Goose Factory game director, my heart skipped a beat!

The server is down again?!

"what's the situation!?"

"Which shit is using the server to mine the next film again?!!"

All the game development employees below were trembling, not daring to vent their anger.

Who doesn't know that this director is inextricably linked with God Kuo.

It is definitely impossible for someone to use the server of Goose Factory to mine the next film.

Who dared to do such a thing after eating the guts of a leopard!

"Excuse me, this guy..."

"Shh...keep it down!"

The employees in the back row secretly whispered while the director was not paying attention.

"Get the maintenance department over! Now!"

In fact, the game director of Goose Factory is not all using excuses to scold people!

Although I am indeed planning to tamper with the server of Titanfall 2, but that is not today!

Now the number of players who buy the game is still rising steadily,

As soon as the platform exploded, Goose Factory's own rake was gone, it was a waste of money!


Goose Factory, which had a bad reputation at 30, now has to face the firepower of players all over the network!

Sure enough, in less than a second,

On the huge display screen in the hall, you can see the barrage in each live room bursting instantly!

A second ago, all the anchors and players all swiped offline,

In the next second, tens of millions of water lovers and viewers will directly open the firepower and open the goose spraying factory!

"The goose factory in the dog day is not doing business!"

"RNM's playing a stand-alone game requires mandatory online certification! Stupid platform!"

"Damn it, the Goose Factory platform crashed? I thought it was a special effect after the nuclear explosion! Forced disconnection!"

"Nimma, I think so too! I thought it was the effect of the game producer again!"

"Come out of the goose factory and get beaten!"

Afterwards, the bullet screen began to greet the immediate family members of the boss of the goose factory,

The game director couldn't hold his face anymore, and with a snap, he directly turned off the display screen in the hall.

The black face couldn't be any darker, and he walked directly to the server maintenance department in big strides!

at the same moment,

Su Chen himself also dropped the line.

But the timing of the disconnection made Su Chen happy.

I didn't expect it to be so dramatic.

Just finished the story of Titanfall chapter [Rust and Blood],

The Goose Factory platform crashed just right and got disconnected,

At first, Su Chen thought that he had accidentally added special effect codes.


"It's just a matter of time to rest. Goose Factory shouldn't be able to repair the server in one night."

Su Chen took off the VR helmet and put it aside,

The exhaustion of the whole body surged up immediately,

"Fuck, this nuclear explosion has a lot of stamina......"

It's like the feeling after doing a strenuous exercise, with heavy hands and feet.

"If I hadn't personally experienced a wave, it would be really hard to grasp how to adjust the simulation level later.

As soon as the big characters lay back, Su Chen began to think about future plans.

first important thing,

Just move.

The reason is simple, this small rental house is too simple!

The beds were all broken, and the windows leaked air.

Not to mention, because Su Chen himself released some "color" games,

Many colleagues in the industry, as well as experienced players, know this place where they live.

Now Su Chen is also a person with billions of cash flow in hand,

A copy of Titanfall sells for 199rmb, and now it has sold more than five million copies.

Still living in this kind of small black house, it's inappropriate, very inappropriate!

Thinking of this, Su Chen directly turned on his mobile phone and made a call:


"Is it the sales office of Moduchen Tang Yipin?"

"Yes, I want a duplex villa on the mountain, preferably far away from the city."

"Can I check in with my bags tomorrow?"

"Yes, the full amount, please give me the payment account number.

Hang up the phone with a snap.

"Rory is chattering like he's seen a ghost."

Su Chen is also buying a house for the first time, this thing is in his imagination,

Isn't it just the rhythm of picking up the goods and moving in tomorrow?

As a result, the other person gave him various suggestions for low-interest loans from xx Bank,

Just one full payment is enough, so there are so many twists and turns.

In a word, trouble!

"Let's settle down on this duplex villa first, and find a better place later."

The housing issue has been settled for the time being. As for the car, the sales company said that it will send a special car to pick it up in the next few days, so don't think about it yet.

"Oh yes, let's see how much food and razor blades we collected this time... Fuck!"

Ding ding ding!

The moment the system interface is opened, it is still collecting the angry blades from the players,

Send it like snowflakes!

Of course, there are a lot of flowers, but compared to the blades, they are really not enough.

"It seems that the nuclear explosion scene hurt the players a bit."

Su Chen smiled,

Coupled with the just-right platform crash of Goose Factory,

Players can't even log in to the game, and their desire to beat up the IMC black hand is even more out of the question.

Negative emotions erupted, and in the end they were all converted into blades and sent to Su Chen.

"If Nima is a real blade, this is enough for me to build a house!"

[The cooling of the system mall is complete, please select the rewards to be exchanged]

This system is good in every way, the only thing that makes it difficult is that the mall has a refresh cooldown when changing things.

Or Su Chen will definitely buy them all at once!

"Music production at national level"

"NPC Natural Dialogue Improvements"

"VR Simulation Native Adaptation"

Su Chen directly bought all the rewards from the three shopping malls.

Needless to say about music, with this skill, you can create and integrate many classic game BGM by yourself, and add it to the game at that time. When the plot is played at a critical moment, it will be cool to think about!

NPC dialogue improves this skill, 080 is to make players more immersive, so that each NPC becomes a flesh-and-blood person in the eyes of the player.

According to different dialogues of players, NPC can respond naturally, and there will be no cross-server communication.

The last VR simulation native adaptation is the one that excites Su Chen the most among all the rewards this time!

Although the VR simulation technology on Bluestar is already very advanced, it is still not detailed enough to be reflected in the game.

After all, it is not suitable for native games,

Just like in Titanfall,

When the player wears VR gloves and simulates pulling the trigger of the firearm, it will have the same sense of blocking and poisonous motion.

Obviously this is not in line with reality.

Pulling the trigger of a small pistol is obviously not the same force as pressing the trigger of a large machine gun!

After adding this VR adaptation function, the player pulls the trigger, or other assassination, stabbing, sliding against the wall,

VR gloves will give players a completely different sense of damping.

Simply put, it is to make VR simulation more realistic.

"Looks like there's another reward...!"

Su Chen originally planned to turn off the system interface, and was ready for a good night's sleep.

did not expect,

In the end, a realistic reward was drawn out!

【Oasis Server】

Su Chen quickly scanned the reward profile,

The corners of the mouth rise unconsciously,

This is the platform of my dreams!.

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