Su Cheng did the same thing as yesterday.

At the same time, he came to Xinhua Bookstore again.

In addition to reading a few more books on pronunciation, he also wanted to find out if there were any books on daily conversation.

The English teacher he hired didn't seem very reliable.

It wasn't because of his knowledge.

It was mainly because he learned too fast, which was unimaginable for an"ordinary person" like a doctor.

He came to the postgraduate entrance examination area.

Su Cheng was looking at English books on pronunciation.

A girl dressed like a student came over, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses.

She said timidly,"Little brother, are you preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination?"

Postgraduate entrance examination?

Su Cheng was stunned, and then he realized.

This is indeed the postgraduate entrance examination information area.

It is reasonable to be mistaken for a postgraduate entrance examination.

"No, I'm just learning some English. I need it soon."

Since he mastered the vocal skills and breath control, Su Cheng's voice is full of charm.

The girl opposite blushed visibly.

She lowered her head and asked,"Can I add WeChat?"

Su Cheng's voice was so low that he could hardly hear it.

This is because you have never asked others for WeChat before, right?

You are so shy.

Su Cheng felt a little happy, but he didn't want to fall in love yet.

He was about to refuse.

He heard the girl say anxiously,"I saw you yesterday, but I didn't dare to talk to you. I regretted it all night when I went back. Can we get to know each other?"

It seemed that she noticed that Su Cheng wanted to refuse


Su Cheng hesitated, but still agreed.

From the other party's reaction, it can be seen that the other party may be a girl with some social anxiety.

She asked for her WeChat. I don't know how much courage she mustered.

After the two added WeChat, the girl with black glasses ran away.

Su Cheng shook his head."

Okay, you should introduce yourself.

Just leaving like that?"

I was just thinking about whether to give my real name, after all, I am a big V on Weibo with 50 million fans.

Who knew that the other party not only did not recognize me, but didn't even ask my name!

At this time, Su Cheng had read almost everything.

He picked up two books about common expressions at random and left Xinhua Bookstore......

The next day, Friday.

During the day, there was a rehearsal for the show.

All the contestants came to the scene.

Su Cheng saw that Adam was also there.

He was wearing a suit, without long nails and high heels.

""Not free enough!"

Su Cheng sighed.

In foreign shows, this one is very unrestrained.

His dancing is also quite enchanting.

During the rehearsal, Adam sang his most famous song.

《Whataya Want from Me, literally means"What do you want from me".

But everyone prefers its transliteration name,"I don't have the destiny of bringing good luck to my husband".

Bringing out one's most famous song is a great respect for Mango TV.

In other words, it is a great respect for Chinese fans.

Su Cheng sang"Shameless" with the band and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

The band of Mango TV is still very good.

It was a success.

After everyone finished rehearsal

《The New Singer TikTok account announced Adam's top song tonight.

《whataya want from me".

Just a few minutes after it was released, it received over 100,000 likes.

This music variety show has become completely popular after two episodes.

Although it is not even June yet, and not even half of the time has passed.

But now we can say that this is the hottest variety show of the year!

In the past,"Singer" would only invite second-tier foreign singers to run as runners-up.

This year, Mango TV seems to have discovered a new world.

Directly invite Grammy contestants to participate in the competition and top the charts.

The appearance fee is lower than that of Chinese traffic stars, and the popularity is even higher.

Just under the video announcing Adam's song that topped the charts, there are more than 30,000 comments.

"《whataya want from me》!!! He kicked the guy to death!"

"Thinking that he might drop a bomb, he just dropped an atomic bomb!"

"Han Hong: Never mind, Yalaso!"

"Oh my god!! Aaaaaaaaaah I'm going crazy Aaaaaaaah!"

"Adam: Be content. I didn't win Bohemian Rhapsody. I respect the old and love the young."

"Bloom! I am the most beautiful!"

"It’s okay, they have Adam, we have Abi!"......

Evening, 7:50

《The live broadcast room of"New Singer" has 800,000 viewers.

And these are all paid members of Mango TV.

One program has added millions of membership subscriptions to Mango TV.

It has to be said that the planning of this year's music variety show is quite successful.

First, a"50-year-old lady guarding the country's gate" successfully broke the circle.

Then Su Cheng was invited to challenge.

The quality of the work stabilized the audience who came to watch.

The third episode even invited Adam, who has his own popularity and topics.

The live broadcast room was full of barrages

"Who will compete with Adam today?"

"Isn't it Hailai Amu? It's hard to beat the others."

"You little black people, I think Eminem's songs are good, I like this kind of earthy and exciting songs"

"You also said that Phoenix Legend’s songs were tacky back then, but now you all like them, right?"

"In China, you can even see Hailai Am and Adam competing on the same stage!"

"Seriously speaking, judging from previous experience, Su Cheng's song"Shameless" is definitely going to be another hit."

"The people above may be disappointed. I have a friend who listened to two sentences of it during the rehearsal. It is a rock song, and the high notes are not very high."

"If it's really rock, it's not good, Adam's song is his most famous song."

Netizens even made a ranking of the competition. They didn't care about the program rules that the songs that topped the charts would not be included in the ranking.

The top two in this prediction are Adam and Su Cheng.

The order of the two kept changing, and it can be said that they were very close.

The next three are Vanxia, Shantimo and Naying.

In terms of strength, it is indeed the case. After all, Hailai Eminem and Ershiyueji are both invincible in their own fields.

But the competition is a bit not good enough.

At 8 pm

"Good evening, audience friends!

He Ling appeared on the live broadcast screen on time.

"Welcome to the third episode of"New Singer". There are six contestants participating in this episode, all of whom are familiar singers."

"In addition, there is another singer who will be on the charts tonight."He Ling said this, paused for a moment, and announced loudly,"He is Adam Lambert!" There was warm applause and cheers at the scene.

Although everyone knew that Adam was coming, the audience was still very excited when the host announced it.

The screen of the live broadcast room was instantly filled with the two words"Adam!"

"Are you all looking forward to it now? As the singer who topped the charts this time, who will be his opponent?"

He Ling kept it a secret as always,"Adam's opponent will be the last singer to perform on stage."

As the singer who topped the charts, Adam was arranged by Mango TV to be the last to perform.

And his opponent will be the last to perform.

Putting the two PK songs together can avoid the influence of other singers in the middle.

This arrangement is still very reasonable.

"Next, please welcome the first singer tonight."He Ling shouted:


"The song he brought us is: See You Then》!"

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