Su Cheng had, of course, seen jokes that mocked this conversation.

He also knew that almost no one abroad would greet someone like this.

But, it seemed as if these few sentences were already engraved in his genes.

When he heard"How are you", he couldn't help but continue. When

Dr. Fu heard Su Cheng's answer, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Is this what Teacher He meant by"good English level"?

Anyone with a higher level would not respond like this!

It seems that this star meets the conditions of his research topic.

It's not much different from"not knowing English at all"!

It's just that the time is a little shorter, a little more than a week, how much can you learn?

I'm afraid you can only learn to ask for directions in daily life! You may not even understand how to ask for directions.

Thinking of this, he said,"Since it is for daily communication abroad, let's teach some daily expressions!"

Su Cheng nodded. Learning some daily expressions is practical.

However, it seems that it cannot meet the needs of not wearing simultaneous interpretation headphones at the WMG competition.

After all, the program rules and the host's commentary also contain some professional vocabulary.

I have [God-level language talent】���Isn't it a waste to just learn a few daily expressions?

Dr. Fu continued,"The time is too short. There is only a little more than a week. We don't need to learn grammar or anything like that."

Su Cheng felt that it was not appropriate to learn only a few sentences. It would not be of much use to him.

"You still need to learn some grammar, so as to lay the foundation for clear communication."

Dr. Fu sneered at Su Cheng's answer. You think too much!

You are going to communicate clearly with foreigners in just one week?

As a doctor of English, he certainly knows how profound a language is.

Of course, foreign languages cannot be compared with Chinese.

Any language is dead easy compared to Chinese.

But you can't communicate clearly in a week.

Most students have studied in school for more than ten years, but they still can't speak a word clearly when they meet foreigners.

"Mr. Su, one week is too short to learn grammar alone. My suggestion is that you only need to master the most commonly used 30 sentences!"

Su Cheng frowned. If you only know more than 30 sentences, you have to wear translation headphones or hire a translator to follow you.

It's too troublesome.

"How about this, Dr. Fu, you try to explain it first, and we will start learning from grammar today.

Seeing the star opposite him so persistent, Dr. Fu raised his hand and pushed his glasses.

"Well, but let me make it clear that time is limited. If you waste a day today, you may learn four or five less sentences."

There is a reason why Dr. Fu agreed so readily.

Since the other party is so persistent, it is better to let him give up.

Wasting a day will make you understand how difficult it is to master a language, so that you can study daily expressions wholeheartedly in the future.

This is not bad.

But I still have some doubts in my heart.

Now no matter what school it is, English is a compulsory course. How could the other party not know the difficulty of English?

Could it be that he is busy making a debut and singing before he even finishes junior high school?

Dr. Fu never pays attention to the entertainment industry, and he doesn't even listen to songs or watch Douyin.

He doesn't know Su Cheng. He is even a little reluctant to let him teach Su Cheng.

If He Ling was not a friend of his father, he would not take this job.

If he had watched two short videos, he would know how popular Su Cheng is now.

However, he is still very satisfied with the tuition fee of 500 yuan per hour.

In addition, the other party's English level is really average, which meets the requirements of his research topic.

It is not a waste of time

"Then let's get started."

Dr. Fu said, opening a book he brought and putting it on the table.

The two sat close together and started teaching.

Fu Han was busy talking about grammar, not looking at Su Cheng's reaction at all, and didn't care whether the students understood or not.

In his opinion, in a week, he still wanted to learn grammar.

Isn't this a fantasy?

Just let the other party give up.

This is the purpose of today.

Fu Han spoke very quickly and finished the English grammar in just two hours.

During this period, Su Cheng occasionally asked the meaning of the words in the example sentences from time to time, and said nothing else.

Fu Han was very satisfied with this.

It seems that the other party is definitely listening to a book of heaven, otherwise why would he only care about the meaning of the words in the example sentences?

I'm afraid he doesn't understand anything else.

That's right.

Tomorrow, just learn daily expressions honestly. It's simple to say English.

Mastering dozens of commonly used sentences can meet basic communication needs.

Like Huang Zaitao, the phrase"fu**ck, mother" at the music festival, not only Chinese people can understand it.

Foreigners can understand it too!

"That's all for today, we'll officially start learning tomorrow."

After saying goodbye, he left.

Su Cheng was a little confused,"We'll officially start learning tomorrow?"

Didn't we already start today?

After a while, Su Cheng slapped his thigh.


Fu Han took the book that was just used for teaching!

He wanted to read the rest of the content.

With just these few things, it's not enough to learn!

Su Cheng felt very strange just now. He understood everything Dr. Fu said, except that he didn't know many words in the example sentences.

Everything else was what the teacher said, and he could draw inferences from it.

It felt like a red-hot iron placed on ice.

It melted at the touch of a button!

"Is this the power of [God-level Language Talent]?"

This feeling is really great!

Su Cheng even felt a little unsatisfied.

He changed his clothes and went downstairs to go to a nearby bookstore.

The doctor's lecture was good, but the content was too little.

It was not enough to learn.

He went downstairs and asked the girl in the hotel lobby about the location of the nearby bookstore.

Fortunately, Xinhua Bookstore was only one street away from the hotel where he was staying.

He strolled over and found the postgraduate entrance examination preparation book area.

He flipped through three English grammar books in a row. They were almost the same as what Dr. Fu said.

This shows that this doctor still has some real talent.

However, English grammar is just that little.

I really don't understand why I found it so difficult to learn when I was in school.

It even feels harder than math.

He flipped through two grammar books from different publishers. He also silently did some grammar questions in his mind.

So easy!


English grammar, done!

Su Cheng looked at the Oxford Dictionary.

Grammar could no longer satisfy his strong desire for knowledge.

Now it was like a dried sponge, eager to fill his body with knowledge.

At this time, Su Cheng had a glimmer of enlightenment.

"It turns out that I don’t dislike studying."

It’s that I don’t get positive feedback during study, so I feel tired.

If studying is like playing games, you can constantly gain a sense of accomplishment.

Or like watching short videos, you can constantly stimulate your brain and get instant satisfaction.

If studying can stimulate your G-spot, then no one will not love studying!

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