The Opening Release Titanfall, I Was Exposed Globally

Chapter 88 Final Assembly Point, Dome

The little girl was shocked!

Ears straightened up, not daring to miss any details of the IMC conversation!

Blisk's indifferent voice then sounded:

【I don't care, let's destroy it, what about the pilot who drives it?】

Ash: [I-we will deal with him. 】

[This entire facility was built for killing. 】

[I want to be sure that when necessary, I can have the highest authority to use this facility. 】

When little girl Dai heard that BT was going to be destroyed, her heart almost exploded!

If it wasn't for the sake of not missing any key information, Xiaomei would now turn off this IMC communication module!

Then kill it all the way!

Little Sister Dumb resisted this urge,

Brisk's indifferent voice sounded in his ear again:

【Ash, I didn't hire you to treat this place as an amusement park. 】

[When necessary, destroy that place completely, just like the factory in District 13. 】

[The call is over. 】

The rustling IMC communication tone was interrupted immediately.

Hearing the factory in the thirteenth district, the shadow in the heart of little girl Dai who experienced a close-range nuclear explosion spread over in an instant.

However, what is more urgent right now is that these Bs actually say they want to dismantle BT!

This is the first time I heard such a clear order from IMC,

In the flat chest of the dull little girl, raging anger burst forth in an instant!

Without saying a word, jump directly onto the assembly line!

"Can this shit bear it? Take down BT?"

"Who's this B Ash? And that Brisk! WDNMD!"

"Fuck you! Sister A kill kill kill!"

"But that Ash said that this facility was built for killing, how could it be like a furniture factory?"

"What furniture factory, it's obviously a construction factory!"

"I don't really understand the thoughts of the IMC group!"

"Look! The one that Sister A jumped on is a roof!"

"Fuck, it's true! It seems that it was processed on the production line just now!"

"Made is so mysterious, this facility! What will this giant production line be in the end?!"

"I don't know! Sister A's progress is about the same as Eggplant's now, and I don't see any other anchors progressing much faster than this."

"Damn it, Sister A is so awesome."

"You know the hammer, this is the power of love with BT!"

"Love? Brotherhood!"

buzz buzz

the muffled sound of an assembly line running,


Dai Xiaomei is now standing on a large flat glass roof.

The feet are all transparent glass.

You can tell at a glance that this is one of the roof assemblies of the mysterious building.

A brief lull.

Only the sound of the assembly line running upwards.

Little girl Dai looked down at her feet, but a few seconds passed,

I have already stepped on the entire transparent roof glass, rising to a height of tens of meters.

The little girl suddenly realized,

The running speed of the entire assembly line is at !

Above, even a glare of faint light shone in.

Compared with the IMC assembly line that the little girl jumped and climbed before, the speed is like a snail now!

The voice of BT suddenly appeared in my mind:

[Cooper, the mechanical facilities on the next section of the road will be very dangerous]

The little girl suddenly raised her head,


Suddenly there was a huge earthquake under my feet!

Little Sister Dai reacted immediately,

This is over the top!


In the next second, the glass roof under his feet was instantly pulled to a ninety-degree bend.

The assembly line that was originally transported all the way up was straightened horizontally in a blink of an eye.


There was a piercing cutting sound in the ears of the little girl who stayed!

Not far from the horizontal assembly line,

A giant cutting machine shoots out several dazzling red lasers,


Cut through giant building accessories like a hot knife through butter!

The scorching air waves generated by the laser-cut steel plate even rushed in front of the little girl!

Seeing this scene in the live broadcast room, the audience of Shuiyou was shocked and fell to the ground:

"Damn it reminds me of the cutting room in the movie Zombie Crisis!"

"A steel plate as thick as Nima can be cut just like tofu!"

"If you meet anyone, give half of it!"

"Fuck, this corner design is a real hell! The producer is too malicious!"

"Run, sister A!!!"

The little girl Dai in the live broadcast screen was shocked and shocked,

The movement of the body did not fall at all,

rub it,

leaping fast,


Cooper's swift figure landed firmly on the track next to the assembly line.

"Sister Bullfrog!"

"Is this reaction really you? Or is someone acting on behalf of you?"

"What a fart for the VR game generation!"

…0 for flowers……

"Sister A has really evolved! Now it's Sister B!"

All kinds of exaggerated barrage in the live broadcast room were clearly transmitted to the ears of Dai Xiaomei.

The audience water friends are right,

In the first half of the factory scuffle, I really improved!

In the past, I am afraid that I want to directly experience the horror of being cut by laser in VR!

Think about the weak feet!

The ghost knows what kind of simulation sense that game producer Su Chen will use!

The little girl let out a sigh of relief,

"This should be the second half of the entire facility, no, it should be the last section!"

The reason why the little girl is so sure,

It is because of the assembly line here that the running speed has suddenly increased many times!

And the final assembly goal is becoming clearer and clearer.


Blocks of steel plates have been compressed and cut in the previous section of the assembly line. polished,

On the production line in front of you, it is being assembled at full speed!

A cave passage along the assembly line,

A light shines in front of you!

The little girl took a deep breath and ran towards the bright light.

"Lying in a trough..."

Dai Xiaomei had just rushed out of the cave entrance, and the assembly line beside her was still rumbling, and the transportation continued forward.

Looking up, the pupil earthquake!

Following Dai Xiaomei's gaze, the game screen in the live broadcast room quickly zoomed away again.

Switch quickly from first-person to third-person.

The water friends in the live broadcast room just watched the audience buzzing!

"My mother, this is......"

"Too shocking..."

"What kind of black technology is this? Damn it!"

"If you have no culture, you can only use shit"

Above Dai Xiaomei, there are more than a dozen identical giant assembly lines, reciprocating non-stop,

Tens of thousands of cut steel plates, glass, roofs, lawns,

and thousands of different interior room modules,

All are neatly separated,

Keep going upwards!

It seems to be forming a mysterious huge building!

When the little girl was amazed,

In Nuoda's final assembly space, I suddenly thought of an indifferent mechanical female voice!

【It's really admirable, Iron Pilot. 】

【You actually made it this far. 】

【Unfortunately, there is only one way out here. 】

【Come up to the top, if you can do it. Husband】.

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