The rankings of the second episode of"New Singer" were finally announced after He Ling's repeated efforts.

There were four commercials in the middle!

The show is now popular, so it is not surprising that investors have increased the amount of advertising.

The final rankings are: Su Cheng first, Vanxia second, and Nayoung third.

As for Rainie Yang, the song she chose was too difficult, and it was difficult for her to sing well.

Although it was a breakthrough for her, a competition is still a competition. If the jury does not approve and does not vote, it can only be regarded as a self-challenge.

In the end, she was the first contestant to be eliminated with the last comprehensive score.

After the results of the second episode were announced, it came to an end.

But the discussion about the singers has not diminished at all.

"The 50-year-old lady finally doesn’t have to carry the banner alone!"

"Fortunately, Su Cheng came, otherwise Vanxia’s"Burning Rain with Fire" would really be invincible!"

"《The song"The Difficult Sutra" was sung so well. How big a lung capacity must Su Cheng have to be able to sing so many lyrics in one breath, and his momentum became louder and louder!"

"This is not just about having a large lung capacity, what is needed is amazing breath control. Listen to the sound of other singers' breathing and then listen to Su Cheng's, and you will know how amazing he is!"

"Let me ask the almighty netizens, how can I sing without making breathing sounds? This one shortcoming has prevented me from becoming a multi-millionaire internet celebrity!"

"A suggestion for the person above: start by stopping snoring when sleeping!"

"I am considering whether to broadcast my sleep live, because my snoring is the melody of singing!"

The program recording ended.

Su Cheng was about to go back to the hotel when he was stopped by a poor Chinese voice.

""Hello, Master Su Ceng, wait a moment!"

Turning his head, he saw the foreign singer Fan Xiya walking over quickly.

If Su Cheng hadn't come to challenge her, she would have won first place without any suspense.

""You sang that song really well just now!"

Vanxia walked up to him and praised Su Cheng with a smile.

This Cana girl was born in the 2000s, and was one year younger than Su Cheng.

"Thank you! The song you just sang was great, too."

Business people still have to praise each other."

Vanxia continued with a smile on his face, speaking halting Chinese,"Not only this song tonight, I also really like your song 'Dragon Fist'》!"


She's still a little fangirl.

Su Cheng then remembered that he didn't seem to have paid attention to the Global Music Storm preliminaries. How is his"Dragon Fist" ranked now?

It seems that the voting and scoring will end tonight.

There is less than an hour left.

I don't know what my ranking is.

Seeing that Su Cheng was a little surprised, Vanxia continued to explain:

"After the first episode, I went back to Canada and found that"Dragon Fist" was very popular among my friends!"

He said as he made a Tai Chi starting posture.

It was quite standard.

However, only the posture was standard. Foreigners can only learn the form without the connotation and charm of Tai Chi.

However, this is also rare.

Su Cheng gave a thumbs up and praised,"Great!"

Vanxia was like a child praised by an adult, and he almost jumped up with joy.

"I also participated in WMG. Although my ranking was not as good as Dragon Fist, I had no problem getting into the top 16."

Vanshia has his own pride in music, like a combative little cock.

"I hope to hear more of your songs in Vienna!"

Su Cheng smiled,"Good luck!"

After saying that, he turned and left. From a few words, it was clear that this little girl just wanted to express her love for her songs.

And she was a little unwilling to admit defeat.

Vanxia looked at Su Cheng's back and said excitedly in English:

"He just wished me good luck! I'm going to tell my friends!"......

Back to the hotel room.

After washing up, I was about to open the canyon for a hearty fight.

A familiar crisp sound rang out, and a bright blue subtitle appeared in front of me.

【Ding! Main task two: win the second episode of"New Singer" championship (completed). 】

Won the first place in the second episode of the competition. This was already known to be completed when the host He Ling announced the results.

But there is a note for this main task, which is to obtain the recognition of at least 400 international cloud juries.

This is very difficult for other singers.

Because many of the international cloud juries are foreigners.

For them, they can't even understand Chinese, let alone Cantonese.

Fortunately, Su Cheng has [God-level Emotional Resonance]. Although he can't understand the lyrics, he can feel the artistic conception.

Now that the task has been completed, it seems that the recognition of four hundred international cloud juries is definitely achieved.

【Ding! Main Mission 1: Be selected as one of the top 16 teams in WMG and gain 50 million popularity points (completed)】

【Mission rewards will be issued soon, please wait......】

According to what Vanxia just said, Su Cheng knew that it should not be a problem for him to be selected into the top 16 of WMG.

After all, even such an excellent singer has become his"little fan girl".

It would be easy to get 50 million popularity points.

【Congratulations to the host for getting the god-level atmosphere】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining a god-level drum set. 】

Drum set?

Boost the atmosphere?

When Su Cheng saw these two skills, the first thing he thought of was rock and roll!

Is there anything that can boost the atmosphere better than rock and roll?

【Main quest is being updated......】

【Main task: In the third episode of"New Singer", bring excitement to the audience】

【Note: The audience must shout at a volume of more than 90 decibels. 】


90 decibels!

I guess that's the volume near the sound system.

That's the sound that can only be achieved by a large mechanical speaker.

Normally, more than 60 decibels is already very noisy.

If the noise exceeds 45 decibels for a long time at night, someone will complain about you in a minute!

And this task requires that the audience shout more than 90!

The difficulty is a bit high.

Just singing by yourself, the volume is still difficult to control.

The audience is"high", and the size of the shouting.

How to control it!

No wonder there is a skill reward of [God-level atmosphere promotion].

According to previous experience, the skills rewarded by the task are absolutely awesome.

Su Cheng is a little eager to try how powerful this atmosphere promotion is.

Even if it's not for completing the task.

Go to the nightclub to guest star in the atmosphere group.

It will definitely be exciting!

Then can't the little sister be taken away in a string?

Since it's rock, there are many songs to choose from.

A song broke into Su Cheng's mind.

With this song, the band can be popular for decades.

This song directly raised the starting point of Chinese rock.

《"Ashamed of myself"!

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