"Judgment day?" The ancient emperor looked at Ye Chen.

"Hmph, back then our human race was the supreme dynasty, and these races were just a bunch of rabble. When did our human race talk about them bullying us."

The ancient emperor was suddenly furious.

Ye Chen also remembered that someone said it.

Their human race was the largest race in the Upper Realm back then.

Only later, after the power of the human race disappeared.

Only other races dare to take action against the human race.

Otherwise, just relying on those races, dare to violate the human race?

This also shows that the human race of that year, whether in the upper realm or anywhere, was the top existence.

just now.

The human race gradually declined.

However, it seems that Ye Chen also understands his mission to travel to this world.

Come to this world and get such a powerful golden finger.

Perhaps it is to lead the human race to rise again.

At this time, the ancient emperor looked at Ye Chen and said, "Boy, I am very optimistic about you. With your strength, you will definitely be able to lead our human race to rise. Now, I will pass on my strength to you!"

As he spoke, he saw that this small world was very dim, lacking in light, with ribbon-like haze lingering, and the ground cracked, spreading like a spider web into the distance. Not only that, but the void, too, could collapse at any time.

Just because this brilliance can fill the whole small world, full of peace and sacredness, it can be concluded that this is a treasure.

This shocked him, these waterfalls are all transformed by auspiciousness. Under the aura of the emperor, he is so comfortable, as if he is about to lift up the sky, what kind of baby is this?

In particular, Ye Chen's breath resonated with the emperor's breath. Triggered the influx of mysterious qi, and the dragon qi around the body, which made him feel even more extraordinary.

The falling dragon energy and mysterious power are as majestic as the sea.


The whole world was shaken, the misty dragon energy and the endless auspicious light all disappeared, and the scene in the depths of the giant palace was visible.

Everyone could see that on the highest throne, Ye Chen sat majestically, looking down, his whole body seemed to have a special secret power, as if he was born with the atmosphere of heaven and earth, and he had a spirit of swallowing mountains and rivers.

He was clearly a young man, but sitting high on the seat gave people an endless sense of oppression, which shocked everyone and made their hearts awe-inspiring.

Ye Chen looked at them coldly, and the breath on his body became stronger and stronger, as if the luck between heaven and earth had gathered towards him, and he was about to become a heavenly emperor.


Suddenly, the great hall glowed, rushing up endless golden clouds, and a huge decree rushing up, reflecting on the sky, accompanied by a grand Taoist sound.

Slowly the breath of the royal road continued to fall from the sky.

Immediately, the aura of a human emperor continued to appear on Ye Chen's body.

One after another waterfalls fell, shrouding Ye Chen below. Like a series of curtains, he was covered tightly and guarded inside.

This shocked him, these waterfalls are all transformed by auspiciousness.

After all, it is the luck of the human race!

With luck, Ye Chen immediately felt very comfortable.

Just as Ye Chen was breathing, it resonated with the emperor's breath. Triggered the influx of mysterious qi, and the dragon qi around the body, which made him feel even more extraordinary.

The emperor's aura was ups and downs. Although it was only as big as a walnut, the falling dragon energy and mysterious power were as majestic as the sea, otherwise how could Ye Chen be shocked.

Suddenly, the emperor's breath trembled, becoming more and more crystal clear, and then began to spray Ruixia, covering Ye Chen's whole body, he was surrounded by infinite brilliance, like a young emperor.

"This is..." He felt that there was a "general trend" in the sky and the earth when he raised his hand, as if raising his hand could move mountains and overturn the sea and kill the Quartet.

Ye Chen raised his hand lightly, but his voice, like a thunderbolt, stirred in the Qin capital, and the decree in the air was even more splendid.

This is a huge voice, resounding through the sky and the ground, shaking people's souls are unstable, even the powerful monks are also discolored, this is the secret power of the soul, common harmony, extremely strong.

At this moment, immeasurable divine power erupted.

Ye Chen resonated with his heart and could transform into a kind of sacred power. At this time, the sky was vast.

The royal grace is mighty!

That's probably what it says!

Ye Chen's dharma was in the sky, and I saw a trace of divine power gathered together, rushing towards Ye Chen, blessing him, and forming a pillar of imperial dragon air.

The current Ye Chen, adhering to the fate of heaven and earth, sits high on the throne, and has inherited a secret power.

Ye Chen didn't introduce it into his body, but just let this air machine wrap his body and guard it. This is part of a country's air luck.

in his body. And the aura of the emperor and the emperor resonated with it, and more secret power flowed and blessed him, and Ye Chen became unfathomable for a while. Overwhelmed by a hazy light.

Suddenly, I saw a golden light shining in the sky.

The vision reflected Ye Chen in the sky.

Ye Chen walked to the throne and sat down slowly.

On Ye Chen's body, a golden dragon hovered beside him, and the emperor's breath burst out.

Nine dragons enchanted him, surrounding him.

One after another, the spirit of the emperor's way resonated continuously in Ye Chen's body.

Ye Chen stood above the sky, as if looking down at the world, looking down at Wansheng!

The jade-like sculpted appearance, the perfect brow shape complements his heroic spirit, the thin lips are tightly pursed, and the brows are tightly wrinkled, as if troubled by something, but this frowning appearance makes people feel awe from the bottom of their hearts.

Ye Chen stood with his hands behind his back, his sword eyebrows pierced his temples, his phoenix eyes were powerful, his appearance was unrestrained, his head was sturdy, his temperament was clear, his demeanor was cool, Xiao Shuxuan was high, and he was like a god.

The body is seven feet eight inches in length, with beautiful words and demeanor, and the shape of soil and wood is not decorated with algae.

His eyes are like fire, burning all the way to the bottom of people's hearts.

He was wrapped in a dazzling dragon-patterned python robe, only revealing the dragon-patterned bearskin golden boots, his arms hanging below his knees, and his hands heavy and powerful. large

The large cold light wrench finger is embedded in the fingertip, and the ring made of five-color gemstones is divided into the left and right fingers, which is very imposing.

"Boy, you have inherited the power of my Human Sovereign, don't humiliate the reputation of my Human Sovereign, let alone the reputation of my Human Race!" The voice of the golden light rumbled like the sound of the avenue.

Ye Chen looked at his senior and said with a salute: "Senior, I will definitely not be humiliated. In this life, I will lead the rise of the human race!"

"Hahaha...well, good!"

"It's just an upper bound. I believe in you. One day, you will lead the human race to the peak again. No, you are stronger than I thought. Maybe you, one day, can fight side by side with those people." The voice sounded again.

"Those people? Who are they?" Ye Chen asked immediately.

"Hahaha... When you reach that state, you will know that my mission has been completed, farewell, little guy!"

After speaking, the golden light in front of Ye Chen gradually disintegrated.

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