"Call the Titans down!"

Cooper's voice, hoarse and firm at the moment,

In the sky above a thousand meters high, a dazzling bright light flickered!

The light came first, and the thunder came later.

A huge roar, continuous,

Wave after wave passed into Cooper's ears, and passed into the ears of the audience in the live broadcast room!

Cooper looked up to the sky.

A vanguard-level Titan, like a flaming meteor, is covered with flames produced by friction with the atmosphere,

Breaking through layer after layer of clouds,

Wrapped in the momentum of thunder,

Fly towards the ground and dive quickly!

with a loud bang,

When it landed, it stirred up dust that almost covered the entire picture.


It landed steadily in front of Cooper.


Even the earth was shaken!

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated and landed on the Titan in front of Cooper. The whole body was made of black and yellow carbon fiber alloy.

The body is almost exactly the same as BT,

It's just a little less battle-damaged and obsolete,

A little more fresh edge.

Dai Xiaomei looked at the Titan that landed not far in front of her,

The feeling in my heart is extremely complicated at the moment!

There is even a feeling of extreme resistance!

"This is not BT! Who are you "One Seven Seven"?..."

Thinking this silently in my heart, the soles of my feet are firmly fixed on the ground like roots.

Not moving at all.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room was silenced for a while,

Emotions are extremely complex!

It's like reading a novel, watching a movie or TV series, and then halfway or even at the end,

Suddenly changed the protagonist for the audience.

It's hard to accept whoever it is.

Even if this Titan looks new and powerful, it's the same.

After all, BT-7274 has accompanied all players and all audiences on a long journey!

"It's hard to accept! Is BT really gone?"

"I can't take it! I can't take it! Give me back BT!"

"If the ending is with this new Titan, I unilaterally declare that Titanfall is the worst game ever!"

"I just placed a large order of blades online, what is Su Chen's address?"

Just when Little Sister Dai and the audience in the live broadcast room were in a complicated state of mind,

The new vanguard Titan in front of Cooper,

He didn't call Cooper directly, as everyone expected.

Instead, there was a creaking sound, and the body squatted down a little deeper.

At the same time, his head dropped.

The moment the little girl looked at the head of the new Titan,

Pupil eight earthquake! The face is incredible!

My whole body was shocked!

Even the live camera shakes violently!

When the viewers in the live broadcast room saw the head of the new titan following the gaze of the little girl,

Also shaking!

All of them opened their mouths so wide that they could almost stuff several ostrich eggs!

My little brain is buzzing!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"This titan has no cores! No data cores!"

"The place where the lights were supposed to be on and the nuclei were placed, but now there is nothing!"

"I know, I know! The place where the core can be inserted in the head is empty!"

"Damn it! I knew it! I knew it! It's not that simple!"

"Sister A, quickly plug in the data core that BT left for you!"

"Quick, quick, quick!!"

Before Cooper in the live broadcast could act,

Many viewers were already in tears.

It seems that everyone knows that the shocking plot will happen next!

Since BT's "sacrifice", various emotions have been raging and uncontrollable,

Now, in every audience's heart, it became more and more agitated!

With mixed feelings, it's just the mentality of Little Sister Dai, other players, and the audience:

"Damn's eyes got sand again!"

"Cry! Cry for labor!"

"I already had a premonition of what was going to happen!"

"Fuck him! Make such a plot for labor and capital! I can't stand it anymore, woo woo woo"

It was even more difficult for Dai Xiaomei to restrain the surging excitement in her heart,

Crazy cry in my heart:

"It's not true!.....is it true?!"

The soles of the feet, which stood still in a daze, finally moved towards the new Titan body.

Each step,

The body is trembling slightly!

The left hand tremblingly held the core left by BT,

Even so excited that I can hardly hold it,

Almost fell to the ground!

The light bulb-shaped object with green light in the hand is the core of BT,

It is also a precious thing that Cooper has been protecting all the time since he got it.


take a deep breath,

Cooper took a step forward,

Hold up the BT core with green light in your left hand,

With a shudder, insert the core into the head socket of the new titan's body.


Not just the little girl,

Including more than ten million live viewers,

My heart skipped a beat!

After all, no one is sure, no one is sure,


Will it really come back!



The core indicator light is green,

The head and eyes of the new titan started to move with the light on!


In the most familiar tone of all,

He uttered a sentence that everyone is most familiar with,

A sentence that makes everyone cry:

[Hi Jack Cooper]


The little girl was stunned on the spot,

Tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast also stopped all actions.

Like the moment when this new titan speaks BT's words in the tone of BT,

The flow stopped.

Dumb little girl, and the hearts and minds of all the audience,

It's like a calm sea, and the dark tide is already raging!

A moment of silence.

Just a brief lull before an emotional outburst.

next second,


The emotions that have been suppressed for a long time in the little girl's heart burst out in an instant!

The voice roared to hoarse, shouted to the point of piercing the lungs!

Even the sound-proof cotton in the live broadcast room of Dai Xiaomei in reality couldn't stop her roar. Up and down several floors and even the whole building, I heard her cry:


"You're back! BT!"

【Maybe Cooper, you should say welcome back, BT.】

The little girl was taken aback,

I don't know why,

Two lines of tears burst out of the eye sockets!

Burst like a flood!

Totally unstoppable!

And the audience in the live broadcast room, everyone, without exception,

All burst into tears instantly!

On the public screen in the live broadcast room, the bullet screens are all miraculously consistent.

without any difference, without any other superfluous words,

Only two words:


Every audience is crying and laughing, laughing and crying in front of the screen,

Many people experience it for the first time in their life, and also know it for the first time,

Excited and happy to tears, what kind of feeling is it... 0

Some audience members were so excited that they overturned the table, and they were jumping and shouting in the room like a psychopath!

All shouted in unison:

"BT! BT! BT!"

[It's time for us to leave Cooper. 】

new titan,

To be precise, with a new pair of BT,

Squeaking and standing up,

Only then did Xiaomei and the audience in the live broadcast room realize that,

On the hands of the new BT, what is holding is a brand new Titan weapon.

At first glance, it is a thick and long enlarged version of Super Gatling!

"Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, six pure depleted uranium bombs, 3,600 revolutions in one breath, saves the world with great mercy!"

In the mind of little girl Dumb, such a poem popped out in an instant!

[Come on Cooper. 】

BT's familiar humming sound awakened the little girl from her delusions.


Little girl nods,

The Gatling barrel placed underground along the BT,

All the way to the BT cockpit you are familiar with!

.......This is!"

At the moment when little girl dodges into the BT cockpit,

A string of numbers at the door of the cabin just came into view.

Why do you feel this string of numbers is so familiar?

The little girl was taken aback for a moment,

The viewers with a good memory in the live broadcast room reacted first:

"I remember now!"

"This is the Titan that Captain Lastimosa asked Cooper to summon at the beginning of the situational training!"

"It seems to be true!"

"Fuck, it turned out to be a predestined meeting!"

"Originally, Captain Lastimosa wanted to hand over the Titan to Cooper, right? Unfortunately, he will never see this scene again."

"No wonder this is the last Titan in the rebellion hangar, so it belonged to us Cooper from the beginning!"

"It's so cool! Everything is right! It's full of details!"

"Tian 5.3 Jiang and Ome! Both have the same BT wife!"

On the side of Little Sister Dai, as soon as she got into the cockpit of BT,

Familiar intimacy blows over your face!

And the feeling of manipulating BT before. Almost exactly the same!

Hold the joystick firmly with your left hand and right hand,

Then there's the familiar Neural Link!

Beep beep beep....

A faint electric current flashed through my mind,

Various memories of fighting against BT flashed like a revolving lantern,

Suffering together, breaking through layers of barriers of IMC together,

Fight from the sky to the ground together, and then fight from the ground back to the sky!

Little Sister Dai didn't know if half a second had passed, or a second, or several seconds,

When the whole person is still immersed in the memories of BT,

The playback in my brain suddenly disappeared,


[The establishment of a neural link with Jack Cooper is complete. 】

【BT-7274, fully activated, ready for battle. 】

Little Sister Dai quietly lifted a corner of the helmet,

Stretching his hand in, wiped the two lines of clear tears gushing out of his face,

Desperately suppressing the surging ecstasy and excitement in my heart,

With a strong nasal voice, he said firmly:

"Let's go, BT!"

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