The Opening Sign To the Seven Fairy Sisters

Chapter 116 Senior Sister's Whereabouts!

Ye Chen walked over slowly and stood in the crowd, frowning slightly.

Then move your fingers lightly.

In an instant, a flying sword suddenly fell from the sky and shot towards those who bullied the old gentleman and the little girl.

Ye Chen is not a saint.

He also didn't want to pay attention to the conflict because of what happened.

What he sees now is that those big men are bullying the old man, who just made friends with him yesterday.

If that's the case, then he killed those who bullied the old man, it's not too much!

I saw an immortal sword instantly stabbed towards the strong man holding the collar of the old man.

The strong man was shocked and quickly tried to avoid it.

However, he found that he could not avoid it at all.

The long sword slid across his throat instantly.

A red line instantly appeared above his neck.


I saw the strong man fell to the ground.

His eyes turned white and he died.

"No, it's a cultivator!"

"How can this little old man have an immortal cultivator helping him?"

"We are not opponents, run away!"

The rest of the companions were startled and tried to escape quickly.

However, the immortal sword seemed to have eyes, and it stabbed out in an instant, slashing the throat of the remaining individual. They all fell to the ground and became corpses, and none of them were spared.

"You... who the hell are you?"

"Why are you helping him?"

"If you kill me, I'll kill her first!" At this time, only the strong man who grabbed the little girl was left. He was terrified and didn't want to die like this, so he used the little girl to threaten .

However, he didn't know when, another fairy sword circled behind him, and a sword swept past.

Blood splattered.

He also died.

Ye Chen stood in the crowd with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

He hates people threatening him the most.

In this world, the person who can threaten him, unless he is stronger than him.

At this time, the people on the street were shocked.

There were quick discussions.

"It's a cultivator!"

"I didn't expect that this grandfather and grandson would have the protection of immortal cultivators."

Ye Chen didn't go out to meet.

Because he didn't want anyone to know that he saved the grandfather and grandson.

"Let's go, let's go look for news about Senior Sister!" Ye Chen turned around and smiled at Zhao Xiyao.

Zhao Xiyao looked at Ye Chen and said, "Do you do good deeds without leaving your name?"

Ye Chen chuckled: "If there is someone of use value, and I have done good deeds, I will definitely tell him to make him owe me favor, but those grandfathers and grandchildren have no use value, even if they owe me favor , how can they help me?"

Zhao Xiyao looked at Ye Chen, she didn't expect Ye Chen to say such philosophical words.

She looked at Ye Chen with big eyes and asked, "Then what did you do to us, will you let us know?"

Ye Chen smiled, stared into Zhao Xiyao's eyes and teased: "Of course, of course I want you to know, then you will be grateful to me, then fall in love with me, and then... May!"

At this time, Zhao Xiyao raised his head and snorted coldly, "Hmph, people won't fall in love with you!"

Zhao Xiyao raised her head, and looked at Ye Chen slightly from the corner of her eye.

Ye Chen looked at Senior Sister Qi like this, very funny.

The two came to a restaurant. Halfway through, Ye Chen also inquired about his senior sisters with many people who passed by, but no one had seen his senior sisters.

But yes.

This is just a city next to Luoyun City.

My brothers and sisters have been gone for three years,

How can there be any other sisters who will stay here?

Therefore, Ye Chen didn't have any hope at all.

Ye Chen and the others were in the tavern and ordered some good dishes.

At this time, I saw the old gentleman from before walking into the tavern with his granddaughter.

I saw Ye Chen and the others.

Immediately, he came to Ye Chen and saluted: "Young Master!"

Marven Ye didn't expect them to come to eat too, so he quickly said, "Oh, you haven't eaten yet, come and eat with us."

Marven Ye didn't mention what happened just now, because he didn't want to expose himself.

From the Holy Land of Immortal Fate to now, Ye Chen has been very stable, and he will never come forward if he doesn't need to come forward.

At this time, the old man came to Ye Chen and said directly, "Thank you, the old man, for your help!"

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Chen was a little shocked.

He didn't reveal his breath.

Didn't show up either.

How does this old gentleman know that he saved them?

"Why do you say that?" Ye Chen looked at the old gentleman calmly and asked.

The old man smiled and said, "Actually, it's not hard to guess."

"My granddaughter and I are lonely and helpless, and there is no one to help our granddaughter and grandson on weekdays, but the son came yesterday and gave my granddaughter such a good pipa, forming a good relationship.

At first glance, the son is not a local, because if he were a local, he would not dare to take action against those guys, so we can't think of anyone except the son to help! "

Ye Chen looked at this old gentleman, and he was indeed a storyteller.

Lenovo's ability is really good.

Ye Chen smiled, and did not continue to hide, and said lightly: "Why do those people deal with your grandsons?"

At this time, the old gentleman sat down and said slowly, "That's all because of my prodigal son, he didn't do a proper job, got addicted to drugs, and then got out of control, and later went to the underground bank to borrow money to gamble. , The gambling family was ruined, and Xiaolian's mother was also disheartened and left my son.

Later, for some unknown reason, my son disappeared, and the people in the underground bank couldn't find my son, so they came to me and Xiaolian.

If it wasn't for the young master to take action just now, I'm afraid that Xiaolian would have..."

"So, thank you son for your shot."

At this time, the old gentleman pulled Xiaolian and knelt down towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen hurriedly said, "Get up quickly!"

At this time, the child named Xiaolian said quickly: "Thank you, big brother, you are a good person like that sister!"

Ye Chen smiled, looked at Xiaolian and said, "That sister...?"

At this time, Xiao Lian immediately said: "Xiao Lian was seriously ill at that time and was about to die, that elder sister, like the big brother, gave Xiao Lian an elixir after listening to Grandpa's story.

After Xiaolian took the medicine pill, she was fine. "

As soon as these words came out, Ye Chen was shocked.

After listening to the old gentleman's story, he gave the little girl an elixir.

If this old gentleman was talking about himself at the time, then, that elder sister...could it be your senior sister?

Ye Chen quickly looked at Xiaolian and said, "What's that sister's name? Where is she now?"

Xiaolian shook her head.

At this time, the old gentleman said slowly: "At that time, a girl gave Xiaolian an elixir, saying that she thanked us for being able to tell the story of the patriarch of the Holy Land of Immortal Fate, but after that, she left, and we don't know where she went. ."

Ye Chen was a little suspicious, it seemed that one of his senior sisters had been here before.

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