Wu Feng saw Yu Jiang rushing directly towards the skeleton warrior and hurriedly opened the communication channel with him.

“Yu Jiang, hurry up and give me back.”

Wu Feng said loudly.

“Don’t worry, Captain, my dual spear has an enhanced attribute that can deal 200% damage to undead targets, and can completely deal damage to those skeletons.”

From the other side of the channel came Yu Jiang’s excited voice.

“Then you can’t rush up alone, even if you are powerful, you can’t deal with so many skeletons, right? You hurry up and return to the team. ”

Wu Feng roared directly.

He now values Jiang very much, so he doesn’t want Yu Jiang to be impulsive and lose his life.

“Captain, if I don’t care, then if they attack the base, it will be helpless.”

After Yu Jiang finished speaking, he directly closed the communication channel.

Now in his eyes, these skeletons are not fierce monsters, but meritorious points.

Therefore, Yu Jiang will definitely not miss this opportunity to eat alone.

And in the base conference room, see the scene clearly.

Of course, he also saw Yu Jiang’s figure rushing up.

“Who is that person?”

Zhong Ruiming asked.

“This person is Yu Jiang of the Thunder Team, that is, the person with the recruit number 001.”

Luo Ting replied.

“What did he rush up on alone? Didn’t his captain order him back? ”

Zhong Ruiming pointed to the screen and scolded.

The most important thing in the base is to obey orders.

After three consecutive broadcasts, all the personnel retreated.

Only Yu Jiang disobeyed the order and rushed forward.

“I don’t know about this, I’ll ask about it later.”

Luo Ting replied helplessly in the face of Zhong Ruiming’s reprimand.

She didn’t know what Yu Jiang was thinking at all, and everyone else was helpless against this skeleton.

Wouldn’t it be tantamount to a vain sacrifice if he rushed up himself?

“Look, a good star of hope is annihilated here.”

Zhong Ruiming sighed.

The other district team captains also shook their heads and sighed, they all knew that some of the more senior captains could not take these skeleton warriors.

What can a recruit who has just entered the base do?

Therefore, in the hearts of each of them, it had long been determined that Yu Jiang was definitely a dead end.

Is this really the case?

Yu Jiang would definitely not let such a thing happen, he knew that with the blessing of Goldfinger, it was impossible for him to die.

That’s why he rushed over without scruples.

After seeing Yu Jiang rushing over, the skeleton warrior raised the big sword in his hand and slashed at Yu Jiang.

Yu Jiang directly dodged sideways, then raised the double gun in his hand and fired two shots directly at the skeleton warrior’s brain.

This skeleton warrior directly shattered into white bones and fell to the ground.


Yu Jiang said in his heart.

After the rest of the skeleton warriors saw their companions die, they directly rushed towards Yu Jiang angrily.

Yu Jiang learned from his helmet that he had a two-gun weapon, each with fifteen heavy rounds of heavy ammunition.

Two guns is a total of thirty rounds, enough to destroy fifteen skeleton warriors.

I saw Yu Jiang spinning in the air, shooting wildly in the process of spinning.

The head of each skeleton was hit by two bullets, and exactly fifteen skeletons were directly shattered into white bones.

After Yu Jiang found that his double gun bullets had been fired, he directly teleported into the distance in the face of the menacing skeleton.

Thirty rounds were taken out directly from his watch, and the two guns were replaced with bullets in a direct and dashing posture.

“It’s my turn!!”

Yu Jiang sneered and rushed directly towards the skeleton warrior.

These skeleton warriors never expected that Yu Jiang, who seemed to be very weak, would actually be so fierce, and wiped out many of their companions in an instant.

Yu Jiang’s scene was also seen by the unmanned aircraft above.

The entire base conference room was in amazement.

Yu Jiang’s wave of operations just now was definitely the highest realm of gun fighting art.

And directly killed fifteen skeleton warriors without hesitation.

“Why could he cause harm to these skeletons?”

Zhong Ruiming pointed to the screen and asked.

The captains of the five major regional teams were all in deep thought, and no one knew how Yu Jiang did it.

So many weapons did no harm to these skeletons, and Yu Jiang alone could kill the skeleton warriors.

Then he must have mastered the secret of the skeleton warrior.

“Chief, when I’m done, I’ll ask about it, and then submit it in the form of a report.”

Luo Ting replied.

“Well, okay.”

Zhong Ruiming nodded and said.

“Captain Luo, can you give Yu Jiang to us, let us cultivate him, and cultivate him into the brightest star in the base.”

At this time, Jia Feng, the captain of the kamikaze area, spoke.

The other district team captains knew that Jia Feng’s favorite thing was to recruit the elite members of other district teams to make their district teams stronger.

Of course, the distribution he used was also very simple, that is, to give this person a very high and high treatment, so that this person directly jumped ship.

Although it seems that the five major regional teams usually get along harmoniously, everyone knows that they are secretly shouting in private.

No one wants to be trampled on the top of their heads, and everyone wants to be the first district team in the base.

So after Jia Feng said this, the rest of the district team captains also began to think about Yu Jiang’s idea in their hearts.

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