In the game, in the live screen,

The moment the countdown ended, there was a deathly silence.

next second,

In the eyes of thousands of players,

IMC Central Factory,

Suddenly a huge ball of light rises,

The dazzling white light is thousands of times brighter than the sun.


like a gigantic balloon,

Take the IMC central factory as the origin.

Rapid expansion, explosion, impact.

Blazing white light covered the entire battlefield in an instant.

In the radio channel of the rebel army, the noisy communication sound disappeared completely.

All that's left is the endless rustling noise.

Immediately afterwards, the rubble, ruins, and shock waves brought up by the nuclear bomb explosion,

Wave after wave, like monstrous waves, violently spread outward.

Saozhu, Mozi, and the vulture transport plane that Little Sister Dai took,

Under the impact of the violent "three two three" shock wave, it is like a spinning top that has lost its center of gravity,

Spinning and being pushed into the distance.

No sound is heard in any ear,

In the terrifying silence, the others understood Saozhu's desperate gestures:

"pay close attention!!!"

Like Sao Zhu Mozi and their transport planes, there are hundreds of other rebel Vulture transport planes, as well as Hornet fighter jets,

Like leaves that are ruthlessly thrown into the stormy waves,

The fuselage, tens of meters long, kept spinning and rolling in this terrifying storm,

Then it crashed and was swallowed.

The hundreds of armored vehicles on the ground didn't even have the chance to struggle like airplanes in front of the shock wave spreading in seconds.

In an instant, it was engulfed in the sky full of flames and shock waves.

A mushroom cloud representing cruel destruction rose from the factory at the origin of the explosion.

Then there was a huge explosion that filled everyone's ears,

finally arrived.

In an instant, the sky fell apart.

In the next second, all the live broadcast screens instantly turned black.

The tens of millions of water friends and viewers in the live broadcast room opened their mouths to the extreme.

But no sound can come out, just like the player in the screen.

From head to toe, it was like someone had broken a whole basin of ice water.

The whole body is completely cold.

Want to speak but can't speak,

Even the fingers typing on the keyboard trembled slightly.

This, is the real nuclear war,

With the most authentic side it can show, it is shown in the game without reservation.

The audience was tense, excited, and excited all night,

It seems that in an instant, like the core of the entire thirteenth district, it was swallowed up by the nuclear bomb.

Goose Factory Pig Factory and other Internet giants, as long as they are still watching the live broadcast,

They were all shocked, and completely lost the idea of ​​plagiarism.

Physical effects, materials, and even plots can be copied,

But like now, it truly presents a future interstellar war in front of our eyes,

Let everyone understand the truth and cruelty of war,

Ignite all player and audience emotions, and then extinguish them with your own hands.

They don't even dare to think about this kind of handwriting, let alone do it.

Time seems to stand still,

Seconds passed by.

All live broadcast rooms, Eggplant, Saozhu, Mozi, Sister Zhou, Tuaner, Dumb Girl, Yinzi.............

It was still dark.

And Sister Zhou Saozhu, the anchors who are usually physically weak after all,

Finally couldn't stand it anymore, took off the VR helmet and threw it aside with a snap,

Like most players,

Lying on the VR treadmill, let the tears rush out of my eyes.

All the audience, hold your breath,

Wait quietly.

Waiting for the screen of Eggplant’s live broadcast room,

Finally, there was a glimmer of light.

At this moment, perhaps the most reassuring voice in the world sounds,

Despite this voice, it's not a human voice.

【BT-7274, Activating Iron Pilot's Emergency Life Support Device】

【How are you, Cooper?】


A burst of severe dizziness and nausea rushed directly into Eggplant's head.

The VR helmet faithfully restores all the painful physiological reactions under close-range nuclear explosions.

"Am I dead?"

Eggplant forcibly resisted the urge to vomit violently,

I even wanted to take off the VR helmet on the spot, and my whole body collapsed on the ground, not wanting to move anything.

The distance between Eggplant and God of Death has never been as close as before.

"I... Am I not at the center of the nuclear explosion?"

Another wave of dizziness hit,

In front of Eggplant's eyes, there was a blur and blood red.

What came from the nose was the smell of blood and rust.

[The fourth-generation vanguard Titan, with impact resistance and radiation resistance]

【Tie Yu, your current vital signs are still stable

In Eggplant's mind, the last series of pictures before coma flashed... 0

"Polaris...! By the way, where are the two members of the noble team?"

Eggplant remembered that he was the few seconds before the last tactical nuclear bomb exploded,

The Polaris Titan, piloted by Su Chen and Tuan Er, was fished out of the central factory.

The Titans of those two had a history of short-term jet levitation flight.

【The two temporary iron pilot Titans have temporarily lost their ability to move】

Eggplant looked back suddenly, and saw two Polaris star Titans, not far behind BT,

like a statue.

"How are they doing now?!"

[Tie Pilot, don't worry, I detected signs of life in the two Polaris Titans.

[Should have activated the life support system urgently]

Hearing this, Eggplant was relieved.

Obviously since just now, Eggplant has been implying himself in his heart,

"It's just a's just a game..."

But the horror experience of hard-resistant nuclear explosion at close range, and two Titans with motionless teammates,

It almost made Eggplant want to throw away the VR helmet and escape completely to return to reality.

Take a breather,

Eggplant looked at the nuclear explosion ahead in fear.

"BT.....this is...."

[The ruins of the factory after the explosion of the tactical nuclear bomb]

"Where are these ruins... It's just..."

For a while, Eggplant's poor culture and papermaking made it difficult for him to find words to describe the tragedy in front of him.

A living hell on earth.

Originally complex and tall, the IMC factory full of alien technology sense 1.9,

It has been completely restored to the state of parts.

The tactical nuclear bomb was exploded from the bottom position of the factory,

The original sewers, drains and basements were completely gone.

There is only a bottomless pit left.

All the buildings within a radius of a few kilometers burst open from the inside to the outside in a lodging shape, and none of them were in a perfect shape.

And BT, and the Polaris Titan piloted by Su Chen, was on a small hill on the brink of the explosion.

A large piece of the top of the hill was cut off by the huge heat energy and shock wave.

"BT, I want to check on the situation of those two pilots first!"

【Tie Pilot, I suggest not to do this】

【According to the monitoring, we are in the area with the highest concentration of nuclear radiation】

[Moreover, there is an unknown Titan signal, which is rapidly approaching us.

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