The little girl didn't react for a while,

The mercenary general standing on the other side, Sloan,

He took a step impatiently, with a grumpy face, and wanted to attack BT:

"Let me tear this titan apart!"

Brisk shook his head:

"It's too risky, the energy of the Holy Cabinet inside this Titan is still very unstable, and it may explode at any time.

This time, the IMC mercenary chief Blisk,

Finally came over to Cooper,

Crouching down, the tone is neither urgent nor slow:

"Listen to the hero, let me just say it directly, let your titan give me the energy of the holy cabinet."

"In this way, maybe you still have a way out..."

While speaking, Blisk also took out a dagger from his waist,

The tip of the dagger reflects a little white light,

He pointed at Cooper brightly.

Under the blessing of the VR screen, Dai Xiaomei can almost feel the cold light of the tip of the knife,

It's only a few feet away from my face.

But at this moment, Little Sister Duan's heart was already filled with raging anger!

Man is such a strange creature,

There is a word called anger and laughter,

Now little girl Dai is in this state.

With a sneer, he squeezed out a hissing voice from his throat:

"Open what, open his chatterbox?"

When Cooper said these words, Blisk's face turned black,


"Is that how you want to be a hero, Iron Pilot?"

After speaking, he stood up and took out another pistol,

Pointing at Cooper condescendingly:

"Tell your titan that he will never hand over the power of the reliquary,"

The gun in Briscoe's hand made a crisp and clear clicking sound.

"I'll blow your head off."

Before Cooper could speak,

BT's humming mechanical sound started,

On and off:

【Iron Pilot is in crisis, visual system......】

[Vision system failure.....Unable to use the vision system to identify the iron pilot]

when saying this,

BT's head turned in the direction of Cooper,

The green indicator light flickered a few times.

The little girl was confused for a while,

I haven't realized what BT is doing!

On the contrary, there are a large number of viewers in the live broadcast room at this time, and they have already seen it:

"BT is playing dumb!"

"You hear BT's tone, it's weird! It's completely different from talking to Cooper!"

"There is a problem! There is a problem with the cliff!"

"This must be a reminder to Cooper!"

"BT must have a back move waiting!"

"Made, let's see how BT and Cooper come back!"

"I don't even dare to go to the toilet! Labor and management want to see the bottom of the IMC bastards!"

The viewers who were about to despair after seeing BT damaged like this,

The few words of BT directly rekindled hope!

The result——I heard the voice of Little Sister Dai who was about to make a question,

I was so anxious that the entire public screen in the live broadcast room was filled,

I'm afraid that the moment Little Sister Dai opens her mouth, something will happen!

"Shut up! Don't make trouble!"

"Don't engage in cooking operations!"

"Don't talk old women! Listen to BT!"

"Don't be bad! Sister A is stupid!"

As a result, Dai Xiaomei really swallowed back the words suddenly.

Quietly being pressed to the ground to see how BT performed.


As BT's voice fell, Blisk turned the gun and waved at Cooper,

"Oh, forget it, let him stand still!"

Cooper was immediately picked up from the ground by two IMC mercenaries,

Blisk walked up to BT, and impatiently pointed to Cooper who was held hostage,

"See him titan? Here! Here! See?"

【Visual function...………can………seriously damaged….】

Now, Little Sister Dai finally understands everything!

BT this guy is playing dumb!

Waiting for an opportunity!

Waiting for an opportunity to make a comeback.

But Blisk obviously didn't think so, or didn't bother to think about it at all,

with a swipe of the hand,

"Bring this pilot here! Come closer! Let the titans see!"

Cooper was dragged and dragged by the two people around him, and brought him to BT.

"I don't care how much damage you have."

Briscoe suddenly sneered,

Let the little girl and the audience friends in the live broadcast room suddenly feel a little bit in her heart:

Qi Qi flashed a thought:

"Could it be that this guy saw through BT's back trick?!"

Brisk suddenly raised his pistol and pointed at BT in a tone of voice:

"Titan, I know there must be...something else going on inside you.

"You can recognize the Pilot."

When the little girl heard it, her heart fell to the bottom of the valley!

"Quickly open the hatch and give me the holy cabinet energy."


Blisk turned suddenly, the pistol safety clicked off,

The muzzle of the swarthy gun pointed firmly at Cooper's forehead.

"I'll make your pilot...heads pop."

Now, it seems that Blisk no longer intends to wait for any response from BT,

"You remember the numbers, Titans?"

"I count to three."

The countdown sounded, and Little Sister Dai felt cold all over!

This time, it seems that it's finally over?

It seems that there is no chance of turning around at all.

Because in fact, from beginning to end, the initiative is firmly in the hands of the enemy!

at this moment,

In the helmet interface in front of Cooper's eyes,

Suddenly beeping, a series of codes came!

A gleam of light flashed in Cooper's eyes!

Inside Cooper's helmet: [Accepting encrypted messages]

【BT-7274: Cooper, trust me. 】



Brisk just said three 110,

The hatch of BT behind him suddenly opened,

The dazzling white light emitted by the energy source of the Holy Cabinet almost blinded everyone who flashed for a moment.

Blisk put down the pistol, and immediately showed a satisfied smile on his face:

"If this is the case earlier, it won't be so troublesome, right?"

Blisk even stood still, waving his hand to let the surrounding IMC mercenaries lean over.

"Come here, all of you! Pack up this holy cabinet and we'll go!"

In such a momentary gap,

Suddenly there was a creaking sound from BT,

The right hand mechanical arm is still intact, with the faint blue light of the thruster emerging from the elbow,

Swipe at Brisk!

Almost at the same instant,

The rocket rack on BT's shoulder suddenly rises and opens,

The few remaining rockets roared and hit the floor in front of Cooper!

The IMC mercenaries gathered around,

There is absolutely nowhere to hide!

Boom! Boom!

The huge shock wave overturned Cooper again, flew out and rolled several times.

And this time BT's last blow,

It also freed Cooper from being supported by IMC mercenaries.


Dai Xiaomei pressed her abdomen tightly, and a sharp pain hit her stomach violently.

In a blur of vision,

Little girl Dai, and the audience in the live broadcast room,

saw something that made them terrified and angry,

A pitch-black Titan, thumping towards the BT that has fired the last round of ammunition,

"T......! BT!!"

The little girl screamed helplessly from the bottom of her heart, but because of the severe pain in her body, she couldn't utter a word!

Only on the ground, curled up in pain,

Watching helplessly as the Titan pierced through the cockpit of the BT with its mechanical arm,

Take out the entire holy cabinet energy!

"That's a good move, Titan."

"Bye now."

The driver Sloan laughed contemptuously,

Titan's exclusive armor-piercing gun, which is completely stuffed into the BIT cockpit.

"No! No! No!"

The little girl cried helplessly,

It's just that no one can hear the voice,

Sloan also ignored any voices.

Boom boom boom!

Sloan's titan, laughing wildly,

While firing wantonly into the BT cockpit!

In the almost desperate eyes of the little girl,

The remaining upper body of BT was destroyed by short-range armor-piercing bullets,

Almost completely destroyed.


Ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month, grandpa readers, bang bang bang!

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